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Soph T Nov 2017
Is this really what I've become?
I am a pathetic,
human being.
I don't want to go out anymore,
I don't have the energy to do anything.
I just lay around,
Thinking about how much better it would be,
If I was gone.
I wouldn't upset anyone,
I wouldn't have to see how they look at me.
They think I don't know,
But I do.
It would be easier if I just do it already,
I don't know why I haven't.
Soph T Aug 2017
I'm drifting.
And further,
I fear I'm losing control.
There are times when I don't even recognize myself.
I needed you to hold me down,
Maybe if you were still here,
I wouldn't be so far gone.
Soph T Aug 2017
I'm listening,
I'm here.
I won't ever leave you.
When you cry,
I'll help you.
When you simply need a hug,
I'll be there.
Things are hard right now,
I won't pretend I don't know,
But I'm here,
Even if you don't want me to be.
I'll love you,
Even if you can't love yourself.
Soph T Aug 2017
I want to be free.
I want to be free of this darkness that owns me.
It follows me around,
It won't leave me alone.
I'm constantly fighting it.
I can't take it anymore.
I'll lose the fight.
I'll just give up,
And the darkness will win.
Soph T May 2017
Why is everyone so afraid to say suicide?
When it happens,
everyone is afraid to talk about it.
People fabricate the word "suicide" because they're afraid.
They're afraid of admitting that they couldn't save them.
They couldn't save them so they call them a victim.
They deserved better,
They deserved someone who cared.
They needed someone who listened.
Now it's too late.
Soph T May 2017
I'm fine
I'm just a broken person,
Trying to collect the pieces.
Trying to put myself back together.

I'm fine
But I'm really not
I'm dying on the inside
But I won't tell you that

I'm not fine,
But you'll never hear me say that
Soph T May 2017
Calm down,
Everything is okay
Stop crying,
You have no reason to be sad.
Be happy,
Your family loves you.
Don't be angry,
He didn't do anything.
No one is hurting you but yourself,
You're killing yourself.
I know you can't control it,
But try.
You're losing yourself.
There will be nothing left to lose.
And that's what I worry about,
I don't want to lose you too.
Don't do it,
Look around you,
See all the people who care about you.
If you need to go,
Then go.
But stay alive for them,
Stay alive
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