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I have a daughter, forget her age
She lives in Mali, makes minimum wage
I'm on a pilgrimage, to Mecca I will go
5,000 miles, how long I don't know

They say I'm crazy but I frankly don't care
For my Allah, I would go anywhere
Trip's been good to me so far...

I saw a mountain, a big falling rock
I lost my leg so now I don't walk
I have a camel, ride on the ****
Its fur coat smells like it came from the dump

We're making progress, my friends they can't wait
My wife's still mad that I came to lunch late
So I got her a mansion, gold nuggets on the wall
But knowing her, she'll just sell it all

I hope I'm saved after all I've been through
When I get home, oh what will my wife do?
Trip's been good to me so far...

I'm now in Mecca with my friends at a bar
We'd love to stay just right where we are
We'll have to go but I don't know when we will
It's hard to ride when your arms can't stay still

They say I'm lazy but I'm out on a hajj
For my whole life, I'll wear it like a badge
Trips been good to me so far...
 Apr 2016 spaghetti
baygls 4 lyfe
He created obamacare

2. He is letting in a the ******* illegals and put them on welfare

3. His wife

4. Obamas ugly *** dog

5. He is always spying on us with the NSA

6. He hates the NRA

7. He doesn't like heavy metal

8. Is against the constitution

9. His wife is against KFC

10. Thinks ethanol is actually good

I could go on forever but i dont want to bore you
Don't even try to argue my points, because you know they are right

— The End —