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DustBall Mar 2015
I already gave up on you
I can't betrey myself enough to look at your face
You didn't want me
But I gave you my all
In hopes of acceptance not rejection
You made everything real and alive
Now the world seems bland and dead
Just like the love I've finally
Washed off my skin
DustBall Feb 2015
Your eyes hold continents
Bold and bursting with life
Holding promises
Just for me
DustBall Feb 2015
I was okay
I could handle my life
Then you came
Then you showed me to disregard everything I knew
To follow you
To leave behind those who didn't understand what we had
We were so gone
We ran from everything with structure
You helped me live
You opened all the doors that were closed
Letting me go in first
Then closing the door behind me
You didn't follow where you lead me too
You left me all alone
And on my own here I am
Learning to be by myself
Learning to forget you
DustBall Feb 2015
If only you loved me for who I am
If only you needed me for how I make you happy and comfortable
If only you wanted me for me
If only I had you as mine
If only life was fair to me and you
If only I could hold your hand
If only you wanted to hold mine too
DustBall Feb 2015
You should probably break my heart
So I know what it feels like
Maybe I'll be prepared for the day that it shatters
I deserve the pain
For all the pain I've given others
I guess I forgot I had a heart
For awhile anyway
But I found it
In the process hurting two
I do deserve whatever comes my way
Especially the cold from you
And my feelings that rush in toward
My chest
That I need to expend
DustBall Feb 2015
If you want to go somewhere
I want to take you there
I want to be the one
To hold your hand
As we run
Not with a loaded gun
But with a silver tongue
A crisp walk and a happy life
To go with everything you may
Have lost along the way
DustBall Feb 2015
So many beautiful stars in the sky tonight
But none of them mean a **** thing
Cause you aren't here with me
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