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ants in the kitchen will leave by easter. he said it should be on the same day each year; he is learned, pronounced as two bits.


cobwebs away, yet not all of them. an old house., national trust where all is care and cleaning. they leave some now for authenticity.

it has been a wet winter, look at the water stains in the fireplace.
do not fret, i know you worry, i will paint it over in the spring.

it is a long time since the sun shone in long and low like that.
they killed it.

without hesitation.

it glittered like starlight, fine, upstanding, an

example of kinship, solidarity. dead. they

killed it dead.

it shone with kindness and friendship

so they deliberately made it die.  now

they continue to ****** what is left,

as they have done before.

it was a good was different. that

is all.

a rabbit lives by there

among the green scented branches.

peoples’ litter.

you may think that when you search the words

you may find fruit, the type that drips on eating,

mostly down your tee shirt or other      garment.

here we gets hip hop and pop art which is cool,

yet not as refreshing as strawberries, raspberry

and lime. some time we needs a damp flannel.

randomly i see that the little      iron has been

replaced in monopoly. glad i already have one.



daily post – juicy
not keen on the word really, sounds somewhat    toiletry


occurring in a natural place/ america, or grizzly big furry



may be a myth.

crouch is also disliked for one of the above, and the end.

the synonyms are disagreeable as far as i can see, so

i shall sit here nicely.

sound sounds like this in english. sounds familiar.

in the morning,             heartening                 lorries,

mansel davis, north to south and back again reverse


garden, sounds fresh so early,                           outdoor

noise.      indoors,

the radio plays.                                             brittle.      news

mumbo jumbo of politics.

birds sing.

tinnitus continues,                                                 softer now

so she has suggested that  this god may be a girl, and / or  somewhat feminine.

last week I said that gender is over rated and that I do not believe such things.

we talked of the random nature of everything, and while in agreement there

are still issues between us.

I shall say that if there is a god, who is gender based, may she be kinder than

if there is one now,                                                                                                 is.

and learn better grammar than me, and forget the punctuation.

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