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Sep 2013 · 1.3k
monster beneath my bed
soul in torment Sep 2013
Beneath my bed I placed some bread
and on it spread some jam
added some cheese and mushy peas
salami eggs and ham
a blob of sauce mustard of course
and relish three days old
some chips and dips and cherry lips
and baked beans full of mold
there's water cress and what a mess
of earwax and a scab
my used band aid from second grade
and frogspawn from the lab
I topped it off with lager froth
and nose hairs from the sink
and if you thought the food was bad
don't ask what's in his drink.
An old repost after reading A bedtime story by Laura Stridiron go read it
Sep 2013 · 590
fog off im tired. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Morning fog
the yet sleeping world
with cold
Another fog filled morning and I should be sleeping
Sep 2013 · 875
Old Bear
soul in torment Sep 2013
Billy the Bear he had no hair,
as bald as bald could be.
And never mind that he's half blind,
with but one eye to see.

His nose is broke his voice a croak,
his arms and legs quite weak.
but that's okay you'd hear him say,
if only he could speak.

His ears chewed like baby food
and stained with pen and paint
torn off sewn on and fitted wrong
But doesn't he look quaint

His stuffing sags he's lost his tags
he's patches made of cloth
his right arms new his left leg too
as his kept falling off

But don't feel sad for see he's had
a lifetime of my care
he waits all day for us to play
me and my teddy bear

For though he's old he's never cold,
not tucked up next to me.
he's kissed good night and cuddled tight,
and loved so thoroughly.
And old three verse piece I've extended
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Beneath a Lightbulb Moon
soul in torment Sep 2013
He sails a sauce pan in the sink
a mast made from a spoon,
and maps his ocean black as ink
beneath a light bulb moon.

He is searching for the islands
that they call the ***** Plates,
with golden beach of breadcrumb sands
beyond the Gravy Straits.

Where macaroni dolphins leap
beyond French Fries Lagoon,
and sing their songs as sailors sleep
beneath a light bulb moon.

Beware the corn cob crocodiles
that lurk beneath the foam,
betraying folks with welcome smiles
within their bone strewn home.

He navigates the boiling oil
and safely through the ice,
to find a place to hide his spoil
away from other mice.

So island claimed x marks the spot
his sailing days at end,
and I at last wash up my pots
that so amused our friend.
An oldie reposted as was my first kids poem
Sep 2013 · 355
one more before i rest. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Insomnia ...

stole my dreams

but gave me


The lack of sleep gives more time for reading and writing poetry
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
Southern Hospitality. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013


with warm honey

give the sweetest


Ahem if you understand this poem shame on you go and wash your minds at once lol
Sep 2013 · 422
Bar Room Philosopher 2
soul in torment Sep 2013
I bathed in her whine
before drinking in ...

her essence
Sep 2013 · 475
Bar Room Philosopher. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
mature like fine wine



just become

Bitter a strong ale just playing with words lol
Sep 2013 · 285
splitting words. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
In every world
there is a


by hell
Word play wor(l)d
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
lost in a book
soul in torment Sep 2013
I caught the moon within my spoon
and hid beneath my bed
and by her light I read that night
Till all my books were read

Adventures bold and knights of old
and big and scary things
of foreign lands and burning sands
Of sultans szars and kings

Flew carpet rides and sailed the tides
Saw mermaids in the deep
moved back in time and solved a crime
and found a realm asleep

I met a bear with yellow hair
A *** stuck on his head
Whose closest friend was make pretend
or so my momma said

I saw a cat now fancy that
A cat whom wasn't there
he simply sneered and disappeared
With flourish and with flair

Saw walking trees and talking bees
and elephants that flew
Saw playing cards playing at guards
and mouse from teapot pour

All night I read filling my head
with fun and fantasy
until the moon escaped my spoon
and I slept happily
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
I Have the Mumps
soul in torment Sep 2013
have the mumps and itchy lumps,
my tummy's awful sore.
I have a cough, my arm's fell off,
my throat is red and raw.

I have big spots and polka dots,
flashing before my eyes.
My legs are broke, no it's no joke,
as if I would tell lies.

I've got the flu, Atchoo Atchoo,
I'll just miss school today.
Of course I'm sick, no it's no trick,
oh what a thing to say.

I've got the shakes and my head aches,
it hurts so very bad.
And what a bind, I've gone night blind,
why are you laughing Dad?

I almost forgot about tooth rot,
and frostbite of the toes.
I feel unwell, I cannot smell,
because of my blocked nose.

I'm far too ill to take a pill,
for they just makes me gag.
I feel so sick, please Daddy quick,
pass me the paper bag.

No need to phone Dr.SawBone,
he is a busy man.
I need no shots or creams for spots,
just soda and a fan.

My speech is slurred, my vision blurred,
oh mummy I should rest.
Now that's not fair, as if I'd dare,
to dodge my English test.

You're not impressed, I should get dressed,
and stop this sad charade.
My Dads no fool, he phoned the school,
and said I'd overlaid
Another repost for those that have only just met me :)
Sep 2013 · 488
bedtime reflections. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
The moon
is the swirl of cream

in bedtime...


Just capturing the moon in my coffee cup
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
oh where is my teddy bear
soul in torment Sep 2013
"Time now for bed" My Mummy said,
as we climbed up the stair.
Now in you get and don't forget,
to take your teddy bear.

But look and see, he's not with me,
not since this afternoon.
And it is late, well after eight,
we need to find him soon.

Oh maybe there, upon the chair,
or here beneath my bed.
He may be stuck, please take a look,
and check for Mr Ted?

I wonder if he's tricking me,
by hiding in my drawer.
No Mister Bear is not in there,
we need to search some more.

Please feel that lump, that bear shaped bump,
there halfway down the sheet.
That's not his nose, those are my toes,
upon my little feet.

It's late at night, I'm tucked up tight,
my pillow soft and deep.
But at days end, without my friend,
I feel I cannot sleep.

Just look once more, behind the door,
for we were playing there.
You clever child, My mummy smiled,
you've found your teddy bear.

So time for bed, for me and ted,
the even tide has come.
Turn off the light and say goodnight,
sweet dreams I love you mum.
A repost of an oldie but a favourite of mine
Sep 2013 · 4.5k
Starcrossed Lovers
soul in torment Sep 2013
What light from yonder window break
that casts such shadows or' my heart
Causing each beat to softly ache
and pain to gently stop... and start

If by that light her figures stand
and blow to me but one pure kiss
from tender lips and out stretched hand
would this poor heart know loves true bliss

Beyond the morn the empty day
that tears the very breath from me
in empty sighs of such dismay
and binds my heart in misery

The afternoon brings no respite
nor ease the tearing at my soul
my only comfort is the night
when by her light I am made whole

By shadow hid and shadow kept
beyond the fall of her hearts light
mine eyes the morning dew hath wept
and drown the stars and moon at night

By tear drops quenched the rising Sun
replaced with these... my burning eyes
that forms the streams and rivers run
soft sung in midnight lullabies

If but this ground could open up
and swallow whole my all and pain
then I would poison from this cup
react his love and die again

For I am not her Romeo
though I would have fair Juliet
and so as night once more I go
May night forgive


pray forget.
Let the bard take all due credit
for the pain of love and loss
for was he not the one that said it
tis better to have loved and lost
soul in torment Sep 2013
Be still this night my wing-ed friend
the day is yet a dream
and I with you will share my cup
my coffee and my cream

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
Sweet offspring of the moon
and I with you will share the stars
here captured in my spoon

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
fear not the coming Sun
and I with you will share my friend
as im in need of one

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
let fears soft roll by
and I with you will share the storms
that in my teacup lie

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
as dawn doth soft now breaks
and let us now each share this space
and sleep as day awakes
Sally A Bayan · Jul 7
My breath smells of coffee....
Several cups
I have finished already.
This is one of those nights,
When my thoughts I have yet
To turn into verses....
They are all too shy to come out,
Refusing still, to be revealed.
While I wait for the empty cups to be refilled,
A lonely moth circles the lamp and me.
On and on, I tap my pen on the table,
Til I've scribbled something on  paper.
Still, the moth goes round and round...
Circling my face, very near my mouth.
The light flickers as it wanders near.....
I wonder if it's the lamplight that calls
To the moth....
Or my breath that smells of coffee.......


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Sep 2013 · 361
Silence this heart of mine
soul in torment Sep 2013
How is it

my heart

speaks your name

when my lips

for fear my tongue

betrays me

to other ears but mine own.

Sometimes we need to let our hearts speak for us other times not. Based on a conversation with Sassybutsweet about her comments on my refuse to see poem
Sep 2013 · 373
for a friend 10w word play
soul in torment Sep 2013
Miss T.Rious

why so


let me help you

MYSTERIOUS Or not I hope this made you smile
Sep 2013 · 568
Seamless Love. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013


the crimson velveteen

of my


Too often broken and slowly mended with forgives and forgets
soul in torment Sep 2013
When does

Day become Night

if not



Sep 2013 · 3.3k
pollution. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
I am
the unwanted
******* offspring
of an uncaring
Tried a piece of art poetry hope it looks like earth lol.
Sep 2013 · 410
soul in torment Sep 2013
You asked

is this love?

I answered...

in a

What other way is there to know it's love than the skipping of ones heart
Sep 2013 · 418
soul in torment Sep 2013
You pierced my heart

displayed me

for your

Sometimes life really does imitate heart
Sep 2013 · 387
soul in torment Sep 2013
lit a flame ...

in my heart

illuminating my

How much art and poetry has been born of love
soul in torment Sep 2013
Quick smoke...

relaxing ****...




Used to use it to relax now I never will again
Sep 2013 · 457
Barred Memories. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
In a previous life

I witnessed

the death...


I reoccurring nightmare I watch through prison bars as he's led away to be crucified the problem that scares me is am I another prisoner or the prison guard.
Sep 2013 · 923
daemons inner daemons
soul in torment Sep 2013
come let me lead you through my mind
where angels tremble in their sleep
for fear the waking makes them blind
within the darkness dank and deep
the shadows skulk and hiss and scream
and reach for me with outstretched hands
with greed they feast upon my dreams
and run amok in fallen sands
they know my name the one I keep
within a jar beside my bed
along with tears I've yet to weep
and words as yet I have not said
they'll come for me if er' I rest
and let my guard so foolish fall
but yet I have to pass the test
though mine own fear doth me appall
so walk my mind but be aware
to never stray from well worn path
for if you do your soul they'll snare
and you shall feel their pain and wrath
for broken minds ner' know no peace
no glue nor tape can ever mend
so run away my hand release
forsake me now I beg their friend.
Daemons is proper spelling of demons
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
myth and magic 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
autumnal fires blaze

as the Phoenix

from woodland ...

The trees beginning to show signs that summer is all but done as reds yellows and gold adorn the tree tops Ash is a play on words ash as in burnt wood and as in the variety of tree
Sep 2013 · 467
crazing or just crazy. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Do the cracks


the heart you once held


Crazing is the myriad of cracks on old pottery glaze
Sep 2013 · 487
Heart Felt
soul in torment Sep 2013
Her heart was like no other
as it kept such perfect time
with the soft heart of my brother
long before it beat with mine

In between she would discover
two more boys before my birth
but they only knew the cover
of the sweetness of the earth

For the heart you sees my mother
and it sings songs of mine own
and I'll forever love her
as my heart ner' beats alone
This is for ' me mam ' as we say in England
Sep 2013 · 393
four simple steps
soul in torment Sep 2013
Listen... always

offer comfort ... in all ways

verify ... with acts and with deeds

enjoy it...  it's what evry'body needs
We all need ...
Sep 2013 · 584
hour glass 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Sand trapped by sand
Forms the dunes



Glass is silica heated sand
Sep 2013 · 365
beauty runs deep. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Cut away the fetid flesh
to see

lovely bones
A comment on S E Reimers her beauty lies 10w
Sep 2013 · 632
desired darkness 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
you eclipsed the moon and stars

with your ...


Eyes closed to all but your presence
Sep 2013 · 379
waste of words. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
Seven words
too many

to tell you..

I love you
Sep 2013 · 680
My Plus 1
soul in torment Sep 2013
My heart is the meadow flowers
that bloom at your touch

my love is the diet coke
who's straws we clutch

my life is the empty void
your laughter fills

my soul is the sickness
and your kiss my pills

My everything and nothing
come but from you

whom disproved mathematics
As 1 + 1
always 1
Sep 2013 · 312
She. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
she was more than a lady

she was


Sep 2013 · 407
soul in torment Sep 2013
If parting is indeed

sweet sorrow

then tis with heavy heart
I leave you

Sweet dreams one and all until again we meet
Sep 2013 · 453
then and now
soul in torment Sep 2013
By flowing brook by journeys end
where days were merely hours
and all the world was ours on lend
from forest fern and flowers

By northern wind by gentle breeze
when laughter filled our days
when knees were scraped in ancient trees
and washed by ocean sprays

By Grace of God and weather fine
we'd while away our lives
on country walks through oak and pine
and carve our names with knives

By friendship bound and promise made
we swore we would return
to visit here where once we played
by forest flower and fern

By decades spent and seasons run
by weathered tree we stood
and as before such tales we spun
about our childhood
After reading Martin and Victoria's latest poems this came to me
Sep 2013 · 397
insomniacs plea. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
I'd rather suffer death alone

than ever..

sleep with you
Why would I sleep when my dream lies before me dreaming softly.
Sep 2013 · 390
beauty fades. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
A flower blooms to die
as do you
Aug 2013 · 554
parted lips and Lovers
soul in torment Aug 2013
Thirsty lips now dry and cracked
know all too well the waters lacked

though laced with salt
and sometimes

without your mouth mines incomplete

no sweet goodbyes no gentle peck
no tender touch upon my neck

no mouthing words
one cannot speak
or passionate breaths
that leave


no more to take away thy breath
or share those moments of sweet death
when too afraid
the kiss
May end
or night no more
her soft light

when lover's part it is that kiss
that closeness that true lover's miss
but we have said
our last

and how I miss
your kiss


Aug 2013 · 413
when worlds collide. 10w
soul in torment Aug 2013
If you can't see beyond the scars...

leave my space.
Aug 2013 · 569
the weathered tree
soul in torment Aug 2013
By weathered tree  the lover stood
and carved his lover's name
and with same knife he spilt his blood
the night she never came

By weathered tree the lover cried
and broke her gentle heart
for love he'd  lived and love he'd  died
for fate kept them apart

By weathered tree two lovers lay
within a floral bed
and it is said up to this day
the heart he carved once bled

By weathered tree were lover's wend
to promise each their hearts
for once where love was thought to end
in fact was where love starts.
soul in torment Aug 2013
Like a broken watch
you lay there...

your unpainted face

slightly obscured
by two small



and yet my love
is the time
I long for

for whom needs sleep
when such visions
of beauty

are freely found beyond

such dreams
twilight brings

so sweet be thy rest
as I upon bended

watch on.
Aug 2013 · 929
Once Upon A Time
soul in torment Aug 2013
Love me as I am
cracked and broken
to see beyond
the painted porcelain smile
and the vacant
laughing eyes...

try to see
that it's a mere facade
a little white lie
only meant to protect your heart

from mine...

for how could I inflict upon one so gentle

such pain

how could I let such eyes see my true

ugly self

That like the troll lives in darkness
dreaming of the day

a kiss

Will free him from this prison
of self doubt
self hate

could you be my princess

or are happy endings only true


Faery Tales.
soul in torment Aug 2013
Morning rips forth

from the womb of night

it's first cries echoed
in bird song
buzz of insects wings,

it's tears adorning spiders web
and yet un woken
floral heads

Mother Earth
adopting Midwives role...

up the sun

letting his gentleness
of breath

become the welcome breeze
that carries soft


first word.
Aug 2013 · 420
soul in torment Aug 2013
is the evening shadow
that walks behind all
stretching away
darkness of night...

a silent
sombre companion
that follows all

in this world


It's time to guide them all

into the next.
Aug 2013 · 302
Say it Softly. 10w
soul in torment Aug 2013
speak louder...

when pressed into


a kiss.
Aug 2013 · 406
Brewing Troubles 10w
soul in torment Aug 2013
tea leaves
scatter fate or' fractured porcelain ...



Aug 2013 · 508
razor blade butterfly 2 10w
soul in torment Aug 2013
Steel wings
of fire ...


this night to ribbons.
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