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Sophie Rein Aug 2017
Sometimes we need people to stop us even if we are rolling down a hill to hell....
Sophie Rein Aug 2017
I don't want to sleep anymore because when I sleep things will remain the same even if I want them to change.
Sophie Rein Aug 2017
The sad part of living is...
when you drink, and drink, and drink
to forget...
but you don't get drunk anymore...
You just feel more than usual....
Sophie Rein Aug 2017
Even if you're happy for the people you got, you still feel the ache of missing the people you lost....
Sophie Rein Jun 2016
I am an optimist because I know that behind every cloud lies the sun and behind every sad person is someone who can make them smile
Sophie Rein Jun 2016
I don't think, I dream. I have silent my thoughts and gave my imagination the power to take control.
Sophie Rein Jun 2016
Every cigarette I smoke has your name on it
and here is why:
I started smoking becuase of you
I started smoking with you
I started smoking because the smell of smoke remembered me of you
It made me think of you
And, oh boy, I love thinking of you
I love you, nobody else, just you
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