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Garrett May 2013
Such and endless amount
Of paperwork to be done
Exam for this, test for that, sign here
Such tremendous future endeavours
And so much planning for the time ahead
All I want is a passport
To bus my way to you
Written May 2nd
Garrett May 2013
As crazy as it might be
This callus is a beautiful thing to me
What's an ego to go unbruised?
What's a heart left unabused?

I didn't get this hardened shell
From concrete, glass, or fires of Hell
Why dwell on the knell you gave my cerebral gel.
I'm under someone else's spell

My palace with this Alice
Unshared with such malice
As what gave me this callus
It should be just now, us

I can say with a sense of pride
I needn't abide by a bride
Whos the great divide on each side
Without intention, will break my stride

I won't be denied
This emotional high tide
This woman which I confide
My side, a guide astride this distance ride

This callus thick of scorned love
Glad you're not what I'm thinking of.
Garrett May 2013
For nothing ever meant more
Than to gain such praise
Equally idolized in thought and emotion
Such as a straight forward maze

Never fetter as to make yourself known to me
Create yourself shimmering and vibrant
Not that you would go unnoticed
But so my expression never fall silent

Stand for what your excellence is
Your true uncompromised nature
You know just as well as I do
Our expression is crafted as a glacier

I feel your deepest expression
You brought yourself into me
As I more than return such favour
We plant such seed to be such tree

And most late nights it's that
There's nothing else that I could do
But lay awake in an empty bed
My solitary thought could only be you
I meant to compare expression to an iceberg, but I said glacier.

Garrett Apr 2013
Such intensive feelings
Met half way
Under one sky
Along one shore

Such pixelated grins
Met half way
Under glass screens
Along one call

For every minute spent in
Questionably unrequited waters
My lungs filled
My head went under
Until I was set in my ways
To swim to the surface
And let such expression loose
and be it such boundless expression

For all intents and purposes
I am insane with such promise
That is your presence
Rubber room bound
In a warm embrace
Of a straight jacket
Signed, yours truly

And so we meet upon mutual feeling
On a glass horizon
That we might not dare break
Lest we see how far
We might have to fall
For one and another
Garrett Apr 2013
Let's Be
Garrett Apr 2013
Two contrasting social situations

Putting central function
On the requirements of oneself
On best interests of others
Set outside perspective
Leading towards enlightenment
Lead towards an idea of truth
Following from this
Purposeful  conveying
Purposeful connection  
Garrett Apr 2013
Subtle focus
Small screen

Background hiss
Comfortable silence

Under cover
Night clad

Muffled yawn
Greatful smile

Quietly observe
Closest distance

Pink lips
Soft hue

Bright eyes
Hazel, brown

Heads met
With pillows

Lights off
Laptop light

Speaking whispers
Eye contact

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