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DustBall Mar 2015
I love it out here
In the middle of grasslands and
Old houses built on farms
The sky's the limit out here
The air is pure and just right
Giving me crazy ideas about flying and living too
Everything is clear
You may pass 2 cars on the way into town
Dilapidated houses and barns
Scattered all about
They may not be habitable
But they still look homely to me
I'd take this over the smog
And smoke of the cities
That make you choke
Over the people tons and thousands of them
That riddle you with claustrophobia And pretenses with hidden intentions
I'd take the quiet loneliness over the inability to sleep due to noise inflictions
Every. Single. Day. I would choose this breathtaking place
DustBall Mar 2015
When I feel hopeless I look at you.
You break the void I create everyday.

Keep me safe, here, in your arms
Kiss my head and hold me tight.

The blood in my veins feels hot.
My heart beat drowns out everything but the image of your face.

I accept you for who you are and
I need you for the sake of sanity.
DustBall Mar 2015
It happened all at once
Just like a sun rise;
It was dark then suddenly light filled the void
You left me with
DustBall Mar 2015
Out of the blue
You took my heart
You didn't steal it
But I gave it to you
DustBall Mar 2015
You taught me to believe in people
But not to trust them
To love but with conditions
Don't do things to regret
But do all you can
Push yourself in every way possible
Don't test the limits at the same time
Be fun and easy going
While keeping a straight mindset
What you taught me has always given me trouble as I move forward
You're a double negative
That keeps me confused
And as I try to follow your instructions
I hurt myself with confliction
DustBall Mar 2015
Catch me in your arms
When I stumble and fall
I need your safe arms
Wrapped around me
But don't let me go
You can't because if you do
I could break into millions of shards
You keep me together
Just don't leave
DustBall Mar 2015
You shock me
With your caring demeanor
That no one has any more
You clear everything
In my eyes when I look at you
The fog goes away and I rememeber
Everything I need too when I'm with you
You take everything
That doesn't make sense
So you can figure it out and share
To make sure I know it too
Your crazy vocabulary
Is what I live for
You and I
We need each other
More than anyone realizes
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