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Jul 2018 · 215
sky isabelle Jul 2018
i hate growing up in an age
where it's normal to constantly put yourself down
and make a joke out of it.

anxiety is romanticized
like it's somehow "cool"
to struggle with a mental illness.

if you don't hate yourself,
it's unusual.
they tell you to stop being so full of yourself.

i'm really trying to love myself.
i didn't know it would be this hard.
my mind keeps insisting i'm not
good enough for this world.

so the only thing i can rely on is
the hope of a brighter future
away from the place i'm in now.

far, far away.
Jul 2018 · 173
sky isabelle Jul 2018
for the first time in my life
i'm motivated to do well
to be better
to make a name for myself
to live a life full of purpose
and i'm so ready
to start the next chapter
Jul 2018 · 450
4:49 am
sky isabelle Jul 2018
it's 4:49 am.
i should be sleeping,
but the thunder outside
is insisting i pry my eyes open.

my dog is terrified of thunder.
he's a rescue animal, so we don't know why.
all i know is that every storm i hold him
as he cries and shakes like a leaf.

everyone has their storm,
as solid as they may seem.
even the strongest of people have moments
that make them vulnerable.

when someone opens up to you,
you can either help them with their storm
or use it against them.
i always comfort them.

people ruin things you really used to love,
don't they?
not everyone has the best intentions.
they don't want to see you succeed.

and it's sad that out of all the emotions
they could have,
spite and jealousy is what they
choose to feel.

i'm rambling now, sorry.
being awake at 4:49 am means
my mind is always in a deep place.
it's hard to not think about the pain in the world.

it's 5:05 am now.
i think i'm going to go to sleep.
Jun 2018 · 190
sky isabelle Jun 2018
how can i go from
happiness to sadness
in a minute
i feel like nothing is right
and it makes me physically sick
that i am the way i am
a waste of space
who comes into people's lives
and clings to them
as if i have no respect
for myself
compromising myself to please
people i don't even like
Jun 2018 · 176
a writer's truth
sky isabelle Jun 2018
we let our emotions linger
as subjects for our next verse
left unchecked for too long
we don't realize that they're drowning us
Jun 2018 · 162
sky isabelle Jun 2018
i feel trapped inside my own head
i truly believed i was healing
but now i feel the most conflicted i ever have
i tried so hard to escape the reality of my situation
that i ended up falling deeper into my mind
i won't give up
i swear, if it's the last thing i do
i'll make it out of here
my mind is my biggest obstacle
it watches my heart shatter forever
inspired by billie eilish & khalid - "lovely"
Jun 2018 · 311
sky isabelle Jun 2018
i grew up into a world that judges people
based off of shallow observations
choosing to ignore someone's inner beauty
in favor of insulting their appearance
self-love is taught to be rare, unusual, and selfish
i wake up each day in a body that feels wrong
in a mind that feels sick
everyone around me is either comfortable in their own skin
or the best **** actor i've ever seen
they've seemed to reach a point of self-acceptance
that i only graze in my dreams
why can't i just be like everyone else?
i start each day with the thought
of how nice it would be if i could be anyone else but me
inspired by billie eilish - "idontwannabeyouanymore"
Jun 2018 · 145
"poetry isn't a career"
sky isabelle Jun 2018
"what do you want to do?" they ask,
looking for doctor, architect, lawyer.

i'm silent for a moment.

of course, i know what i want to do.
i've known for years.

but it's so hard to express my truth
when i know i'll be met with ridicule.

"i want to be a poet." i say.

they smile and call me a dreamer.
they commend my ambition and creativity.
their eyes scream j u d g e m e n t.

"what do you want to go to college for?" they try again,
hoping to get a better answer.
one that's more acceptable to society.

"well," i say, "i would love to take a creative writing class."

they raise their eyebrows.
that was not the answer they wanted.

"i just want to live my life through experience,
writing about everything i feel.
it's my greatest passion and my one true love.
i truly believe i have a gift." i add,
hoping they understand i'm serious.

i want them to know how hard i'm willing to work
to make this dream come true,
because fewer things are more attractive to an adult
as a teenager who is committed to a certain path in life.

"okay, mrs. poet,
what are you going to do to pay the bills?"

they really think they got me this time,
believing that all kids ever want is incredible amounts of money
and gadgets they'll never use.

but poets aren't shallow.

i chuckle at their attempt to stereotype me.
poetry is my end and my beginning,
what gives me joy.

so, yes,
poetry is a career.
Jun 2018 · 168
unconditional love
sky isabelle Jun 2018
in a world full of broken beauty
i wanted to write about my angel of happiness

i wake up with him by my side
knowing he'll never leave me

he actually enjoys my company
and sometimes i think he loves me
more than he loves himself

he loves to spend time with me
it doesn't matter what we do
as long as we're together

he kisses me often
and there are few things he loves more than cuddling

every night i go to sleep with him
wondering how i got so lucky

my dog.
Jun 2018 · 171
the poet
sky isabelle Jun 2018
she's a poet.

she's often labeled as an introvert
because she talks to few people.

she has a close circle,
and being with them gives her the greatest joy.
she feels understood by them.

as a poet,
she finds it hard to speak up.

she's used to spending
hours and hours and hours
rewriting her thoughts
until they perfectly capture the essence of her emotions.

speeches make her nervous,
she knows she only has one chance to make it perfect.

she's a chaotic perfectionist.

many poets have anxiety,
and she's just like them.

she's used to sharing her thoughts
with one person at most,
but even those thoughts have been filtered.

she knows those thoughts won't be accepted,
because most of them have been labeled
by society as inappropriate.

because people think her poem about sorrow
means she's depressed.

that her poem about passion
means she's a *****.

in reality,
she finds the strongest emotions to express
and puts them into words.

few people dislike the poet,
but only because they don't understand her.

she knows that revealing her thoughts
would make people judge her,
and there's fewer things she hates more than judgement.

the poet is a gem
that few people understand,
that few people appreciate.

she turns to anonymous platforms to share her art,
because even with her low self-esteem,
she knows her words are going to take her far.

the poet is one of the most beautiful people on this planet,
but she'll never know.
Jun 2018 · 117
easily gone
sky isabelle Jun 2018
i'm hooked on the feeling of new love
the butterflies i get
the way my heart quickens at the sound of their voice
that feeling is always going to die
each person more temporary than the last
i've put this ideal vision of my future partner
on a golden throne
always dreaming of someone who can match up
to my unrealistic standards
but nobody is ever good enough
so i toss them aside without a moment's notice
look for ways to cut off the communication
i vanish like a ghost
as the other person can't help but wonder
why they weren't good enough for me
i can't answer this
i don't know why i live for this destruction
so it's easier to slip away into the darkness
my guilt has caught up to me now
as i type these words i can feel the pain
the pain inside others as i use them
and the pain within myself as i push them away
there must be something wrong with me
where i make a game out of someone's feelings
it's hard to imagine myself growing out of this
but i at least need to try
Jun 2018 · 147
sky isabelle Jun 2018
i was thinking today
and i watched my thoughts turn into poetry
without me asking them to
i rushed to get my journal
so i could lay my words down in ink
but then
i glanced over at my laptop
and remembrance washed over me
of this little community
full of people
just as passionate as me
releasing their art into the world
i logged in to this account
and saw that my last poem
was published a year ago this month
i re-read my work
and smiled
realizing how much i missed this
realizing how much more i have to express
so take this poem
as my return
to this beautiful world
Jun 2017 · 243
sky isabelle Jun 2017
the world is full of
second-hand smoke
in the form of
and i try not to breathe it in
yet if it's going on
right next to you
there's nothing you can do
so i inhale deeply
and pray
the toxins don't go
to my brain
Jun 2017 · 219
sky isabelle Jun 2017
his eyes spoke of passion
while your eyes spoke of innocence

he bit his upper lip
while you formed a soft smile

his touch was full of longing
while you touched gently, if even at all

he had a fire burning in his heart
while you were ice cold

his whisper sent goosebumps down my spine
while you caused my laughter

i can't help but compare

but who won?

i want passion and innocence all in one.
i want to lose my innocence with you.
Jun 2017 · 194
the difference
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i don't want a whenever relationship.
i want a forever relationship.
Jun 2017 · 198
second, third chances
sky isabelle Jun 2017
you knew your answer
yet you dragged me along
just to say
you gave it a chance
Jun 2017 · 180
broken pt. 2
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i showed you
my broken pieces
so it's not your fault
that you cut yourself
on my sharp edges
and all your love for me
bled out
Jun 2017 · 183
sky isabelle Jun 2017
and to think
i was foolish enough
to believe
in the word trust
if there's no trust
there's no us
and look where we are
Jun 2017 · 189
sky isabelle Jun 2017
you were an angel
and i gave you wings
expecting you to soar farther
into love with me

but the next day
i woke up alone
and realized
you had used them to fly away
Jun 2017 · 185
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i told him
i was fine
because that's the
kind of thing
guys like to
Jun 2017 · 125
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i'm not addicted to you.
i'm addicted to the way you make me feel.
Jun 2017 · 188
a concept
sky isabelle Jun 2017
how is it
that i held onto him for so long
waiting, waiting
for a sign of recognition
and it was an endless cycle of disappointment
but i stuck with the false hope of him
that maybe,
we'd be together
and when it ended
when he had finally put out my fire
you came along and called me beautiful
and i thought
to myself
how it was awfully ironic
that everything we want
comes when we aren't looking for it
Jun 2017 · 178
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i'm afraid of the dark.
i'm afraid of losing control.
i lock my door at night, knowing nobody will come in.
my fear overpowers my common sense - welcome to society.
so i turn on the lights, turn on the radio.
and i lay there, for hours, waiting for my mind to turn off.
but it never does.
the thoughts turn into dreams, and dreams turn into memories.
i dream of running away to someplace beautiful, desirable.
but i'm just a kid who's afraid of the dark
who locks her door and turns up the world around her
in fear of being alone.
Jun 2017 · 175
to be in love
sky isabelle Jun 2017
how do you know when you're in love? is it something you decide? do you wake up and proclaim that this is the day you're going to fall?


you feel it in their fingertips, brushing yours.
you feel it in their gaze, gently washing over you.
sometimes it's a tone, a deeper voice, a more careful speech. almost as if they carefully chose every word, rolling off their tongue and into your mind.
it's when they build a home in your head and you become starry-eyed with affection, for they know they are all you can think about.
you wake up with him, eat breakfast with him, brush your teeth with him - for he has been so far engrained in you that you are one with him. hearts beat in sync, step by step, kiss by kiss.
with every uttered phrase, insignificant glance, small touch... he pulls you deeper in love.

how do you know when you're out of love? i suppose if you're the breaker, you come prepared.

your eyes don't meet as your lips barely graze each other.
speech becomes a communication, not a connection.
his lips meet for a smile, yet his eyes hold back a million thoughts.
didn't he use to share those thoughts with you? now they linger, unsaid, left hanging.
the words "how are you" become a courtesy, not a conversation. when did he stop caring about your day, and when did he become so concerned with his manners?

if he's trying to impress you again, he no longer feels connected.
if he knew you, he would feel comfortable.
now, he's worried about his manners.

is that when you fall out of love? when communication becomes a courtesy, not a connection?
Jun 2017 · 161
sky isabelle Jun 2017
i'm not the pretty girl
that pretty boys like
but you're not a pretty boy
so why don't you want me?

— The End —