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speakeasied Jul 2013
Rhyme not, my friends,
and try your best to make your
words out of little to no sense.
In sense you will find yourself
drowning in organization,
and we all know what organization
will eventually change into:
the word that refuses to be spoken
on the lips of those with a creative mind;
but here, I'll say it, just for you
in hopes that you'll shy from it too.
Oh, Lord of Poetry, forgive me
for I have sinned
I swear, on Whitman, I'll never
say it again.
But you, my friend, keep that in mind.
Nonsensical words that lack organization
and then, then, you can call it
speakeasied Jul 2013
I can still taste your flesh on mine, as if my pores soaked in all of your pheromones and stored them in  safekeeping for nights like this, nights when whiskey becomes the only sleeping medicine powerful enough to soothe my troubled mind.
The memories come in broken patterns, like a film strip played on a rusty wheel, or like the thrifted records we would buy in the dozens - scratched and dusty, but still recognizable.
A kiss. A hit. An I-love-you. A shudder. They were all the same at this point.
I didn't know who else to go to but my mother.
My speech was slurred, elisions that made my words condense into one. Still, she understood. She had been here before.
She told me that days would turn into weeks, and before I knew it those weeks would shift to months, years, eternities within themselves.
I told her I didn't like the prospects of this.
She told me it would be okay, that all I had to do was follow in her footsteps.
I found the bread crumbs easily.
Jack Daniels was the only witness I had as I pulled the trigger
and I smiled in spite of the fact that until tonight, I had never believed in ghosts.
speakeasied Jul 2013
If you are a singer, be a construction worker.
If you are a construction worker, be a lawyer.
If you are a lawyer, be a seamstress.
If you are a seamstress, be a teacher.
If you are a teacher, be a police officer.
If you are a police officer, be a librarian.
If you are a librarian, be a mathematician.
If you are a mathematician, be a writer.
And if you are a writer, be all of the above.
The only way you can be a writer is to look within yourself and find someone else.
speakeasied Jul 2013
folded my
map of the United
States into a perfect triangle
so that Arkansas and France would
overlap. I hoped this would mean that I could
be closer to you, by means of magic or something much
bigger than both of us (something neither of us believed in, but
if it meant we could see each other, then hell, I'm a believer). I traced my
fingertip over that map until my skin was raw and the color of ink, but still, you
remained over there and I, here. In that moment, I swore to myself that I could never
believe in miracles or magic or God or fate or love or hope or promises. Then, the doorbell rang.
speakeasied Jul 2013
I have loved you for over
three-thousand (consecutive) days now,
and yet I still feel as if there are
two-thousand more secrets to learn
about your intricate mind.
I have a sketch of the general areas:
pleasure, pain, past, future
but I'm still a little fuzzy on the
specifics of each location.
I hope, with all my heart,
that I will have one-thousand more
days to love you.
But only you have the capability
of giving me that privilege,
and so with the best of intentions,
I let you go.
Like a bird, you will return if you love me-
if you don't, then I guess you never did.
They say this often, people, I mean-
"the other breed," like we used to call them.
We fantasized that we were different;
special in a conceited sort of way.
And I guess we were.
But underneath the facade,
there crumbled a dire misery
about our love,
and now we are where we are.

The end.
speakeasied Jul 2013
You hang up your mental disorders
like trophies on a shelf.
Mental disorders, of course,
that you diagnosed yourself.
Since when did it become glamorous
to dream of an early death?
To sit and fantasize about where, when,
and how you'll take your last breath.
Seems to me like creating this
so-called poisonous mind
is doing nothing but damage
and making you blind.
Blind to others around you,
people who are actually ill.
People who don't showcase their disorders-
but instead swallow them down with a pill.
So before you post results to another
online "find out what's wrong with me" test,
I would suggest looking up the symptoms
of actually being depressed.
So swallow your pride, and if you will,
leave the diagnoses to the doctor-
choose to glorify positivity instead
and allow your mind to prosper.
speakeasied Jul 2013
I can tell by the way your eyes react
to the words spilling out of my mouth
that we are no longer on the same wavelength.
There is not the slightest recognition
that flashes within your hazel eyes,
eyes that you gave to me like a
well-preserved replica of a masterpiece-
beautiful, but worthless compared to the original.
It's almost as if I can see my words
materialize into the air between us
and move through your body as if they
could truly personify the common saying,
"your words go right through me."
And even though we obviously aren't
on the same wavelength anymore,
I would at least expect you to pretend
that we are.
Because that's what mothers are
supposed to do, right?
Lie when necessary- it's the least you could do.
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