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 Jun 2013 Skylar DuBois
because we fell in love with the law
and fell out of love with ourselves.

because the ***** of great minds
wear pineapple fatigues in their fathers’ *******;

from Judas swallowing 9 bullets
to one day being a kid at heart
a symptom of some abnormality.

Ever get the feeling that you’ll die on a Tuesday?

Or one day wake up on their government bed
“you can blame the French Revolution
On silent reading!”


as three teacups of *** plan war on the asphalt.
"if people were flowers i'd pick you"                                                             ­                                       
                         ­                  no, i wouldn't pick you
because if you were a flower            
you would be too fragile and beautiful
                              for me to pluck you from the ground
take you out of the soil that you're living in              
                                                ­because flowers, after a couple of days
                                                   wilt and slowly die
                                                             ­             while their colours fade

                            instead i would grasp the hardy weeds around you
making it a safer place for you to grow          
give water to you every day                                                        
send love to you every day                                                        

    ­                                       then if i was feeling really selfish
i would dig you up                
roots, dirt and all      
not leaving any of you behind              
and place you gently in a ***
before placing you on my window sill

letting you grow                                                             ­                                       
giving you water                                                            ­                                          
and loving you                                                              ­                                          
no, i wouldn't pick you


— The End —