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Is not the silence,
Or the emptiness of the room.

It is not the obsession
Of an idea or mere,

It is not something we look for,
It is not something we crave

It is something we forget
when it’s in our state of being.
winter:                                                                      ­        
frozen crystal diamonds sparkling in
     the morning sun                    
dew wet cobwebs
strung between trees              
blue glass clear skies        
crisp fresh air

scarves and gloves        
socks and blankets
i got you in

it made winter              
beautiful for me      

winter is no longer drab and cold        
when you're holding my hand

so don't let go
 Jun 2013 Skylar DuBois
you didn't need me
like i wanted
how it possible that                                                             ­                                   
something so utterly wonderful:                                                       ­  you                    
can make everything dull,                                                            ­               are                  
you trying to ruin my, not                                                              ­perfect
          hopeless little existence of a life                                                             and        
      now all normal everyday things aren't the same                                                       i                  
never would have guessed that this feeling:                                                     love
     would come at such a horrible dark time, thank                                                you
took forever to get this to work, might not have the best english and grammar skills but idc, was made to be two poems in the one poem.
                           i                                                                ­                        

                                       ­                        miss  

                                                        ­                                                            you

so                                       much

                                                          ­                         it

                                                               ­                                                                 ­     hurts

                          i              love             ­ you

                                                          ­                x x
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                    x

                                          ­                      x
                                         ­                                                                 ­                 x x x
                                                               ­                   don't                                         ­                   

                                       ­                                      me

                                                             ­                                                             live­

                 without                                                          ­                              

                                                               ­                                                           you
  ­                                                   ever

                                                              ­                                       again
                                      x x
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