She knew.
Just as she always knew.
It was just a matter of
If her mind could hear
What her heart was saying.
He was avoiding her.
Because maybe he knew too.
And that scared the living **** out of him.
But those times they both stop knowing
And the ***** flowed
And the night brought mystery and possibilities
They let themselves know nothing
And they let themselves feel the fire
That both of them felt
For each other.
And the memory of that heat
Would stay with them
For weeks after
Like embers after the fire.
But at the end of the night
Through misty cognizance,
She remembered.
Her intuition kindly reminded her
What she already knew.
And she’d try to bring it up
And he’d pretend he had no idea what the hell she was talking about.
Embers always turn to ashes.
She’d shake her head
Walk away
And turn back
And he’d be looking too.
She’d think from across the room
“Just once,
I wish you’d surprise me.”
And as she walked out that door
He’d think to himself
“Me too”.
For T- Someone, someday will surprise you. If you let them.