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speakeasied Jul 2013
girls that stay awake until 2 am
leave mascara scars on sheets
and write their poems in pen
i know this because i am them
and they are me
and in the end, we are we
pardon me if i don't
make much of any sense
(it's 2 am)
speakeasied Jul 2013
Aspirations and broken dreams,
nothing is ever what it seems.
Sunflower kisses, golden hair,
a hit to forget, to go anywhere.
One, two, then three more
heaven help you get out the door.
Daddy, daddy, it's too late-
sinking pillows from broken fate.
Three breaths, two, now one,
just like that and now she's gone.
Aspirations and frozen dreams,
nobody is as well as they seem

— The End —