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416 · Oct 2013
Mother & Son
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I killed a mother,
and the boy acting as her son.
After tangling her up in my whip
as she tried to do the same,
and inching my way closer,
closer to her face;
allowing me to see,
just who had thrown
that first blow.

I grabbed that mother,
by the back of her neck;
as she tangled herself further
into that rope,
and so i grabbed that little boy,
by the same scruff of skin,
and held them both,
so closely, yet in contempt.

The little boy,
might not have had much to do,
in all honesty, and reminded me
much of how I had seen my mother;
just moments ago;
before this malice broke out.

restrained and struggling,
they both fought with inevitable,
and i showed their struggling bodies;
still full of life,
to their reticent comrade,
and she did not do, but watched.

Closer i brought them to me;
now both tangled in that rope,
and squeeze i did;
so that nothing could squirm from my grasp.
By the back of their necks,
i managed to sever them both,
and died together did that mother,
and the boy acting as her son.
399 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
i am that which is lost in translation;
figures that don’t add up.
Each one has their own expression,
in a medium no others' use.

i am based in that which is not understood:
beyond the conceivable mind.
sprouting into observable matter,
but not limited to its physical ideals.

Everyone of us is a golden rod,
marked with a golden seal,
in a metaphysical aero plane
soaring above a mass continent-uity.
398 · Feb 2016
No Reply
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
in the other tab of the window just closed
389 · Mar 2014
Dream Meal
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
It is so much more rewarding,
to eat the food brought by dreams,
than any worldly delicacies,
and the weight which they bring.

For in your dreams there is no reward;
nothing to gain/nothing to lose,
and the tastes change tremendously,
as frequently as the frequency of brain waves.

There is no need to fill up,
count calories, protein, or nutrients,
and when it settles in your belly,
makes you realize you didn’t need, but only wanted.

In the dream however,
there is no want or need,
and it entices itself into your mouth,
only to return to eternity.

Maybe in my understanding.
I’d rather sleep three times daily,
than consider an American diet.

If you are what you eat,
perhaps i consist of dreams,
and this food it makes me feel good,
not fasting, merely fast asleep in dream.
387 · Feb 2016
Through Unbound Veil
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Images unsought;
incongruent pieces,
trapped in the vortex,
of an open mind.

In the wake,
of a love so severe.
Complete && utter loss.
Thieving smiles,
ear to seer.

Yes we are all dreamers here,
at best, i Inspire
all about your lovely self,
you wish would disappear.
False reflections of unknown fear.

Swirling images,
lost in void,
of an open mind,
floating fragments,
negligible, && liberated,
from all that is sense.
THIS is why it hurts. All of my love to the passers-by.
382 · Jan 2016
Meadow St.
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Lying on my back;
vibrating todays song

Giggling girls;
assuredly wrong

snickering aloud,
"But wait, you're not dreaming!"

Silly girls,
I've been dreaming all along.

Running backwards on busy streets
Smashed out car window; Detroit Love

Doped-up zombi with a blonde wig on;
"I would've fallen back asleep,
but then the movie would be over"

By the glass river now..
I've taken my dip up stream
378 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
It’s not that I don’t want to,
enjoy your fine substances,
be them oral, or nasally ingested;
I believe I’ve had my share,

And the incessant smoke,
of all sorts of flavors and scents,
That too;
I have filled my lungs.

Strange plates,
full of material for delight,
make no sense,
to a belly that is full.

And how I would occupy,
a room full of company,
if only:
I hadn’t cut myself off.

I have tried these means,
and what good they have done,
but sorry i am,
for no better i feel.

Engaging your lust,
would befit a king,
if not for the harlem,
I gave away.

Indulging imagination,
might be a nice trip,
had not I taken,
the tour a few too many.

Give in to the ego,
only resort,
I just as "me,"
apparently not enough.
SomethingRascal May 2014
Feeling like romeo just after
drinking that ineffective love potion.
Instead of freezing myself in time,
i will love for an eternity
taking on new forms when we need.

That must make you my honey-covered blackberry, Juliet
craving more always, but understanding
why there is just never enough.

This morning rain is dark, clear, lush, and boisterous;
nothing like the scent you left me with,
which brings me back to our observatory,
watching atoms collide in chaotic harmony;
yes that was then, but oh how this is now!

Look out for fox this morning,
as he is sure to marry this certain dream,
if light rays peak through
varnishing reflective wash,
and reveal the rainbows streaking from our souls.

Song birds will sing as oxygen flows,
To where it was observed,
from nobody knows.


Today the mourning doves cry out all afternoon
just as the willows weep, and swoon,
and sun masked brilliantly by clouds
that surround

shining brightly on everything,
but not directly on down
so the flowers in trees, in hope of new glee
look around and beg the Sun, “shine on me will you please?”

but the rain is still falling
gently like your tingling kisses
and the fox hasn’t stopped chasing
perhaps to find his rainbow mistress
378 · Mar 2014
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
After you all left, your party that is,
I ended up parkouring a bit,
through a beautiful display of bamboo,
and wooden structures,
and found myself amongst friends,

Thai ladies who recognized me,
from the last time i had been here,
and we picked up conversation,
exactly where we had left off.

The one on my left was from Chiang-Rai,
she was beautiful, and spoke english well,
while the one to my right,
who also spoke well, was much more foreign,
and much less cute.

After finalizing the feelings,
it was off to the festival of life,
and the veggie food cart, once again,
was happy to see my face.

I told them as i had last time,
“Come to get a massage,
we can exchange for bomb food,
and all will work out well.”

Somehow these fields of love,
brought me back to prison walls,
and a game of basketball,
amongst angsty inmates,

and the soup that was bought for me,
for i could not pay, and we lost the game,
but all was not lost,
as i was given the keys to the jailhouse band,

and almost instantly i was back in that bar,
with my dad getting me drunk,
and buying tons of groceries,
to feed all the new friends.

It seems i had been given a deal:
they wanted 4oz on the front,
and i would be in the band,
and my dad could manage it all,

but just as easily i was sitting on a couch,
taking such a fat rip of bho,
that without missing a beat,
i remembered its exactly what i shouldn’t have done.
377 · Oct 2013
Bare the Weight
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
To be your friend:
i bare,
all the weight,
of being in love.

To be in love:
i must bare,
all the weight,
of being a friend.

To be an artist:
i suffer,
all the weight,
of being alive.

To be alive:
i suffer,
all the fate,
of being man.

There is no greater Love,
there is no greater Love.
366 · Oct 2013
Your Front Door
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I didn’t say goodbye
when i left;
I only walked out,
Through your front door.

You were busy,
having words,
with your sister,
on the telephone.

Air was quite clear,
outside that door;
Sun shining brightly,

No place to go,
without aim in sight,
but only to be;
needless of me.

Sold the deal,
as the door sealed,
and the lock clicked;
there is no more.
365 · Feb 2016
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
It's just one of those things...

Yu haven't got to check,
whether or not,
the light came on.

Yu know it.
Deep in your heart,
that **** is on fire.

Yu can't even butter toast,
the same way anymore,
&& whatever is cookin' in there...
Smells **done.
364 · Oct 2013
So I Sleep
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I’ve gotten pretty good,
at tricking my self to sleep,
make believe i’m really tired,
and how i really want those dreams.

Everyone else is sleeping,
or trying to be awake,
but here i am now,
consciously alone.

The ambient noises,
and vibrant colors,
of shapeless existence,
and indeterminable wealth.

somber scents,
and weightless thoughts,
about heroes dead,
and gone.

As time slips by,
i am only aware,
as best i can be,
of these breaths.

As it is,
Inspiration being,
the only thing,
which hasn’t left this eve.
363 · Jul 2014
Summer Love
SomethingRascal Jul 2014
It's Blackberry bird-**** season
Love Michigan summers
362 · Jul 2016
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
&& so much more.


In him,

Child-size surprise,
Akin to lands lost,
in s p a c e, in time.


The Sun Ascends.
347 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I noticed you through my window.
i was breathing,
you were leaving.

I wondered how to talk to you,
if i should leave a note on your car,
or if i should just wait.

Funny you should return,
your car near that same spot,
and that i might still be in my window;
just breathing.
347 · Mar 2014
PR Paradise
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
Somewhere between the throbbing tinnitus,
and tummy ache from liver damage,
my eyes rolled round,
and found focus on bliss.

Remembering the moments of pure distortion,
accompanied by breath,
and disrupted with the anthem,
of a hundred kids unyielding.

“All you have to do now is breathe,
You’ve done it to yourself boy.”
And a smoke coated couch,
has never smelled so great.

I’m staring at heaven,
though my eyes are closed,
and the sun now rises,
over a broken painted wall.

Punk rock paradise,
moaning out of tempo,
everyone’s waiting to get lit,
if only you’ve got a spark.

After a thorough thrashing,
we cram into the whip,
and my head finds solace,
pushed up against your seat.

The bands roll in,
everyone drops out,
to a B-flick joke,
room filled with smoke.
347 · Jan 2015
Pure Coincidence
SomethingRascal Jan 2015
If i can just breathe,
If i can just be,

There’s no way,
my darkness can,
take my soul,
away from me;

Remembering always.

Chanting to the high,
Longing from below.

Layers of life,
all the way down
fearless, no;
only quartered and drawn.

Death in every moment,
remembering always.

Listen only,
Listening always,
the golden pain in my heart,
burning all to ashes.

If i can just see,
these tears are me.
my first of the new year;  blessings
345 · Oct 2013
Don't Lose Your Moon
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
When they say,
“don’t lose your moon,
while you’re staring at the stars.”
They really don’t mean
your moon at all,

Your moon will always come back,
here on Earth,
and she will shine, shine, shine,
until its time to take a break.

Always near though,
never too far,
waiting to be reached for,
and ready to glow,

Instead; when you loose your baby,
she is gone, gone, gone,
no matter how far,
it’s never near enough,

So you float towards those stars,
those twinkling stars,
and just know:
she’s probably doin’ the same.
344 · Mar 2014
The Day Cowboy was Wrong
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
The day the Cowboy was wrong,
was a beautiful day on Earth,
as it was his last here,
and he knew it was coming.

He awoke, knowing he would no longer,
as the vermillion sun rose,
over the mountains to the east,
dissolving all fog and doubt.

Dust whirled to his north,
alerting him to the Great Spirit’s presence,
“It was nice of you to come.
You know, not many could do this.”

He heated up a *** of coffee,
and rolled one last cigarette,
remembering vividly coyote,
coming to him that night.

Coyote explained he was wrong,
and understanding so,
all of nature collided,
bringing with it the end and beginning of all things.

As a flash of a memory dissipated,
Cowboy listened to nature’s song,
a beautiful one, the sound of nothing,
becoming everything, and nothing again.

He washed his face,
and instead of burning that smoke,
he let it put itself out,
giving it back to Mother Earth.

Just as crow arrived,
and made sound that it should be time,
he followed crow,
knowing he was wrong.

Cowboy said goodbye to no one,
and his friends, they continued;
in the last town, and in the next,
but here in no man’s land, Cowboy was it

And so he forged on,
following crow,
knowing today, the day he was wrong,
was his last day on Earth.
334 · Oct 2013
Of You - A Haiku
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I fell in love,
with a beautiful girl,
so i turned around,
and left her the world.

i only eat,
when i need to ****,
the ghost would stop haunting,
if i could take a hint.

I look for you,
every time i am here,
without words to give,
only things to forget.

you treat me like,
the child i am,
without trying,
to humor my ego.

I am ******* you darling,
for i am ******* myself,
such a beautiful piece,
i did not mean to judge.

A beautiful piece,
of myself you are, but still,
not the same standards.
329 · Jan 2016
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
What's keeping real together?
intangible, unequivocal void.

I am not that real,
nor the space holding it all together now,
something rascal,
somewhere amidst heart-strings',
resonance between movements.

such a fine line,
between the light,
&& that on which this star shines.
329 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
You see more of me,
in the hours you’re asleep;
than when you’re ready.

instead you release,
all the while i relieve,
and ask for nothing,
far and few in between .

out of sight,
out of mind,
but return we shall,
in your dreams you believe.

like a memory to retrieve,
faithful; loyal,
ready to seize,
if i, you, we please.
322 · Oct 2013
You Were Supposed
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
You were supposed
to elevate as well,
and i know;
if this is elevated,
who would want anything
to do with it?

But really now
we were here once,
and you left,
and so i am here;
left with a silly decision:
to have it all, or void.

i was looking for a reason,
to get out of bed
this early afternoon,
but found none,
and got up anyways;
the love was in my pocket.

I am grateful to have nothing,
want nothing,
and be nothing.
Perhaps the picture painted,
on the blank canvas,
was there all along.
321 · Sep 2016
Vacant && Uninspired
SomethingRascal Sep 2016
How those words,
do ring true.

You would have to be pretty hollow,
for them to echo this long.

echo they do
echo they do
317 · Nov 2015
0 Suns
SomethingRascal Nov 2015
Without having even opened,
my tired little eyes,
it was so clear to me:

This frozen ground,
frosted trees, && darkened skies,
yearn for tangerine drops of sunlight.

Patiently through the shadow of time,
does the dew wait for its prism,
&& as certain as the colors on the horizon,
line up, waiting to greet the day,
my heart, my grasp, will be empty,
&& gaze fixed upon a new found blue.
314 · Oct 2013
Tomorrow Morning
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
Things will be different,
next time; of course,
If i don’t see you,
feel you, enjoy you,
in my dreams,
I’ll probably just get out of bed.

Maybe that time,
for the sunday seance,
and the animate ceremony,
i will remember it.
Instead of letting the sweet breeze,
and rain drops lull me back to daze,

And when i do awake,
despite all of my will,
resting there next to me,
i will have what it takes,
to crawl, walk, run,
and wash last night off of myself
313 · Oct 2013
I Dreamt of You
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I had a dream about you,
we were doing wonderful things,
full of bliss and eternal ecstasy,
just as i know things would be.

I took the lives of some animals;
****** maybe, but sacred,
and we wore their beautiful skins,
to keep ourselves from the element.

You looked so eloquent in your furs.
The color had not changed a tint,
since I stripped them from that doe,
and mine felt so powerful,
to be wearing its head over my own.

I could have shed tears,
over how beautiful it was,
this vision i was having,
but alas it was just a dream.
311 · Jul 2016
Thank yu, Lorde
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
&& Soot fell like snow,
all around.

Sheets of rainbows,
&& hail reign of the heavens.

Hue-man are you, then,
&& suffering is all.

Get my best,
She will,
&& give her some more,
I am.

Let me be.
For you.
309 · Oct 2013
Without a Face
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I woke up today,
without a name,
i have a face,
but it is not mine,
at least it was not.

All i know ,
is how to breathe,
deeply and fully,
consciously as well.

What else is there,
for someone who knows,
how to do nothing,
better than any other?

i woke up today,
with a beautiful view,
of nothing,
turning into nothing,
and everything,
in between.

all i know,
is every beginning’s end,
and all the ends’ start,
does not happen;
here at least.
304 · May 2014
SomethingRascal May 2014
Such a silly haircut
on my little toe-headed girl
it was all *******,
and short on the sides

bangs falling short
above those light blue eyes

and we stared at each other
for a long, long while
admiring the chub on her cheeks
and the dimples in her smile

i suppose she looked just like you,
although you weren't here to be found
in the thick of South Africa
with accents that did astound me

and i did get the chance to brag
about my little honey-babe
with dirt on her hands
and a smile on her face

to a friend i knew long ago
in her place next to the structure
of eternal expedition
in the form of stimulation
at the users' best convenience
304 · Dec 2015
Tiny Pedals
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
How right you are, love,
words are not at all necessary,
but without them i haven’t a chance to tell you,
“i love your every breath.”

If it’s games you wish to play
i am not at all interested,
for i am a trickster at heart,
and we coyote play for keeps.

I’ve got it, ***,
and i know you have as well;
i was not mistaken...

In unfolding those tiny pedals,
around your inner little girl,
and stealing just a glance,
of that bumpin' love,
you keep underneath:

Radiant woman!
through these empty streets.
i will walk you home.
301 · Jun 2014
SomethingRascal Jun 2014


- a firm belief in both magic carpets, and placebo effect.
301 · Apr 2014
SomethingRascal Apr 2014
con paso de los días
mi corazón deambula aún más,
y se une
a mi pensamiento:
               con usted
298 · Feb 2016
Crystal, MI
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Today is the motif.
ideas daydreaming du corpse,
Superior attaining interpretation,
to my silly comprendo.

Make no mistake,
in this place, here,
we trace lakes.
Lying down; face-to-face,
when the mask breaks.

Make no claims.
In this; have no stakes.
in this.. Love's misfortune,
unfurl my bed, close my eyes,
&& rest my head,
in gold flake.

Our mother, she is kind.
Knows just what she does.
My home is not this hell;
nor s p a c e above.

Alight anew for ceremony,
&& i'll be the last to leave.
obligate engagement.
my place. In-between.
295 · Jul 2016
As the Beat Carries
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
The palms of the tropics,
Will clap if yu want to.

An image unsought.
Light rays burnt.
committed to physical memory,
reflecting the times,
the tide.

She asked,
"How do yu know it's an eagle, baby?"

Without a doubt in this world,
his lips formed in simple,
"Eagle flies higher than all the rest.
Carries man's prayers to heaven."

As the beat carries on.
295 · Mar 2014
Live Anight
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
Things seem to be
somewhat real this evening
a chalice moon
far in the west
dare i say, lonely?

and for once this comes to me
without me being asleep
and i find the words to speak
from another kind of dream

things would be so easy
if the same **** appealed to me
at least they would be cheap
because cheap is so easy

if only for a moment
before fake lights upon my eyes
and options in front of me
barraged with packaging

the air it seems to be
enough to sober me
moisture frozen to my face
as i occupy the space

enlivened by the opportunity
of moving place to place
to get that necessity
and return to a place high in the trees
287 · Feb 2014
Por Que?
SomethingRascal Feb 2014
i'd rather take you away,
and **** you my self,
than never see you,
and know you’re the cutest ******,
that town has ever seen,
and have the prettiest hands,
that have ever made,
domino’s pizza.

Why must we torture ourselves?
i haven’t had nicotine in days,
caffeine in weeks,
and only 2 meals a day,
and yet i feel so strung up;
tied to the habits i didn’t even hold on to.

its a horrible trick:
to show yourself such a beautiful image,
of what could be,
knowing especially the ****,
that is underneath,
and under that?
Sure its a light so full,
gold doesn’t even come near.

i always find this here,
in the realm of my heart:
my true nature all around,
and my tears all on the ground.
For i could have, would have, should have,
all day long,
but what did i?
No i was not; we must’ve both been mistaken.

i’d promise you heaven,
but you can only give it to yourself,
and as for the rest of us here:
well we will blow around like tumbleweeds,
at the bottom of this oxygen ocean,
flowing hitherto from the last accident,
as it burns through, and from us.

this is not poetry,
this is not even clever,
words to scream so nobody will hear,
if nothing else,
i’ve got lungs to ******* breathe about it.
286 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
Is it truly possible,
that i am turning ****,
out of the food
i can still taste?

Sometimes late in the morning,
when they think
they should all be asleep,
it’s the best to be awake.

The days you get out of work,
I haven’t gotten out of bed.
I’ll be up all the while;
Close your eyes now,

And so the rain falls;
a new green achieved.
Would you take off your shoes
before you walk into heaven?
284 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
“Take me away.”
she begs of you,
and oh how you would,
if not for..
what? for me?
for you?
for everything.

funny thing,
about being in love,
with yourself:
there’s no room,
for anything else;
for everything else.

“Where?” does not matter,
for wherever she will find:
You are outside expectation,
and she outside comfort; control,

and y’all may not realize it, but
you won’t ever find yourselves there;
only what’s left of that being,
when it differs not from everything,

no need to discuss “when?”
the time is only now,
and now is your chance;
to exit the womb,
join the fireflies,
up, up, and..

always ahead,
a quiet mind,
and freedom to move,
flourish, to be;
not only what you are,
but not as well;
SomethingRascal Apr 2014
Catching Butterflies
with a broken net.
You’d think i’m trying very hard;
really i’m just blowing in the wind,
like you, and yours.

Just give me some more,
while i’m here, while you’re here.
That’s all we’ve got,
and god knows you don’t want,
anything more from me when that’s over.

And i? well i’ll act like i do,
but, actually, that’s no worry to you
for Wolfy’s got no room for 2,
and what am i worth to you?
Nothing more than gum stuck to your glorious shoe.

I can’t make you feel better,
i can only help you help yourself,
and as far as jobs go,
well i’m one for play,
so pick yourself up.

I’m going to be here when you leave,
i’ll probably think about you,
but once again, i know better,
than to actually distract myself,
with the beauty and light you have.

When the dark comes,
i hope you stay lit, baby,
because i shine brightest at night,
and these times you may not need the light,
i’ll keep myself warm and tight,
and hope you feel alright.

This spiral’s on its way down,
and watch all you want,
but keep your distance,
as i don’t care to take you with,
and god knows i’m not goin’ anywhere.

So maybe just tonight,
under firefly light,
we can catch butterflies,
with broken nets,
and you can leave, feeling alright
282 · Feb 2014
Sierra (Like the desert)
SomethingRascal Feb 2014
You were all there,
with me,
as usual,
only something strange took over;

A thin film of reality
coated everything,
in those sunny fields,
on that day time.

The way you said your name
made them all think it, “Sarah,”
but you and i both knew,
that wasn’t really the case,

and furthermore,
we were there together,
and i destined to push you,
against the wall to kiss your face.

that laugh and smile,
all that i needed to see,
a ****** in babylon,
is a princess in hell,

and i’d probably write you a poem,
if only it wouldn’t solidify,
the cage you radiate inside,
the one in my mind.

i suppose i could laugh,
maybe cry, or just ignore,
the joy your presence brings,
waking up, falling for more,

and inside i guess  i know,
if this is how it shall be,
it will truly never work this way,
you outside, not inside me.
281 · Jun 2014
White Walls
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
You thought the walls were breathing,
but i can see their veins
277 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I come here looking,
mostly for you,
but looking nonetheless.

Not because i’m curious,
or interested even in the least,
but because i’m afraid.

My fear: of myself,
by myself, and ultimately,
for myself.

Of course I will find You,
everywhere; anywhere,
I look I will find You

If I only knew,
always that I would find You,
I wouldn’t come looking.
276 · Dec 2015
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
A Shaman with only one foot,
Still takes,
every step at a time.
273 · Apr 2014
SomethingRascal Apr 2014
I’ve seen so much love in this world,
i don’t even know what to do without it.
To say you aren’t the most beautiful
part of all; that would be a lie,
but you know she, and he, and i are too.

This will bounce all night if you let it; if i let it,
and in between the rhythm,
is a space so dark and cold,
the light pulses become detectable,
from years away, and how i see it now:

Space echoes, deep and long
wavelengths so spread, you’d think they were forgot,
but when the light is seen, the rainbow revealed,
all this nonsense finds it’s way ,
into sensical thought space, and maybe
you’ll see the dark side of your moon.

Well i do forget from time to time,
if i weren’t mistaken actually,
its the forget i do best, and only slightly time
to time, because space in between,
sometimes means more than the light itself,

These lines, they reflect
on themselves, and repeat as far as they reach,
and we let them, allowing more space between
for things unseen, that young girls believe,
but that’s just between you and we.

Oh how just as it starts to come together,
it falls back away, or changes complete pace
as you were about to land
the ground lost its place;
no face to save.

It is what it is, really,
and sometimes it is what’s not,
but the meteors that burn up
are the most dazzling thing in the sky;
that is in your eyes.
273 · Jul 2016
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
She speak to me.

The light in her eyes,
on her thighs.

Delicate dancing flower,
every time i give a listen,
she leaves me surprised.

Inspiration abundantly,
twist && turn,
feel the breeze, swaying trees,
i look && love the light i see.

272 · Oct 2013
Your Cage
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
To give you the world,
would be no better than a cage,
for a lovely soul,
such as your self.

It’s true what they say,
for the freedom that you love,
can so easily,
be taken away.

The radiant gold,
and beautiful hues,
warm, tingling scents,
are of home.

But to bottle you up,
for selfish’s sake,
would only do both of us harm.

How unfortunate it is,
my love for you,
takes such drastic measures,

and if i don’t walk away,
i cannot guarantee ,
our happiness for all of eternity.

Perhaps you will flutter,
your lovely little wings,
in the direction of mine,
one day.

And i will consider myself lucky,
for knowing you as you are,
when you knew you,
were where you wanted to be.

Please sing me a song,
on that glorious day,
one of conflict and of resolution.

As your lips whisper,
our ears they will tickle,
and our hearts can lay down peacefully,
and die.
271 · Jun 2014
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
Un otro dia en el paraíso
rainbows overhead,
and the black of my soul
spewed across my own belly.

Must've awoke in light,
for now I am the penetrating darkness.
The spots cannot be washed,
only moved to suit the life.

You were so naked in front of me,
but my unending frustration hindered evermore,
my scarce chance at you.

Sometimes it's difficult to tell what's light,
and what is it shining on?
For neither seems to quell this feeling;
Oh well, perhaps it's on to Waghdas.
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