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265 · Jan 2016
Gone For An Hour
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Some Times,i

Re - ceive signs,
Telling me to:


L I S T E N.

(coyotes crying in the distance)
263 · Jun 2015
SomethingRascal Jun 2015
I passed the American dream.
She wore no shoes as she hobbled along incoherence;
Atop glass and asphalt;
Gripping a flag between the divide and certain death.
We are all headed that way
Some just choose to do so in confidence.
260 · May 2016
Part of Something
SomethingRascal May 2016
I am only a loan.
This life,

Dashed out quickly,
on the cold, wet concrete.
258 · Feb 2016
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Always whispering to the world,
as she is my lover.
Mumbling nothings,
P A U S E;
&& return to silence.
If only she were listening,
if only i would listen,
to the blood,
seeping from my heart.

I've an intimate relationship with the ground.
We sleep together,
&& leave boundless,
little hidden gifts,
for each to find,
&& appreciate,
with Lovers' eyes.
One day i will return to her.
253 · Feb 2016
Heart-Shaped Eyes
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
There is great change in ones' eye,
after a successful ****.
capable of dashing out,
the light within the hopeful,
&& reigniting those who've lost.

A similar look in those eyes,
after meeting death.
251 · Oct 2013
Certain Love
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
There is a certain love,
communicated only through the hip;
It is much more a ******,
and much less a shake.

There is a certain type of love,
that exists between:
the smell of your hair,
and the back of your neck.

There is a certain love,
that forty-four words won’t tell,
and even after sixty,
it won’t be understood well.

There is a certain type of love,
between two things that don’t exist,
and the way they do not mingle,
and the way they are not mixed.

There is a certain love,
i find, and many many more,
that express themselves in everything,
and not one thing; you can be sure.
251 · Nov 2015
Take 2
SomethingRascal Nov 2015
If this blade isn't dulled,
I will tear me to pieces.
Certainly it wouldn't be the first time..

I'm reluctant to sedate,
the manic moments that make up my life,
however great for you,
we've learned I don't do this for my self.

&& furthermore. More... Further.
Always all ways, && never not.
247 · Jun 2014
The Feels
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
Awoke to the fro’s,
and to’s with ease.

On a sea of leaves,
waving high in breeze.

With might enough,
to set man’s soul free.

Oh how it gives me feels,
to be amongst these trees.
You are all around me
246 · Dec 2015
Swing Low
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
You came back this morning,
if not to cuddle, but for a moment.

You kno:
when you wake up,
in love,
it's put up, or shut up;

I realized today:
you haven't gotten ahold of me,
because you kno i won't let go.

Sweet thing, i will break this heart of mine
whether you help me,
or not..
240 · May 2015
Come Down
SomethingRascal May 2015
When these tunes play,
words say,

In the space,
only in this void.
Between your ears,
heart plays coy.

Pages blank.
Rivers flood.
Midnight passage.
The moon reflecting,
Clearly in murky water.

Expressing not,
but that which wishes;
The scent left by her hair,
on the back of her neck.

Kills it in a moment,
Regret not;
Love will **** us all.

We won’t ever see,
nor will words communicate.
Lights shut off,
through slits unopened.

Sleep now.
238 · Oct 2013
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I’ve buried my love deep inside of you,
all of it; deep down in there,
for to light your way when you go looking,
when you go looking; if you go looking.

I suppose its not hidden very well,
It only takes me a moment to find it,
each time i go looking,
what takes you.. well years it seems.

You never seem to look for it,
nor really anything else you might find,
that just happens to get lit up,
by the warm glowing fire,
in the deep space of your soul.

You have been much busier than i,
looking for love inside yourself,
You know it is there, shallow, but there.
Others have been burying theirs as well.

One day I’ll retrieve it all,
remove it from you,
so i can do whatever else i please with it.
Logically i’d want to give it to another,
I’ll probably bury it in the ground,
give it to Mother Earth,
and call it a life.
237 · Jan 2016
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
I can feel your lovely heart-strings,
singing, vibrating,
through your throat,
the sound your soul,
makes; it ******* vibrates.

Behind my eyes, I
Can still see your,
wondrous gaze,

A thousand tiny yellow lights
231 · Jan 2016
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
&& then..
                   ..i drifted..

A gentle valley,
Bare feet,
Reverberating Earth.

Midnight's dewey veil,
Not yet lifted

Those are bones you're walkin on, son.
I'll only go a bit further..

"I do hope she's alright."
215 · Mar 2014
Meal for 1
SomethingRascal Mar 2014
Finally figured out today,
how to cook a meal for just 1.
It’s been how many years since then?
probably the same until i see you again,

and just when i thought,
i might need a friend,
the food is all gone,
no need for seconds.

Must’ve been the perfect amount,
as there’s none left on the pans,
and i couldn’t dare eat another bite,
i find, as my plate returns to clean.

No pictures for the web,
not even a trace of the love spent,
only dishes in the sink, soaking,
and the need to roll up a cigarette.

This album on repeat,
enough time to have my eat,
and all the dishes cleaned,
This stanza on repeat.

We’re well into today,
but it’s the first time i’ve filled,
no harm was done,
no animals killed. (i hope)

And all else falls away,
as the clock reads 4-twenty,
the olives were a nice touch,
but that’s all you get.

Perhaps a cup,
of cowboy coffee,
to compliment,
the digesting refection.

This album on repeat,
smoke is rolled for me,
and all the dishes cleaned,
This life is on repeat.
213 · Jan 2016
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Through the glass,
her pale midnight glow,
dripping orange, unabashed

She was there,
right there,
through the glass,

outwards, freely,
with her at las..


204 · Oct 2013
No Thought
SomethingRascal Oct 2013
I hadn’t once thought,
about your body against mine,
only millimeters of cloth,
in between our eternity.

That kiss; possibly the first one,
and the way it reached,
to the back of my mind,
and tickled my lips at the same time.

Our hips in line,
ready to roll, and tuck,
with the waves, and tides,
which brought us together.

No, not once had i thought,
about the love i’d feel,
in a state so serene,
when you visited me in my dream.
189 · Jan 2016
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
have i got problems
184 · Jun 2014
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
Everything was ******,
And then it got dark.

— The End —