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speakeasied Jul 2013
If there is something
we all have in common,
it is that we are in love
with the stars.
We strive to reach them,
wish to be them,
and love to admire them.
When we find out that many
of the stars we are seeing,
are actually no longer there,
we refuse to believe it.
Like a widow with her
long-lost husband,
we imagine them alive
and well.
We project our ideals
and base our goals
off of these beautiful,
beautiful corpses
that we call stars.
speakeasied Jul 2013
As I looked at you,
it bothered me how you were drained of the blood
that once pulsed through your body –
the skin that you opened like a river
by means of your own hands
even when I begged you not to,

As I looked at you,
I realized not only did you look strange
because of the make-up they put on you
or the patterned shirt you would have never worn by choice,
you looked strange because you weren't wearing a smile.

As I looked at you,
I remembered the night I found out
and how the pain hasn't gotten any less painful,
it’s just gotten easier to hide.

When I finally looked away from you, though,
I looked around me at the sea of people who came to say goodbye to you-
people who were touched by your existence,
wanted to be graced by your presence one last time.

It was in this moment that I realized
I should not be eternally sad for my loss of you,
but should instead be eternally grateful to have known you.

It isn't every day that you meet someone who can make you laugh
when you were crying minutes before,
someone who urges you to call them
at four in the morning if that’s what you need ,
someone who is there for you no matter what.

So when I leaned over to kiss your forehead
and whisper to you that I loved you,
I don’t want you to think that was me saying goodbye.

It was me saying thank you.
I wrote this after the death of my best friend and it is personally one of my favorite pieces I've ever written, if not for the content, but also for the meaning behind it.
speakeasied Jul 2013
You mixed two packets of melancholia
into your coffee today,
and I had to bite my tongue to resist
to say, "I thought you liked it black."
I watched as you daintily taste-tested
it from your spoon and was delighted
upon seeing your grimace of
disapproval (you're adorable when mad).
I took note of how
your veins pulsed underneath
your deeply tanned skin
and I longed to be the blood that
traveled through your delicate body.
If only I could map out your cardiovascular
system and find all the detours and
shortcuts to your fragile heart,
memorize the freeway that
encircled your figure and learn
when to avoid rush hour or when
to take the fast lane.
I found myself fantasizing about
the day you were conceived and
how you beat out all the other
potential embryos - that maybe,
you were chosen out of the thousands
for the sole purpose of being with me.
speakeasied Jul 2013
My mind won't leave me alone
with its endless requests,
asking me for more, more,
more of this.
Silently, I am crowning
myself the queen with
lack of self control.
I lift the bottle up
just to see how much
damage has already been
done, solely by me.
I'm resisting the urge
and fighting the voice
but it takes everything
that's  inside of me just to
make the choice.
So I give in to the cause
and feed my head,
give up because I'm weak,
and take another swig.
speakeasied Jul 2013
You keep faded postcards in
the back of your drawer
to remind you of the time
before love was just a four-letter
word and it was an actual living,
breathing human being that was
standing next to you. One
hand slung carelessly over your
shoulder and the other stuffed tightly
in their pocket, secure and scared
at the same time.
This feeling permeated your love
and ate away at the naivety that
your relationship first experienced,
until one hand soon joined the other
and your shoulder was left subject
to the shivering cold of February.
speakeasied Jul 2013
We are drowning ourselves
in crimson rivers that we created
Inflicting pain to forget pain
is our generation's greatest
speakeasied Jul 2013
Your love was born
prematurely, I think.
Maybe if you allowed it
to grow a little longer
inside an incubator, it
wouldn't prove to be so
small and insignificant.
Your hearts are both still
too weak to beat on their own,
let alone to beat for
someone else and
your bones aren't strong
enough to carry the weight
of someone else's emotions.
But instead, you nurse this
pathetic excuse for love
in hopes it will turn out
to be a miracle.
*Naive little girl,
didn't your mother tell you
that there's no such thing
as miracles?
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