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A man stands on the side of the road,
a cardboard sign, alone.
A woman starves to feed her son,
who's there to help? No one.

A broken world so full of pain,
you close your windows and the shades,
so you don't see, but you hope for
someone to find them all before,
it is too late to save their lives.
With some help, they can survive.

But why not now? What's stopping you?
'Cause if you don't, who's going to?

A man stands on the side of the road,
you gave some change, but he's still alone.
A woman starves to feed her son,
you gave her food, but only once.

A broken world so full of pain,
you close your windows, and the shades.
Sometimes you peek, and hope that more,
people help them all before,
it is too late to save their lives.
Just like you did, so they'll survive.

Why not give more? What's stopping you?
'Cause if you don't, who's going to?

A man stands, no longer alone,
money in his wallet, he's home.
A woman's fed, so is her boy,
three meals each day, she's now employed.

A broken world so full of pain,
you open your windows and the shades,
so you can see, and now you are
the one that helped them all before,
it was too late to save their lives.
Because of you, they will survive.

Reach out to more, what's stopping you?
'Cause if you don't, who's going to?
If I close my eyes,
limits fade away,
what I want to do,
I will do today.

If I close my eyes,
winter grass is green,
I can create,
a brand new scene.

If I close my eyes,
all will be okay,
I'll turn dead flowers,
into a pretty bouquet.

If I close my eyes,
I can fly today,
when I hear the tunes,
I'll let my body sway.

If I close my eyes,
this will be my day,
'cause when I close my eyes,
I can see the way.
I don't fit in
And I don't stand out
I just blend in
And get lost in the crowds

I'm just another person
On just another street
I don't know anybody
And nobody knows me

But things worth exploring
Aren't always explored
And things worth adoring
Aren't always adored

I'm just another face
Just another girl
But if you don't explore the oyster
You'll never find the pearl
Where'd you go, self?
Where are you?
Are you hiding away,
or afraid to shine through?

Why don't you come
around anymore?
Did you get swept
up in the world?

Did you change who you are?
Did you buy a disguise?
Are you the one hiding,
or did I close my eyes?

Do you just have
too much to do?
Or am I the one
who's too busy for you?

Are you too ashamed
to show your face?
Why are you running?
Unlike others, I'll chase.

I'll be back
In a few days.
I've got to find myself,
Before I'm too far away.
 Sep 2013 Sonny Day
Lisa A Anglin
I never really knew
Just how much I needed you

You were my strength when I was unsure
You were my anchor, you taught me how to endure

You where my logic when I was confused
You gave me direction, you were my muse

Now you are gone and there are times I feel so alone
Nothing is the same, even this house doesn’t feel like home

I tell myself that you are still here with me
That if I close my eyes then I will see

That you are in my heart and you are in my soul
You will always be apart of me that I never have to let go

I love and miss you more than words can say
And the memory of you helps me make it through each day

I love you Mom!

© COPYRIGHT L. A, Anglin 2013
hesitations, good vibrations
and the sound can’t make you fall
on life they’re choking, heart is broken
but the music saved them all

— The End —