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 Jul 2013 speakeasied
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
Do you ever think about
what it would be like
if you had died that night?

With bitter words,
I do.

Have you ever thought of
the one less name called
at graduation?

Of all the empty

An empty bed,
a disconnected phone number,
a fresh memory,
one less prom ticket,
one less twin,
one more grave.
In my own handwriting.
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
Nate Allen
I am me.
Trying to stay free of any and all forms of tyranny.
Expectations and assumptions beat me down.
I am being crammed into a glass box 5 sizes too small for my body,
Being crushed on all sides as the walls close in around me,
Banging fists of fury as I seek a fault in its corners.
I cannot find a single one.

I cannot recall the time or place when it all began,
The words came slowly at first, trickling in.
Soon they were cascading into my mind.
I knew if I didn't break free I'd drown.

I can hear the voice,
But my screams are shut out by society-plugged ears.

Words shackling me to these transparent walls,
Throat burning as screams yield to croaks,
Lungs bursting from the foreign atmosphere filling them,
Mind shattering in the way i wish glass did,
Thoughts breaking as words come crashing in.

No escape,
No release,

I am society.
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
we haven't spoken in months but
just so you know, today
we're fighting
'cause when he tried to kiss me
in ohio
i wouldn't let him,
feeling guilty as my
is with you
in california
beating on the floor
while you listen
to the sound
of hers.
My aunt is 40 years old and she was coloring
with crayons on the bathroom floor after a bad spell.
We kept them in the cabinet under the sink
so she could pull them out to calm her down,
or pull her out,
of the dream she was having over glazed eyes that weren't sleeping.
She would talk to us about silly things
that happened to her or how she met
her husband after the war in his pretty,
neat, and navy blue military jacket.

She really met my uncle
on the train to Chicago in 1977,
but we don't tell her that because it doesn't make a difference
and it won't make her feel any better.
The truth never really does that
I've learned.

That's the thing about the rest of your life.
When you're sixteen and beautiful with
a cute brown bob and eyes to match
you think you can do anything
and when you picture
the rest of your life it doesn't include
lying in a bath robe talking to your niece
about something you never did or never had
with spit on your chin and hands that need washed
coloring a picture in a book meant for kids.

You never thought you'd be stuck
being a kid
Out of control,
and a little bit beautiful
through things.
You never thought you'd be missing some parts,
or you'd be spacey
or empty
in bad, bad moments like this.

But that's how it is and that's how it was
for my aunt as she tried to formulate her thoughts
into something she was dying and dying to tell me.

I didn't know what she wanted or how to
all the things I didn't quite understand were happening.
All I know is that she
is a child
and children need attention, to be played with, and to be loved.
So I picked up a crayon and starting coloring
around the edges she had missed
trying to fill her in.
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
K Mae
bleeding through dimensions
shark tooth on the shore
cyber friend gets real to me
coming through the mail
dimensions blurring once again
now question what is real
the choice is ours to validate
expanding grace
contracting hate
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
On my roof
with a cigarette
the night wind
comforting me again
the warm burn of the cigarette touches my lips
i stare at the stars
and for a second i lose myself.
Your hypnotizing voice brings my back
you grab my hand
as we lay side by side
chain smoking
feeling alive.
You grab a strand of my hair
that the breeze blew your way
and run your fingers along.
I lay there
feeling your touch
smelling you
your electric
enticing smell.
You pull me on top of you
as soon as i finish smoking
and you say i'm like a forest fire
i burn with a fire so bright it lite's up my eyes,
my soul.
I destroy
but only myself
for i am the forest and the fire
You say i'm dangerous to be infatuated with.
"You can get lost
trying to navigate
through your mind
along your skin,
that is the forest floor.
And then you'll be trapped
when the fire starts ablaze
and you won't try to run
because you will be distracted by your beautiful burning light
and your beautiful burning forest
your beautiful burning skin.
You won't even feel the burn.
All you will feel is your body pressed against your own
and your hair tickling my skin
like flames
and your burning fingertips brushing along my body
making me feel alive
and your lips softly brushing against mine
like the leaves of a tree."
He stops and looks up at me,
"but i will stand in the flames and i will hold you
because i am not afraid to be burned,
not if it's by you."
"But what if i burn out? When there is no forest left,
when the flames are gone
when there is no heat
only my cold beating heart."
He smiled and kissed my forehead
"then i will watch you grow new tree's
and if you can't
i will plant seeds
a whole new forest will grow,
and then i will give you a match."
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
I've read poems about the way
sleepy lovers watched eyelids flutter
softly, like tiny butterflies
perched on daisies and wilting white roses.

I could only compare the light movements
of your eyes to the sun painting the clouds
in a way which made me wish to reach
into the sky and pluck harps by golden gates.

but I don't believe in angels.

I've read poems about coffee stained lips
and menthol cigarettes dancing
between fingertips, to match soft
Good Mornings and mumbled I Love You's.

I could only compare your speech
to the songs curling from the heavens
at three o clock in the morning,
as the quiet world sleeps and I
strain to hear broken lullabies.

but I don't believe in angels.

I've read poems about boys with irises
that run a thousand miles deep,
with bones made out of gold,
and with stories that pull girls
in like fruit flies in a spiders web.

I could only compare your eyes
to one who has seen the pain hidden
in the deepest corners of the earth.
your bones hold the weight of the world
and the stories you spin only seem fit
to one who carries shaking wings
and a glowing halo.

but I don't believe in angels.
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
from 2501 miles away
dusk was plagued with silence.
bathing in solitude,
we sat together.

although seven states
lay between our sleepy limbs,
laughs rolled between yawns,
weary waves on a quiet coast.

few of your whispers spread
thin clouds coating gray skies,
but you were the sun.

and I found warmth mostly
in your soft laughter.
we tasted cigarettes that morning,
the breakfast of champions.

and the faint thought of you
tangled in my wrinkled sheets,
was enough to fill me up.

I thought the sweetest song
I might ever hear
would be the strum of your voice,

but maybe it was the
whisps of words I caught
when you sang and spoke
just under your breath.

I thought love would never
grab my aching limbs again,
but I let it carry me off
from 2501 miles away.
 Jul 2013 speakeasied
Mercy B
It is almost painful trying to fathom the reason some men take a woman's intelligence and blatantly play it down.

Shouting out from behind me " hey ma lemmi holla at cha" I must inform you will never get this female to turn around .

I do not find your uncultivated demeanor flattering in the least, in fact it makes you somewhat insignificant, not worth a second look.

I want nothing to do with your infantile swagger in capable of sharing coherent insightful thoughts, afraid to stray from the same old play book.

A physical attraction is of some importance, but I am more enthralled when a man hears, not only listens to the words that are spoken to him.

Serenade me with your ability to articulate raw emotion thru flowing words, entice me with an intriguing mind, show me that you are a rare gem.

As for those males pretending to be men, but in reality can't even wrap their minds around the idea, don't waste your time with me, your ego will just get bruised.

If it is my attention that he seeks, a man must be confident that he can stimulate my mind, draw me in by the rhythm  of the words he has used.
I am merely putting it out there for those ridiculous guys that like to cat call at the ladies. No one really likes that come on fellas.
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