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speakeasied Jul 2013
When I say I am drunk,
I don't always mean off of the poison
that we so gingerly call liquid courage.
Sometimes, your voice is potent enough
to make me feel a little bit inebriated.
Your fingertips gently caressing my skin
is like the shot that puts me over the edge
and by the time you're complimenting
my writing, my mind, my body
I am flat out hammered.
The only difference in drinking you
is the morning after.
I don't awaken to a pounding head,
but instead a pounding heart
and in replacement of a tall glass of water
when we go out to lunch,
I order a tall glass of you-
which happens to be my favorite thing on the menu.
speakeasied Jul 2013
if beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
then hell, you've got to be blind
i fail to understand when you tell me
how you feel and conclude that you
must have lost your mind
i suppose i did, too,
somewhere else along the line
and that's what love can do to you,
one of the traits you will find
among others, you will see
that love itself is the hardest word to define
then, it seems love is in the eye of the beholder too,
and so we call it blind.
speakeasied Jul 2013
I can feel your eyes scraping at my collarbone,
greedily moving downward to your self-proclaimed
property that was once under my name,
but I gave the deed to you quite some time ago
and you have allowed me to room inside yours
in exchange for the trouble.
In fact, I have found the beating so comforting
that I was wondering if perhaps I could move in.
They say the pulse sounds something similar
to lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub,
but I like to believe it's your own language
that secretly says I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you.
speakeasied Jul 2013
it is often said
that those who deserve the sun,
too often receive the rain.

but what if i said i love the rain?
that the droplets of water
upon your tan skin
beat the heat waves, any day?

would my punishment
be replaced with flames-
would i go to hell?
that's what they tell me, anyways.

either way,
i'm not ashamed to say
this is who i am

and my god, do i love the rain.
speakeasied Jul 2013
I collected your syllables
and proudly displayed your words
on my refrigerator of thoughts
until you cut the power off
and now the comfort has been
replaced with empty echoes
of a promise that once was
and a voice that spoke too softly
a blessing and a curse
the sting and the sweetness
of a love lost long ago
speakeasied Jul 2013
mold your shape into the piece
that matches my puzzle
so that i may rest
in the innumerable crevices
that inhabit your aching body
a swarm of lust and love
violently shaking the cores
inside me and you
now, we face the question
of which we will give into
(is both an option?)
speakeasied Jul 2013
Self-improvement-urges strike
conveniently at 1 in the morning
must do this, must do that
when I know in nine hours
I will awake to find myself
drained of all motivation entirely
so here's a toast
for the midnight thinkers
(and drinkers)
because i am both
we are a lost generation
of thoughts that lack
the essential ingredient
of action and follow through
and so we keep on vicariously
living through everyone
that isn't us (until 1 am, of course).
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