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Oct 2013 · 940
Rainy Day Activities
soul in torment Oct 2013
Oh mister bear it is not fair
why did it have to rain
we can't go out and run about
or ride our bikes again

What can we play this rainy day
to stop us feeling blue
there's cars and trains and aeroplanes
or puzzles yet to do

There's chess and draughts or just for laughs
there's joke books by the ton
or plastic blocks and puppet socks
and paintings to be done

There's board games too like risk and clue
and snakes and ladders Ted
Monopoly look come and see
their here beneath the bed

We could just see what's on tv
or on the radio
we've dvds and chart cds
chose anything you know

With pop and chips and salsa dips
and pillows for our backs
we will lay still and eat our fill
and listen to the tracks

Then sing along to well known songs
and dance around for fun
for as you said dear Mr Ted
What need have we of Sun

For you can find ways to unwind
as long as you've a friend
Like Mr bear whom loves and cares
for you until the end
Oct 2013 · 765
A kick in the balls. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
Women in stilettos

make my *****

to be rubbed.
And old one reposted and as before take it either way saucy or painful
Oct 2013 · 851
Dont Airbrush an Angel
soul in torment Oct 2013
You lay there
with bed head hair
morning breath...

Dried drool on your lower lip

the remnants
of last nights take away

still present in your teeth

and all I can think

how beautiful you are


how much

I love you
In a world of Photoshop such true beauty is so often lost
Oct 2013 · 383
oh doctor dont. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
You wanna know the real me

you haven't got the patient's
**** psychiatric nurse and her nosy questions.
Oct 2013 · 545
up in smoke
soul in torment Oct 2013
you are the smoke that fills my lungs
and draws from me such wretched cough
That lingers on my mouth and tongue
in simulated kisses soft

You are the stain on fingers clenched
that clutch at strands of wisp-ered prayers
who's presence from my grasp is wrenched
and from my lips my sorrow tears

You are the stubbed out cigarette
that burned away to nought but ash
and neath my boot the end was met
a love you freely turned to trash
Oct 2013 · 757
intoxicated 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
White wine...

from reddened lips

left me..


Nothing like second hand alcohol to affect one's senses. Your gob-let me drink deeply lol gob is slang for mouth in England
Oct 2013 · 443
the GIFT of FORESIGHT. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I opened my present

to find



no future.
soul in torment Oct 2013
I wrote...

I love you forever


the moonlit

Sleep in the corner of ones eyes is often referred to as sand
Oct 2013 · 471
cottoning on. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
My pillow


cold comfort


absent of your warmth
Oct 2013 · 558
shut up and kiss me. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
One kiss from you

and I


ask no more.
It's impolite to talk with your mouth full even when you have two tongues
Oct 2013 · 369
Fruitless 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I called her
on an



only the pips
Word play Apple fruit and trademark and pips seeds and the beep noise when call ends on a payphone
soul in torment Oct 2013

fallen wood

still burns


a million years
Wood becomes coal then diamond and even it's sap becomes Amber given pressure and time
Oct 2013 · 474
old wounds 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013

is the razor blade

that scarred

my heart

Oct 2013 · 543
In Black n White. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013

and you shall find me...


within my words
Oct 2013 · 386
awaken my heart this night
soul in torment Oct 2013
You slept

unaware that I could not

for fear

you were

but a dream within a dream

from which my heart



wake unbroken
Oct 2013 · 402
Heart Beat. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
My heart beat

and bruised

beats again



Oct 2013 · 432
insomniacs prayer 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013

lend me thy dreams

that I
may know

Oct 2013 · 992
Hide and Sneak.
soul in torment Oct 2013
Oh where oh where is mister bear?
Beneath the bed? Behind the chair?
He is not here he is not there
Oh where oh where is mister bear?

I closed my eyes and counted slow
I've looked up high I've looked down low
I've searched the house from top to toe
oh where oh where did teddy go?

I searched and searched and searched some more
behind the blinds and bathroom door
from attic roof to basement floor
and out around the Apple store

The garage checked the outhouse too
and even checked the barbecue
Beneath the ash and up the flue
oh where oh where dear Ted are you?

Not in the pool or by the slide
Or on the swings he loves to ride
not in the leaves now crisp and dried
oh mister Ted where did you hide?

Olly olly oxen free
please come on out you've beaten me
as now it's time to eat our tea
oh where oh where can teddy be

Oh here I am behind you so
I followed you so quiet and slow
and all the time you did not know
he chuckled soft and fell down low

Oh mister Ted you silly bear
what happy times we too do share
and don't we make a funny pair
playing our games without a care

Now time for tea as dad's made steak
and Mommas baked us both a cake
to wash it down there's ice cream shake
we'll eat until our bellies ache.

Then brush our teeth and into bed
to softly rest our sleepy head
and don't forget your prayers I said
or that I love you mister Ted
Oct 2013 · 496
foul weather
soul in torment Oct 2013
Wet and windy
a chance of mud slides


that chicken curry.
Oct 2013 · 525
Answered Prayers. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
Down on my knees ...

accepting your gift


Religious or ? You decide lol
Oct 2013 · 430
10 percent 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
Just noticed
10 percent of readers
on my

13000 odd reads 1300 odd comments lol
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Teddies Trash Day
soul in torment Oct 2013
Ted packed his trunk with all the junk
he said he didn't need
cars with three wheels and orange peels
and books he didn't read

He threw away his moulding clay
his bucket and his *****
some holey socks and building blocks
and games he never played

One spider fake a rubber snake
A plane with just one wing
Two wind up frogs with broken cogs
A yo-yo with no string

An old remote a bath time boat
a bat without a ball
four marbles chipped three comics ripped
he threw away them all

A piece of chalk a bottle cork
some old unwanted cans
a dinosaur without its roar
and paint stained plastic pans

Some old cds and dvds
too scratched to ever play
a submarine some jumping beans
he threw them all away

Without a sound the lid closed down
and locked the ******* in
then daddy said I'll take that Ted
and put it in the bin

Spring cleaning ends as two good friends
sit down to toasted bread
More room to play I heard him say
as we climbed into bed

The clever bear without a care
closed his one eye and snored
I did the same and dreamed of games
that we had yet in-store
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Terrestial Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Oh shall we play space men today
and build a rocket Ted
we need two suits some gloves and boots
and helmets for our head

A packing crate stood tall and straight
dad's funnel placed on top
three books so thin each one a fin
and Mommies broken mop

A beanbag chair we two can share
and buttons we can push
some sandwiches and light switches
and cans of Orange crush

Some dials and springs and other things
we found in daddies shed
now that looks neat so take a seat
and start the countdown Ted

We watched the stars that once so far
where now within our grip
Count ten to one ignition on
Blast off in rocket ship

The silver moon would greet us soon
as upward we both sped
through clouds of white to black of night
just me and mister Ted

The rocket turned as thrusters burned
as we altered our course
for here you see the gravity
Had very little force

We journeyed forth toward the north
by meteor and star
as comets whizzed and pinged and fizzed
and flew both near and far

We passed the plough and saw a cow
jump clean over the moon
then stations manned prepared to land
beside a giant dune

Beneath our feet a silver sheet
of fallen stars and sand
and as we two took in the view
Ted held me by the hand

The solar breeze blew round our knees
and tickled as it passed
time now to go yes Ted I know
this day has gone so fast

seated inside we watched the tide
So slowly ebb and flow
then 10 to 1 zero and gone
we raced the mornings glow

home safe and sound we kissed the ground
and ran in for our tea
I turned to Ted and softly said
the moon just winked at me

What shall we be next time said he
cowboys or maybe kings
I do not know I whispered low
let's see what morning brings
Oct 2013 · 405
afraid of the dark 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
The mines

my mind

and left behind...


Was in a serious mining accident that was the beginning of my depressive state of mind
Oct 2013 · 419
break down 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I crashed ...

they tried rebooting



the plug
Oct 2013 · 610
twice donated
soul in torment Oct 2013
I became an ***** donor
long before

I gave

my heart away
Oct 2013 · 727
food for fantasy
soul in torment Oct 2013
Soft ...
warm ..
white flesh
pressed gentle to my lips

flows ..
softly and from my chin
now drips

as taste and touch explode

waves of pleasure

that down my

So sweetly..


Hunger sedated

Tastebuds cry thy name

as I recount the pleasure

without guilt or any shame.


**** I love roast chicken....

Blame Maria her poem Consume set me off lol go read it
Oct 2013 · 707
wretched writer
soul in torment Oct 2013
From hate fanned flame by wings of shame
from boiling oil and tar
with mask of doubt and tongue torn out
and heart a mass of scar
I rose and screamed yet unredeemed
my words on deaf ears fell
a soul in plight bound fast and tight
by bonds of self made hell
My eyes burned red by words unread
by poetry made base
for all they saw was nothing more
than verse without a face
Daemons I've known too long alone
no one can set me free
So heed me well or face this hell
of self obscurity
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
fair weather friends 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
The sun
curtsied to the rain

and the...

rain bows
Word play my favourite bows ( to bend in greeting ) is the same spelling as bows ( ribbon archery etc )
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Height Restrictions 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I'll never measure up to much...


I'm only

Oct 2013 · 784
soul in torment Oct 2013
she's borrowed wings of flame and steel
to navigate the stars
to find the pieces of her heart
In the land of yees and haws
Her family beneath the flag
Will wait to bare her arms
as USA takes possession
of her Philippino charms
Safe journey Sal both there and back
May angels guard thy wings
and may you find the joy you seek
the joy reunion brings
Take care and have a great time Sal
Oct 2013 · 874
Picking up the Pieces
soul in torment Oct 2013
pick a star... anyone, there are billions don't be shy
and know I'm looking at it too... two lands beneath one sky

Pick a word ... anyone, there are millions so go ahead
and know I will be listening... to hear just what you said

Pick a time... a place.. urban estate or countryside
and know I will be waiting... like a groom awaits his bride
Oct 2013 · 814
Tanning My Hide. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I am leather


beneath your

well skilled hands.
Tanning is the process of turning animal skin to leather or beating someone across the bottom ^^ I love double meanings
Oct 2013 · 345
Brittle Match Girl. 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
Strike me


watch what I was

slowly become

Sometimes words can be even more effective in destroying another's self worth
Oct 2013 · 588
The Sparrow 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
She makes her own music
to shakes

soul in torment Oct 2013
She lay by me
sweet symmetry
her body fitting mine

her perfect curves
got on my nerves
tracing a perfect line

the arm and knee
So suited me
a mirror of mine own

Her lips her eyes
her silken thighs
would not leave mine alone

Her touch her feel
her ice cold heel
sent shivers down my spine

but done and said
She's in my head
and in this heart of mine
Oct 2013 · 546
love.. wordplay 2
soul in torment Oct 2013
Let me bare arms to protect you

Within their

Bare arms double meaning
Oct 2013 · 675
love.. wordplay
soul in torment Oct 2013
Love is not forever

It's for everyone whom

seeks it
For Heather lol
Oct 2013 · 931
High Tide Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
We sailed the sea in search of tea
just me and captain Ted
with treasure chest and pirate crest
flown high above our bed

the window view with sky of blue
we made our water way
and clouds in swathes were rolling waves
that caused our ship to sway

Curtains tied tight were sails of white
that billowed in the breeze
and gulls in flight no longer white
but striped like honey bees

The garden shed lay dead ahead
but Ted said its a trick
It is in fact old captain black
So man the cannons quick

pillows in hand and stations manned
we aimed and fired true
and sent their bones to Davy Jones
within the ocean blue

The fighting done we'd fought and won
their treasure on our decks
we sailed away to kennel bay
through reefs and sunken wrecks

a shoal of socks swam round the rocks
and hid beneath their shade
and flocks of shirts and summer skirts
within the shallows wade

Ted pointed out a water spout
that rose from just beyond
a whale maybe hides there matey
within the goldfish pond

My slippers lept from out the depths
and SPLASHED us with their tails
then light bulbs flashed and Windows clashed
and wind whipped through our sails

A storm cried Ted stood on the bed
his finger pointing east
we rose and fell amongst the swell
Of nature's fearsome beast

Waves ten feet high came crashing by
and soaked us head to toe
we clutched the mast till all had past
and never once let go

The danger gone we travelled on
and docked in time for tea
tomorrow Ted I turned and said
I wonder what we'll be
Oct 2013 · 450
The Pipers
soul in torment Oct 2013
They fought in wars for king and cause
and held their heads with pride
they had no gun yet faced the ***
and without fear they died
To all those highland soldiers that were the pride of their battalion and of their country
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Tenting with Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Our morning spent making a tent
across the washing line
a sheet mum said not fit for bed
but as a tent it's fine

We used some sticks and old house bricks
to weigh the corners down
and neath our feet a thick ground sheet
made from a towel.. Brown

We fetched a lamp we used at camp
and hung it good and high
then snacked on chips and smacked our lips
and thought our throats are dry

Moms lemonade drank as we played
and pictures coloured in
a jigsaw done eating a bun
we raced to see who'd win

no fair I said to Mr Ted
as he played with my cars
That bun you ate was off my plate
So I am eating yours

He said ok now what to play
there's plenty here to do
Pick any game just say the name
and I'll play it with you

Played tic tac toe and domino
Hangman and solitaire
I won a few and lost some too
to my friend mister bear

We played for hours through Sun and showers
until mom came and said
tidy up neat the toys and sheet
it's dinner time then bed

ok I said please help me Ted
to put these things away
for its been fun but now we're done
and no more time to play

Tomorrow though you never know
we may play tents again
or pirates be sailing the sea
upon the Spanish main

But until then my little men
let's have you in your bed
sweet dreams sleep tight rest well this night
Both you and  mister Ted
Oct 2013 · 534
Looking After Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Poor mister Ted is sick in bed
his nose is oh so dry
he's got the shakes and tummy aches
and that's the reason why

I came down stair to fetch a chair
So I could sit with Ted
I've held his paw and heard him snore
and dabbed his fevered head

I made him tea with sweet honey
and lemon freshly squeezed
some tissues too Atchoo Atchoo
Oh No... now I have sneezed

I helped him up and held his cup
and let him sip it slow
then wiped his chin and tucked him in
and turned the light down low

A water jug and plastic mug
with lots of crushed up ice
Placed close at hand on the night stand
beside some sugared mice

I kissed his brow and said sleep now
just close your tired eyes
and when you wake make no mistake
I'll be here when you rise
Sep 2013 · 2.4k
wild haggis
soul in torment Sep 2013
in Scotland fair you must beware
the weathered moor at night
For it is said a thing of dread
hunts neath it's pale moon light

It's small and stout and loves to shout
and scare the tiny mice
It kicks the trees to wake the bees
because it is not nice

it runs amok through herd and flock
and makes the chickens fly
Then opens gates and shakes lose slates
and takes pigs from the sty

It up roots crops and spills the hops
and dances in the flour
Though rarely seen its really mean
and turns the fresh milk sour

It squashes flat each butter pat
and mixers wheat with grain
then ups and screams to spoil your dreams
and runs away again

The Haggis see is wild and free
and likes to cause such fun
Breaks traps and snares and frees the hares
and helps them to their run

The hunting hound that sniffs the ground
Will never find his scent
because he sweats sweet Vi-o-lets
to cover where he went

The Heathered moor and rains that pour
wash away his tracks
and he's not scared he is prepared
for haggis run in packs

With teeth and claws and snapping jaws
they are a sight to see
So think before you seek that moor
where they run wild and free
Sep 2013 · 602
time for bed 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
She said ...

she would never lie to me

she lied.
Lie to me = spooning lying together
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Sun & Moon
soul in torment Sep 2013
The moon she flies
through star lit skies
her journey never done

she seeks the love
of one above
with whom her race is run

Her pale eyes
weep lullabyes
to lover's watching on

and her heart grieves
for she believes
she'll never meet her one

For he is day and she is night
where she is dark he's always light
and so these starcrossed lover's form
the seasons change the tides the storm

Until one day when without warning
night brought face to face with morning
two skies made one by an eclipse
meeting of world, meeting of lips

So moon she flies
through summer skies
the sun touches the stars

and love at last
her arrows cast
and healed these lover's scars.
soul in torment Sep 2013
A cardboard box some building blocks
some scissors and some string
four paper plates two Apple crates
a frizbe and a spring

A roll of tape a sheet of crepe
Some paint pots and a brush
five lolly sticks eight lego bricks
quick Ted we have to rush

Pram wheels four maybe one more
***** driver and some screws
A saw some wood there that looks good
With this we cannot lose

place two wheels square right under there
and ***** the screws in tight
Now same again that's done now then
let's fit the seat alright

The Apple crate will look so great
when painted red and green
The box cockpit is where we'll sit
and steer this wild machine

Add blocks and bricks and Lolly sticks
to make my dashboard bright
spare wheel on back now all we lack
are fireflies for our light

Jam jar ******* tight that looks alright
now place them there just so
what's that you said dear mister Ted
you want to have a go

The boxcar race is taking place
so we will have to run
I'll pull you steer were oh so near
to having so much fun

The starting line now grip the line
as dad gives us a push
We're building speed taking the lead
as past them all we whoosh

The end in sight Ted please hold tight
and please don't move about
Ten yards now nine we're doing fine
eight seven six... look out

FIVE more to go let's start to slow
the wheels with the brake
what's that you said dear mister Ted
we've made a big mistake

No brakes oh no two yards to go
and then the three bar gate
but wait just look it's off the hook
and open wide... oh great

1 yard we won the race is run
and yet we still race on
past in a flash we end up SPLASH
Stuck in the village pond

We may be wet but don't forget
we won a victory
For Daddy said that me and Ted
could have a winners tea

So party cake till bellies ache
and then it's time for bed
From bits of trash we made a splash
me and my best friend Ted
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Snow Fair Mr Bear
soul in torment Sep 2013
An old tea tray was our Bob sleigh
as we slid to and fro
We'd both fall off in drifts so soft
of fresh white fallen snow

snowmen we made stood on parade
each fallen twig a gun
then watch them fall as each snow ball
was thrown at them for fun

Then me and you built an igloo
and sat in it all day
with cocoa hot that hit the spot
and chased the cold away

On borrowed blades in woodland shades
we skated on the lake
but soon gave in the ice too thin
And thought that it might break

The snow topped trees with frozen leaves
Rained drifts upon our heads
A crystal Ross now all that grows
within the frozen beds

I head mom laugh you need a bath
to thaw your frozen toes
Now look at you my icy two
In wet through winter clothes

So bath then tea for bear and me
hot soup and fresh made bread
Then up the stair for me and bear
for its now time for bed

Tomorrow though if there's still snow
we'll do it all again
So snuggle tight my friend goodnight
and pray we don't have rain
May need work meant to draft not public
Sep 2013 · 494
beddy Byes
soul in torment Sep 2013
Me and Ted

are off to bed...


Sep 2013 · 689
soul in torment Sep 2013
Wake up I said to Mister Ted
it's time that we arose
So out of bed you sleepy head
and help me chose my clothes

first vest and shirt then summer skirt
now socks no leggings grey
my teeth and hair I brush with care
there now we two can play

Now down the stair with Mister Bear
toward the kitchen door
for cereal or hot oat meal
and cold milk from the store

Eat it all up and drain my cup
Then race to find my shoes
now mister bear which shall I wear
For we've no time to lose

Let's play hop scotch or maybe watch
the ducklings on the pond
Take them some bread or cake instead
the kind of which their fond

then if you like we'll ride my trike
and you can ring the bell
then tyre swing or pogo spring
Or simply rest a spell

You chose the game it's all the same
for I don't mind you see
cause I dont care sweet teddy bear
as long as you're with me
Sep 2013 · 943
Fly Away Home
soul in torment Sep 2013
Me and my friend play let's pretend
and run across the floor
with wing like arms and out stretched palms
we fly right out the door

We're aeroplanes with fancy names
and engines that go boom
past flower bed and garden shed
We zig and zag and zoom

We loop the loop round chicken coop
and race on up the lane
by meadow flower and water tower
and quickly back again

We Buzz past bees and Apple trees
and circle round the pond
then up away through corn and hay
Into the great beyond

We pitch and stall and softly fall
and lay there in a heap
then stretch and yawn upon the lawn
and soon we're fast asleep

Me and my friend played let's pretend
But now we've had our fun
so me and Ted dream dreams instead
beneath the summer Sun
Thinking of doing a whole series on bear poems let me know what you think :)
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