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Garrett Mar 2013
She sticks to your skin like sleep on leather
She's potent as gin and light as a feather
She's spending the night in your temporal lobe
She'll dance in your head, in her sequin robe

A craftsman of fantasy
Your minds beautiful synergy
She's a brainwave
****** electricity

She makes cave paintings on bones
Her pictures mystic and unknown
So much like primitive nature
Running over with every tone

Your mind is domicle to her
Your mind is canvas to her
She grows like wanted weeds, like the clung dirt on seeds
She crawls the minds walls, She's vines all in a sprawl

She's your minds mistress
Making mental mischief
Thoughts you have are her's through you
She's there like glue to intrigue you
Not one of my better poems, but a combination of a love for amateur neurology and having writings concerning women.
Garrett Mar 2013
I'm gonna *****
all of the butterflies from
lover's full stomach
Garrett Mar 2013
I don't want
to talk about you
to talk about a memory

I'd rather not pine away at what was
or what could have been
what should have been

I don't care about it any more
I shouldn't care about it any more
I can't care about it any more

I should be creating
Creating what I had
With someone else

Sweet nothings and
Passionate love and
Moments of tenderness are all still there

They're festering in my head
No other sweet nothing was as sweet
Other nothings devoid of sweetness.

My love is as passionate
Without you
It doesn't make me want to save it for you any less

No moments came so tender
Ripe fruit of playful young adulthood
I wouldn't dare forget such moments

You're a muse
You're my creative high
For every single wrong and right reason

You're the only reason I'm up at 4am
You're the only reason I'm writing this poem
For every single peak and valley

I don't want to talk about any of it
That's private
But I think about all of it

I should have better things to do
Than pine away and think of you
Crisp Autumns alone under orange leaves

I know the feeling isn't mutual
I know if you did the same
You would have gone insane

I'd break bones to save you from a bruise
In the hopes that you would do the same
I'd never let you break a bone, you can let me bruise for you

It's too much
It's far too much of me to put
Into something with no means to an end

I love it and hate it
But a part of you is in there
It's never coming out

It never should
I'd hate to lose it
So I'll gladly carry it

I have to move forward while carrying you
Watch me as I
Collect another one like you

I only wanted a collection of one
For only one me to be collected
One beautiful complete us

Another me is up for collection
So watch her as she
Collects another one of me
4:07 a.m. March 26th - Mission
Garrett Mar 2013
The two-thirty train
Sweeps beside the river
I spent this moment in silent meditation
So many nights
So much of Spring
So much of Summer

This train is beautiful ambient noise
accompanying every thought filling this room
a soundtrack of clarity
I thought of laying awake with you
from a distance
I thought of laying awake alone somewhere else
missing the two-thirty train

It's starting to smell like Spring
It's starting to smell like Summer
It makes me think closeness
It makes me think of distance
Its a sick sweetness
I fondly remember moments far from fond

We stayed up talking on a school night
Youthful indiscretion
Half asleep giving anything to stay up
Wanting to see inside of what you thought you were
Wanting to hush your mind
What you thought you should be but weren't

Some nights I vividly recall shallow breathing right beside me
Inside my ears
You were as much here as you were there
I fall asleep with your breath tucked away in my brain
If I close my eyes you're beside me
But unable to embraced

Some nights I wouldn't dare sleep
Busy big hands with a little screen
Clicking touch-pad letters
Giving you a thousand reasons to stick around
A thousand resolutions
A thousand promises
And my thousands hours at your disposal

It's noon the next morning
You've yet to wake
I questioned if you would
In my mind we stayed up till dawn
Nursing you with what I have at my disposal
Sweet words
Every one true

The night before, I had heard the train
I was slumped into my pillow
Observing you from a distance
Asking that anything salvage you
Asking to carry your burdens
I begin to bargin
That you stick around longer with me

I lay here
Where I laid then
The train is beautiful ambient noise
I slip away from these memories
In time to hear the train depart
Its been a year and I think about that night
You woke up
I always want to make sure you do

— The End —