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Nov 2016 · 676
Election Day
SomethingRascal Nov 2016
I live in a slim rainbow hue of reality ,
where this is actually the dream,
&& waking up means living today,

Aware in this very moment,
i could, at last,
meet my maker.
Sep 2016 · 348
Vacant && Uninspired
SomethingRascal Sep 2016
How those words,
do ring true.

You would have to be pretty hollow,
for them to echo this long.

echo they do
echo they do
Jul 2016 · 385
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
&& so much more.


In him,

Child-size surprise,
Akin to lands lost,
in s p a c e, in time.


The Sun Ascends.
Jul 2016 · 334
Thank yu, Lorde
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
&& Soot fell like snow,
all around.

Sheets of rainbows,
&& hail reign of the heavens.

Hue-man are you, then,
&& suffering is all.

Get my best,
She will,
&& give her some more,
I am.

Let me be.
For you.
Jul 2016 · 296
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
She speak to me.

The light in her eyes,
on her thighs.

Delicate dancing flower,
every time i give a listen,
she leaves me surprised.

Inspiration abundantly,
twist && turn,
feel the breeze, swaying trees,
i look && love the light i see.

Jul 2016 · 927
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
Poison the well.

We do all that we can.
Not for the great return,
but to know.

I'm good for a while I'm last.
Jul 2016 · 335
As the Beat Carries
SomethingRascal Jul 2016
The palms of the tropics,
Will clap if yu want to.

An image unsought.
Light rays burnt.
committed to physical memory,
reflecting the times,
the tide.

She asked,
"How do yu know it's an eagle, baby?"

Without a doubt in this world,
his lips formed in simple,
"Eagle flies higher than all the rest.
Carries man's prayers to heaven."

As the beat carries on.
Jun 2016 · 497
SomethingRascal Jun 2016
As the markings on your arm,
Appear to me as light,
In the darkness of my eyes,
Tracing the path of the caravan.

“What do you fear?”
She asked,
Of me, and now.

To whom am I speaking?
For the rest of the time,
In my head, in my mind,
It is you, who
I am speaking to.
Jun 2016 · 642
SomethingRascal Jun 2016
Discovered in my valley
Deep in the sauna heat

"Where to?"
The North, of course


Those eyes though,
They can be many things,
Flashing passion,
from one to the next

The pleasure,
all mine.
May 2016 · 282
Part of Something
SomethingRascal May 2016
I am only a loan.
This life,

Dashed out quickly,
on the cold, wet concrete.
Mar 2016 · 486
McDonald's Angel
SomethingRascal Mar 2016
Just drop,
the needle in the whiskey.


who the cap fit?
i d k

sip sip from the cup,
from the cup.

Oh. ****.

Just where are theose shoes, now?
the mismatched ones,
with-the-out the any laces?

please, please.
if this is desperate,

O hunny,


Feb 2016 · 382
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
It's just one of those things...

Yu haven't got to check,
whether or not,
the light came on.

Yu know it.
Deep in your heart,
that **** is on fire.

Yu can't even butter toast,
the same way anymore,
&& whatever is cookin' in there...
Smells **done.
Feb 2016 · 319
Crystal, MI
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Today is the motif.
ideas daydreaming du corpse,
Superior attaining interpretation,
to my silly comprendo.

Make no mistake,
in this place, here,
we trace lakes.
Lying down; face-to-face,
when the mask breaks.

Make no claims.
In this; have no stakes.
in this.. Love's misfortune,
unfurl my bed, close my eyes,
&& rest my head,
in gold flake.

Our mother, she is kind.
Knows just what she does.
My home is not this hell;
nor s p a c e above.

Alight anew for ceremony,
&& i'll be the last to leave.
obligate engagement.
my place. In-between.
Feb 2016 · 418
No Reply
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
in the other tab of the window just closed
Feb 2016 · 276
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Always whispering to the world,
as she is my lover.
Mumbling nothings,
P A U S E;
&& return to silence.
If only she were listening,
if only i would listen,
to the blood,
seeping from my heart.

I've an intimate relationship with the ground.
We sleep together,
&& leave boundless,
little hidden gifts,
for each to find,
&& appreciate,
with Lovers' eyes.
One day i will return to her.
Feb 2016 · 290
Heart-Shaped Eyes
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
There is great change in ones' eye,
after a successful ****.
capable of dashing out,
the light within the hopeful,
&& reigniting those who've lost.

A similar look in those eyes,
after meeting death.
Feb 2016 · 417
Through Unbound Veil
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Images unsought;
incongruent pieces,
trapped in the vortex,
of an open mind.

In the wake,
of a love so severe.
Complete && utter loss.
Thieving smiles,
ear to seer.

Yes we are all dreamers here,
at best, i Inspire
all about your lovely self,
you wish would disappear.
False reflections of unknown fear.

Swirling images,
lost in void,
of an open mind,
floating fragments,
negligible, && liberated,
from all that is sense.
THIS is why it hurts. All of my love to the passers-by.
Feb 2016 · 491
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Another night,

Curtain drops.
We dip,
to get lit.

round the corner,
to the friend spot,
cold stares,
from neighbor thugs.

Miss Minnesota,
don't ya know?
catches up,
when i've already gone.

You're a *****?
No You're not.
Waving her rancid hand,
testament to that fact.

Need a ride home?
nah, i wouldn't neither,
not this early.

Man lying face down,
in the middle of the street,
frantic to find,
the lost looms of his soul-sheet.

To the corner,
down the way.
Crowbar in hand,
Clink. Clink. Clink.

Beat the bouncer,
our eyes meet,
she escapes to the back room.

Up to the balcony,
9-piece in hand,
"have i got what it takes!?"
"To finish the job??"

He had what it takes,
as his thump blocked the light,
coming beneath the door.

&& my head still hurts,
so near to his explosive absolution.
Jan 2016 · 353
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
What's keeping real together?
intangible, unequivocal void.

I am not that real,
nor the space holding it all together now,
something rascal,
somewhere amidst heart-strings',
resonance between movements.

such a fine line,
between the light,
&& that on which this star shines.
Jan 2016 · 212
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
have i got problems
Jan 2016 · 402
Meadow St.
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Lying on my back;
vibrating todays song

Giggling girls;
assuredly wrong

snickering aloud,
"But wait, you're not dreaming!"

Silly girls,
I've been dreaming all along.

Running backwards on busy streets
Smashed out car window; Detroit Love

Doped-up zombi with a blonde wig on;
"I would've fallen back asleep,
but then the movie would be over"

By the glass river now..
I've taken my dip up stream
Jan 2016 · 238
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Through the glass,
her pale midnight glow,
dripping orange, unabashed

She was there,
right there,
through the glass,

outwards, freely,
with her at las..


Jan 2016 · 298
Gone For An Hour
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Some Times,i

Re - ceive signs,
Telling me to:


L I S T E N.

(coyotes crying in the distance)
Jan 2016 · 251
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
&& then..
                   ..i drifted..

A gentle valley,
Bare feet,
Reverberating Earth.

Midnight's dewey veil,
Not yet lifted

Those are bones you're walkin on, son.
I'll only go a bit further..

"I do hope she's alright."
Jan 2016 · 471
Dainty Cakes
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
&& to think:
All of these,

heart-particles..    &&     ..fragmented

In the wake of...   you...

Your angelic endowments,
joyous *****,
&& delectable secretions

Wise we once were,
harmoniously ravaging.

My temple is empty
&& All that i can see; i steal.
Jan 2016 · 575
Tiny Bubbles
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
Wretched restraint with serpentine whorl,
Blackened abscess && swirling obsession,
Abstain from sense!

Lucid lovers, && sentient glow.
Serenity manifest,
Mirroring images of a vivid mirage.

Well-suited shackles for sordid undulation.
Tiny bubbles all in a bunch.
Intricately tied shoe-strings,
In search of cessation.

Faint fragments of distant spines shattered.
Sedated sensations,
A dark place, pristine lake,
Jan 2016 · 255
SomethingRascal Jan 2016
I can feel your lovely heart-strings,
singing, vibrating,
through your throat,
the sound your soul,
makes; it ******* vibrates.

Behind my eyes, I
Can still see your,
wondrous gaze,

A thousand tiny yellow lights
Dec 2015 · 291
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
A Shaman with only one foot,
Still takes,
every step at a time.
Dec 2015 · 562
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
We ended up beside one another in line,
&& the sweetheart with the dream eyes.

The girl whose gaze reached,
where dreams dwell.
From one heart-string to another,
whose heart beat lightly,
the pulse of my own,
mirrored by a distant light,
reflecting in our languished eyes.

Our intimate, imitant crystal gaze,
resounded all of the opulences.

Golden light pouring through pristine pools,
Pure laughter && aqueous, bubbling love.

A single dream,
just one lumen,
fixed about a sole stroke of mortal contour--
A love.

Tracing delicate differences,
illuminating a limitless furrow.

"So where are ya from?"
not her name,
nor her time.

Her answer:
the tears streaming down my face.

"From where the animals run the furthest."

my heart stumbled outwards,
my hand, apprehensive,
yet absolute,
reached her right,

she then grasped it,
with both her heart-strings.

"Tell them on your way back,"
knowing deep within her contention,
**"I can't live without it."
Dec 2015 · 262
Swing Low
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
You came back this morning,
if not to cuddle, but for a moment.

You kno:
when you wake up,
in love,
it's put up, or shut up;

I realized today:
you haven't gotten ahold of me,
because you kno i won't let go.

Sweet thing, i will break this heart of mine
whether you help me,
or not..
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
Funny how the living laugh right in the faces of the dead.
Dec 2015 · 328
Tiny Pedals
SomethingRascal Dec 2015
How right you are, love,
words are not at all necessary,
but without them i haven’t a chance to tell you,
“i love your every breath.”

If it’s games you wish to play
i am not at all interested,
for i am a trickster at heart,
and we coyote play for keeps.

I’ve got it, ***,
and i know you have as well;
i was not mistaken...

In unfolding those tiny pedals,
around your inner little girl,
and stealing just a glance,
of that bumpin' love,
you keep underneath:

Radiant woman!
through these empty streets.
i will walk you home.
Nov 2015 · 271
Take 2
SomethingRascal Nov 2015
If this blade isn't dulled,
I will tear me to pieces.
Certainly it wouldn't be the first time..

I'm reluctant to sedate,
the manic moments that make up my life,
however great for you,
we've learned I don't do this for my self.

&& furthermore. More... Further.
Always all ways, && never not.
Nov 2015 · 341
0 Suns
SomethingRascal Nov 2015
Without having even opened,
my tired little eyes,
it was so clear to me:

This frozen ground,
frosted trees, && darkened skies,
yearn for tangerine drops of sunlight.

Patiently through the shadow of time,
does the dew wait for its prism,
&& as certain as the colors on the horizon,
line up, waiting to greet the day,
my heart, my grasp, will be empty,
&& gaze fixed upon a new found blue.
Oct 2015 · 567
The Red Stalks
SomethingRascal Oct 2015
he asked,
"Why are they called the red stalks?"
For the corn were all golden..

They never did give that kid a straight answer..
Naturally, he went lookin'

As he pushed further && further in,
did they rise up to greet,
all the golden stalks,
And he began to lose track,
time, && his surroundings,
all stripped him of his belongings.

First his shoes, && scarf
jacket.. pant..


nothing was left.
(silence, but only for a moment)
Until a cold breeze did blow,
down all the golden stalks,
and leaving
only one red.
Oct 2015 · 617
Gnarled Tree & Tera
SomethingRascal Oct 2015
We could not accurately identify
The two children in the photograph,
So we did the space-time hop,
and found ourselves to be;
Underneath that large, gnarled tree.

The picture had inaccurately described
The details we now found this place to embody:
Once a marsh,
Now entirely wetlands,

and Tree...
Was an island,
of its own.

Strewn of bark, reeds, and root from below,
was Woman nestled up to Tree.

She was not separate, but consisting entirely of,
&& bound,
To Tree.

And as we gazed, you and i.

Her weathered face, && sunken eyes,
did my spine begin to tingle,
and her eyes; a twinkle.
As she twisted her head,
fixed her gaze upon my own,

And we stared...
Deeply into each other’s wonder.
That was only moments ago.
Sep 2015 · 534
Final Hunt - Short
SomethingRascal Sep 2015
And just like that humans’ grandchildren had no longer any nature to fear. The realization caught like wildfire, “If I own a piece I can preserve it forever…” and so the skins, tusks, and ***** content of Terre’s wildlife were mined, processed, and stored away on the dusty shelves of a million or so peoples’ soon to be rotten bookshelves. Systematically, part and parcel of the threads of the wild world were sectioned, cut, and numbered so that the remaining lives, if you could call them that, would all have a souvenir of a living planet.

     The hunt began a feeding frenzy; taking more human lives than what was even left of any African bush elephant, or Indus river dolphin. The hunger that consumed humanity was not for lives, no, but for the shreds of physical evidence that something once had lived, and it was at no expended cost that every last giraffe, tree frog, and jack-rabbit was displayed on artificial walls under fluorescent lights.

     “The man who sold me this piece said a whole village worth of people fought over the carcass.” When questioned,
     “which village?” he replied,
    “I didn’t get to ask. He was called over to aisle 9.”

     Those who could afford it were buried with their different duckbills, and lizard toes, snakeskins, and fish fins. Covered like a mummified Frankenstein in the garb of a living world. Stored in a plastic container and neatly tucked into a concrete wall surrounded by weathered stones and a manicured lawn. Their family would tell stories about how greatly they loved life in all forms, how hard they worked, how many they killed in order to procure such wonderful treasures. Their story was forgotten; like a thirsty root in the desert.
When i envision 2016 it already seems like a memory..
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
SomethingRascal Jun 2015
I enjoyed my cake, thanks.
Actually it came in the form of a rootbeer float,
&& i took it in by my self.

I noticed the chicka-dee-dee on the fence,
as I listened to a timepiece from another era.
It fiddled with the **** from a cigarette long since smoked,
and i wondered if it was hungry, or just trying to catch a buzz.

He set it down, i leaped to action,
Threw the **** away, && returned to my seat.
Thought the loud chirping was directed towards me,
but of course he was getting laid in the rafters over yonder.

The significance? Not,
but if only to break the silence
between lovers long since broken apart.
Fresh laughter, lightness, and.. and..
Long, long pause, and return to silence.
Jun 2015 · 800
Too Soon, Sue-Loon
SomethingRascal Jun 2015
Not a rainbow in the place,
could light up that face,
the way her sun did.
Jun 2015 · 288
SomethingRascal Jun 2015
I passed the American dream.
She wore no shoes as she hobbled along incoherence;
Atop glass and asphalt;
Gripping a flag between the divide and certain death.
We are all headed that way
Some just choose to do so in confidence.
May 2015 · 275
Come Down
SomethingRascal May 2015
When these tunes play,
words say,

In the space,
only in this void.
Between your ears,
heart plays coy.

Pages blank.
Rivers flood.
Midnight passage.
The moon reflecting,
Clearly in murky water.

Expressing not,
but that which wishes;
The scent left by her hair,
on the back of her neck.

Kills it in a moment,
Regret not;
Love will **** us all.

We won’t ever see,
nor will words communicate.
Lights shut off,
through slits unopened.

Sleep now.
Jan 2015 · 369
Pure Coincidence
SomethingRascal Jan 2015
If i can just breathe,
If i can just be,

There’s no way,
my darkness can,
take my soul,
away from me;

Remembering always.

Chanting to the high,
Longing from below.

Layers of life,
all the way down
fearless, no;
only quartered and drawn.

Death in every moment,
remembering always.

Listen only,
Listening always,
the golden pain in my heart,
burning all to ashes.

If i can just see,
these tears are me.
my first of the new year;  blessings
Jul 2014 · 485
Tornado of Butterflies
SomethingRascal Jul 2014
Butterflies in the storm,
Only one loon on this lake..

Hoppers in the field;
You get stung going up
the hill; not down it.

I believe this is the hole,
for which i am looking.

This leads to the trail,
if you do permit,

me; go home.
Last summer; still applies to yesterday
Jul 2014 · 384
Summer Love
SomethingRascal Jul 2014
It's Blackberry bird-**** season
Love Michigan summers
Jun 2014 · 321
SomethingRascal Jun 2014


- a firm belief in both magic carpets, and placebo effect.
Jun 2014 · 305
White Walls
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
You thought the walls were breathing,
but i can see their veins
Jun 2014 · 690
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
Hunny, you are the honey,
atop my fulfilling parfait.
Oh how you exemplify all the wonderful parts,
of this warm, wet, middle-Earth day.

Just as the yogurt,
your skin so soft and smooth,
and like the banana underneath,
you know how i move.

Vibrant darkness within bursting pomegranate,
full of lovely sensual flavors,
amongst sticky, sweet rehydrated grapes,
just in from space, for my belly you grace.

And the chunks of crunchy granola,
spread out; mixed in,
you’ve got your hard to-do’s,
we are all nuts here in the end.

How you appeal to me, creamy whites,
luminescent undertones,
darkness full of ecstasy,
coconut shreds; delicate like bones

But truly what you have in common,
with this bowl of splendid sustenance,
You are always on my mind,
and like my parfait you are gone.
Jun 2014 · 1.8k
Electric Bleu Panda Love
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
How does the panda become so blue?
Electric like the wiry hairs at the base of my spine,
you know, my tail.

And that man, her father, just wouldn’t leave her alone.
What a great job he had done,
to usher such a wonderful child into the age of darkness.

The red-eye rush fully in effect,
buns in the oven,
hearts open, and dreams wide awake.

Your tail was moving with focus,
as your delicate hands shaped a pie,
of lovely proportions, which hit all the right spots.

When will you be off?
Just in time to miss mourning traffic,
on your way home (to my mind).

Those rings under your eyes are beautiful under these fluorescent lights,
and i can’t keep my eyes off your slender panda-tude,
wishing i would awake underneath your electric covers.

You and i aren’t so different,
but tonight, and the next
we won’t ever know that.
Jun 2014 · 207
SomethingRascal Jun 2014
Everything was ******,
And then it got dark.
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