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Oct 2013 · 875
Tea for two
beside the ocean blue
i looked inside my cup
just outta luck
saw the titanic old
my vision i told
to my mate sitting
next to me knitting,
Look here! i said,
I'm not kiddin!
a ships in there!

..."oh, thats too much to bare"
my mate said as he leaned
over to see, but the sunlight beamed,
and he could not see
the titanic that would sink
Oct 2013 · 772
50 percent
50% of the world resides in darkness
why do we keep running from it?
Embrace what comes in the night
the horror,
how it aches in my bones
                                                       because at times i feel so
(lost in the terrain of my heart)

only through the darkness
can i see with clear vision
it is through grasping, hugging, holding and caressing all these grievances
that i can use them as a foundation, a step, to climb

to finally see something
                                                and what is it,
                                                                                                  but only
                                                                                                                                                           the day.
Oct 2013 · 901
Do you hear it?
the male cricket sings
the swallow sings
the bees sing
we sing
                                                            ­                        even if it's in the hollow of our hearts
we dance                                                            ­       even if it's in the hollow of our bodies
we Desire                                                         ­       even if we keep it hidden under our skirts
and you can't contain it
                                                              ­                    girls and boys, don't you lie
                              ­                                                   and yet im sitting here like really?
                                                                ­                 I am so low!
                                                                ­                 How can i revel in such lowliness??
                                                     ­                            Oh, do i revel in my desire.
Do you want to know why i am like this?
                                                           ­                      because I am human.

We were given this
All in an attempt
to bring us ever closer
to His heart.
More like a rant, but I hope you enjoy.
Desire was given for us, a desire to delve into his other creations.
Because in his other creations
we find God.
do me this solid
and keep up with the

tired and over exhilarated
won't you ask me how im

learning to dig
inside my heart for my most recent

emotions are so awful they keep me
running for more and i can't

really see exactly where I'm
going to where im supposed to be trying to

understand how i feel is like
learning Chinese upside down, underwater, while having a tea party with an octopus

i guess ill just take the stairs and maybe i
could actually finish a

great deal of me feels
like i need to buy a nice looking

man and make him cook me spicy
omelets and he'll look quite **** under

my umbrella on the purple rooftops that i
decided to jump on my way to

work has been lowsy too many
people wishing for something and here i

am trying to finish a sentence i think
i might need to go back to grade school and take

an english course.
Sep 2013 · 460
We were meant to be untamed
is the biggest lie
because here we are as men
the only being in the whole cosmos
with rational,
and capable will.

Power implies that
you have been given responsibility

it is in this knowledge
that i am set free.
Philosophy class inspires
Sep 2013 · 2.7k
this girls got it down
when she stomps on the ground
the whole town
looks around
"say what"
(no thanks, macklemore)
when she flips her hair,
and it's in dee air
the boys all go
and shout the whole dayyo
caz look here allison
i know you like peanut butter cookies
and your percy jackson bookies
and singin' josh groban
like (you gotta be jokin')
really girl,
you think you got it goin'!
you inspired me
and to climb up in this tree
and write this poem
just so i could show em
that i can take it
as well as dish it
and girl
you the best roommate
you got the best traits
even though you keep me up
caz you be watching 30 rock
and wearing my fav pair of socks
but that okay
caz with you girl, every day
is a par-tay
An Ode to my roommate.
Sep 2013 · 379
the highway
sets the travelers pace
i tried not to notice
all the exits look the same.
So forever I will move
like the world that turns beneath me
i don't know which way i'm going
and i don't know which way i've come.

(When i look into your eyes
it's like watching the night sky)
but i can't escape the inevitable,
at midnight, the sun's a fable.
Sep 2013 · 385
im a follower
One foot in
one foot back
heard it don't pay
to live like that

not that i'm fighting the true
it's not the chase i love,
it's me following you.
Sep 2013 · 399
Mother Mary
heard us approaching,
"Are you writing chapters for us from a million miles away?
I feel the load on my shoulders every day.
We're stuck without a chart or a captain,
are you aware of the shape i'm in?"
Sep 2013 · 380
When you feel like you can't grow more
plant a tree.
and when you feel like you can't pray more,
get prayer beads.
it's all a journey.
never stop changing,
and never ever compare
your journey to someone else's.
Sep 2013 · 2.9k
Cheer up, dear
Cheer up, dear
it's only a moment.
you're sitting through a sunrise
that's taking longer than it promised.
those kisses that you remember
are no better then the ones
waiting in front of you.
remember where you came from
and look to where your going
your smile is so radiant
your soul so strong.
keep striving on with diligence
because the new day is about to dawn
and when you see the bright light
you'll realize how much you're meant
to really be and become.
Sep 2013 · 641
Aww home.
So sweet
so kind.
And how could I have thought differently.
You caressed the new
I caressed the jar as they rattled
rattled within my bones.
Laugh a little!
If there wings grew like the grass,
our journey would've taken a much shorter time.

It's easier when

So i remember that one night
I heard the wind break again,
like when i would stumble on the shore,
your hand on my wrist guiding me to resist
stumbling upon the rubble that was broken
from my previous falls...
You knew the whole time.
You're broken smile tells the world,
who you aspire to be.
And I am with you.
How could i become so fortunate.
To race in the forest of your mind
in the wilderness of your being.
How fortunate am I.
To rest in the shade of your breath.
to close my eyes to the obstacles of your heart.
Knowing you control your stars.
Knowing you complete your being.

And you know.
You've always known.
So gentle with your hands as they turn over mine.
I hope you don't notice.
But you absorb my information,
like a barcode you read me.
But I feel no grief
only the abiding relief
I find.
With you.
As I rest.
Upon your shoulder.
As the night puts on it's cloak.
Sep 2013 · 892
Here I am
wasting time
im gone a little
gone in time

I tried not to notice
the leaving day
by afternoon
i was gone away

the flowers sleep
your widows peak
summer iced tea
long and deep

blurred by vision
set in stone
i sat those nights
when i was alone

the gaze you gave
to those long lost stars
i wanted to save
keep in my jar

want to laugh like you used to
laugh in the day
laugh in the mornin'
laugh in the haze

i drew in a breath
it caught your gaze
in the shimmer and the haze
in the bronze of those days

gimme that smile
i knew so well
that day you met
my sorry soul

in the blues and the greens
and the songs and the trees
in the suns and the bees
in the moons and the seas

ill stay with you
for all of time
my heart is yours
all of mine

i'll pray for you
to the God i love
ill pray for you
to God above

the laughs we shared
the times we dared
there not a waste
there my endeavor

believe in me
believe in you
believe in us
and we'll see through

the darkened light
the drearier night
the dreaded times
the evil sights

the world we live in
the world we fight
the dusty morns
the cool of night

now friend, i,
know you struggle with the way you look,
the grades you get,
the fish you net,
your girlfriend next,
your tired dad,
your long lost soul
and long lost bet

but life is short,
(and so am i)
i'll pray to God
you'll get by

and if it's my last breath
i'll give to you
my last lie
i'll lie for you

i've never wished to die
never wished to die
but i'd sure do
if i left your side

so here i go
this is the end
of the song i wrote
for you my friend

miss you now
miss you then
miss you next year
when i'll send

a postcard from
far away
beyond the days
beyond those days...

— The End —