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Feb 2018 · 174
Paint me a picture
She recedes and
As an ocean
Waves the eternal
And take
Of a boat
Helplessly cast
Feb 2018 · 171
Pink brick
Our story was written
In pencil but
Your name is
In ink
Feb 2018 · 167
But now my
Thoughts turn to
December and
That morning when we all
Unloaded the dishwasher
Together and
It was perfect
Jul 2017 · 192
Timeless March
Mortality is
The meaning
Of life
Jul 2017 · 175
If you
Meet the truth
You know
If you don't
Know it
Then you didn't
Meet it
I think
That is somewhat true
Jul 2017 · 183
Homesick for a moment
That doesn't
Or forever
Hold your peace
Mar 2017 · 219
I find it is
Much harder
To muster the ambition
To write
Out of emotional precaution
Rather than
Out of emotional necessity
Mar 2017 · 288
Sitting heavy
My love you
Are an object of
Which a shadow
Could never be
Mar 2017 · 226
Sometimes clarity
Comes when
The blurriness of life
Blocks out all other options
Jan 2017 · 174
Indefinite freedom
Promises some
Sort of change
But form
Substance cannot
Do much
In this world
We all need glasses
Jan 2017 · 191
. .
. .
The Lizard man
Set down
His cigar
And wept
For himself and
The world and
All those
There has always been
The Lizard man
And his cigar
And his tears
Jan 2017 · 166
10:01 am
In love
With the moon
Is hard
Jan 2017 · 276
Go on
keep plodding
Keep plodding the great
unpaired line up
basking in the illumination that
from those opposite
of them
some sick trick
of light
or dark
that sends those caught
in the crossfire on a wild goose
chase into the night
some version of this that works our
Stagnation daily
Jan 2017 · 237
Play dough
Fashion whatever
Tools you like
For the project is
a product of
Your own design
Jan 2017 · 285
As Always
My unrequited love
Still a friend
I'm invited
To watch my love be given away
The cliffs you dance on
Are not nearly as hazardous as you claim
But I'm waltzing with solitude
And gambling with the old maid in hand
Jun 2016 · 207
I don't want reality
Some facsimile that provides
Me with the emotions
Necessary to write
May 2016 · 273
Telling Time
I find myself
Kicking time around
A tin can waiting
For inspiration
To fall out
Apr 2016 · 311
marco Polo
You are
A bur
Stuck to my
Fleece socks
Stroke of this pen
Your name
I haven't
spilled a drop
of ink in months
In which
You are not contained
Apr 2016 · 654
You plant
A seed in me
Every time
I see you and
Spring is coming
Apr 2016 · 386
Man is lost
at sea
the surest of life
is a good Dog
Apr 2016 · 296
The play continues
Tell me
Of the ocean
That swells
And recedes as
It gives your words form
A single sunbeam
I'll sell all I own
There is no price
I will not pay
For a seat at your table
Apr 2016 · 549
Brown Eyes
This pond
An ocean
When we stand
On either side
Apr 2016 · 308
Iterations of loneliness
I do not miss you
But love
I do not miss your eyes
But bastions of rest
I do not miss your laugh
But that carbonated joy
Percolating through me
I do not miss your arms
But the comfort of acceptance
I do not miss your lips
But the serenity
Contentment of intimacy
I miss
The mystical
And unmistakeable
Of two people who find death
And finality in each other's eyes
Apr 2016 · 311
Take me wherever
This runaway train is nothing
More than a ticket home
The forgotten masses
Were given
For a
One way trip
When asked about the signs
That said the tracks were designed
With care
A burly man shrugged
I don't know
I will tell you this
He said with a grimace
His hand clutched to his chest
One knee hit the ground
The other in time
His head
Was the the rimshot I heard
Apr 2016 · 287
I've been up drinking
Some kind of silence
Radio frequencies
Don't quite make it out here
You know
And what not
I'm thinking
It's all for the best
It's not like
They play
Anything good
My thoughts tend
To keep my company
As of late
Apr 2016 · 319
Sirens on the hill
Every once in awhile
I'll be
Stopped in my tracks
By the great Mistress
Who calls and muses
Promising her promises
Of Turkish delight
World peace
Her promises are
As empty
As my life without her
Apr 2016 · 300
I've been here
For some time
I swear I never once saw
Anyone load anything
Onto that boat
Lo and behold
Here I stand
Watching the candlelight fade
From the shores of exile
Apr 2016 · 719
The sun set
20 minutes
But noone seemed to notice
Except me
And you who sat
Staring at our own interpretation
Of the same sky
With our hearts empty
But our hands full
Apr 2016 · 267
As we turn
We dance in circles
Made of salt
With each turn
With each step
Making our intentions
Apr 2016 · 232
You are not
Some sacred flower
Worthy of
And subject to none
Like a flower
You can
**** yourself
Apr 2016 · 285
I keep thinking about you
Fear overrides my patience
I wish life were lived on
The surface, sometimes
I wonder if everyone
Else feels
The same
Or maybe the subtle
Bravery of relationships
Is some form of currency
For a country I
Haven't heard of
Mar 2016 · 287
Another one
I don't know how to write
About you
Your onset was not acute
It was the methodical build up of
An unchangeable phenomenon
An epidemic
And now you have been implanted
With such subtlety and grace
That I convinced myself I was in control
I wait
While this weight breaks me
And I prepare to solve another puzzle
Mar 2016 · 962
I feel like
There is someone behind me
just pushing me along
Like those levels on old video games where if the left side of the screen
caught up
To you
You died
You remember those?
Thats what life is
To a ******* T
Nintendo was foreshadowing the inevitability of time and death
When we were 8 years old
and we had no clue
We just wanted
The Italian plumber
To eat as many mushrooms
as possible
Which was some foreshadowing
In its own right
I guess
What im trying to say is
Life is hard man
Dec 2015 · 304
Peddling for Change
I find loneliness
To be
In that
Such a deep hurt
Always opts for the knife
Of its creation
Over the salve
Of its savior
Nov 2015 · 241
Familiar failure
Is the comfort zone
Of addiction
Nov 2015 · 279
Looking For Scraps
I sit here
Every morning
For it
To come to me
I'm begging you
Don't misinterpret my silence
For apathy
Or my stillness for weakness
But your clothes are the world
And my skin weighs enough on its own
Oct 2015 · 295
The reality
Of our daily experience
Easily mitigated
By our ability
To infinitely
Filter and wade through
That which we prefer to avoid
Sep 2015 · 211
One Day
Isn't it funny
how the older
we get
the more we know
but the less
time we have
to use it
Aug 2015 · 601
The Golden Ratio
If I
Produced as much art
as the trash I consume
things would be different
Aug 2015 · 273
An emptiness sits
Between us
A heavy handed silence
Commands the space
With a tyrant's fist
Lackeys for its whim
We await instructions
Aug 2015 · 259
You look pretty tonight
His words were offered
a sacrificial lamb
Stop it
her words were spit
they had spoiled
What once was playful
Has grown too old for games
She sits outside the circle
And watches the fools dance
Aug 2015 · 267
Everytime I sit down
to draw
I expect to see
my brain fall onto the paper
but instead
i see
my fragile scratchings
fall short
of some standard they cant understand
Aug 2015 · 333
Of course
All the way here
for the somemadeupnumberthatsoundsbiggerthananythingyoucanimagine'th time.
it always surprises me how tricky the geography around here is
no matter how many times i walk down a road
i cannot
seem to make a mental map of my surroundings
i always
"could've sworn that tree used to be over there"
if i could find
some sense
of resolution
i think i would
fall to my knees
and thank god
or that spaghetti thing
that seems to be popular
for the piece
Aug 2015 · 307
You had two kids
With you when we met
Blonde hair
And one of those smiles
That helps people remember
What we're doing here
Rather than brave the storm
I chose to sit here
And mine this paper for answers
Aug 2015 · 835
Obligatory Ramblings
I’m just making myself do this
And I’m not sure why
I guess it could be beneficial
Sometimes it is
But sometimes it isn’t
The fleeting nature of the majority of my feelings
Is a constant and nagging concern
I fall in love with most things the way
I do with poetry and women
The fall is violent
The passion and excitement of the fall
become inseparably intertwined with the reality of my daily experience
Enveloping me
minute by minute
and dominating my thoughts
my actions
I am Neruda
Until I begin to sober up
I continue to drink both in
With the ferocity of an alcoholic
So the source of this sobriety eludes me
Perhaps the beauty of women and the beauty of Poetry are fleeting by nature
Making their brief ecstasy all the more powerful
Perhaps the sudden disinterest reflects
On my character
But, there is no time for these thoughts
Because for now I am in love
With her
And with Poetry
And I want to enjoy the fall
Aug 2015 · 439
Though your call is heard
It cannot be
Understood the language
You speak
Is lost
In time
A victim
Of "progress"
and modernity
Sing proudly
Your contributions are the period
At the end of a sad novel
Aug 2015 · 427
Fruitless Yearning
I long for you
weary tendrils extend from my chest
in a vain attempt to corral you
but you are not corralable
you are the wisp of the wind
whose gentle kiss brushes
against my existence
with warmth and subtle excitation
then vanishes as quickly as you entered
even though I know when you’re coming
and you’ll tell me when you’re going
Your absence
leaves my heart motionless
sitting alone with nothing
but an irrational
unreconcilable fear
tell me I am the lone benefactor
of your calming touch
of your mindful caress
I cannot and will not bear
the agony
of watching the sand blow in the wind
Aug 2015 · 270
I awoke this morning
Face in the sand
Choking on the grains and
incapable of mustering enough
to vanquish the apathy
that keeps me there
and now
i sit here
alone in my room
thinking horribly false
unsupported thoughts
that rattle my heart
until it shakes my bones
I don’t know
from where
these thoughts come
but I know where they go
Aug 2015 · 254
Trees like capillaries
Rise and fall with each breath
Your breath passes over me
I breathe it in, making it my own
Recycled lines and images
turn over in my head
Day after day
Old experiences in new minds breed
fresh songs from innocent lips
Aug 2015 · 269
I crave
some new mistake
so you can see
i still need you
it seems we’re not through
if you think
you can fix
we can repent
but we know our sins
just please
please remind me
i thought
the caged bird sings
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