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one of the most liberating moments
someone can ever live through
is the moment where they realize
that it wasn't their fault
that they were left.
the moment they finally decide
it's time to
forgive themselves
for thinking they deserved
to be
The worst kind of feeling
Is when you see someone that you used to miss,
But you've used up all of the missing you have left for them
And all that remains is just a sad, hopeless kind of
A pang of what could have been and should have been.
But isn't.
You've given up but you can't fully let go.

I don't miss you any more.
I hate what you did to me
But I hate what you still do to me even more.
And if you tried to love me again I would resist,
For a little while.
But for now when I see you my heart does not flutter with nervousness,
It just drops.
There's a hole in my heart thats always been filled
With some kind of emotion for you.
But it's just empty now.
And more than anything I just
Wish things were different.
Create a world with just you and I
Only problem is I might not be in that world because I
Don't know what I want. I like you that is true but just not in that way.
You were on my mind for the time being but then I started to realize that I like you but just as friends

But Do I?????
Is that what I really think?
I don't know
 Apr 2013 Skye Applebome
Mercy B
When I needed some one to lean on
You stepped away and watched me fall.

You said you would always lift me up
When I was crashing down you did nothing at all.

Any time you needed a sholder to cry on
I was the first in line to be there.

When tables turned and I had to cry
My sorow was too much for you to bare.

You cut me deep, my soul left to bleed
With your lies and wicked schemes

I don't need your fair wheather friendship
You take two-faced to a whole new extremes.
i should make a tally of every time i've lied today
oh wait
i already did
with a steel pen and red ink
on my hips.
 Apr 2013 Skye Applebome
I am home today
Free to wrap myself
In music and poetry and daydreams

But instead I am avoiding schoolwork
And fighting off a runny nose
And hoping against hope
That someone will notice that I'm gone.
someone always does, but I guess it's never the person you want to, right?
 Apr 2013 Skye Applebome
Mercy B
You left me, with no notice no warning, in an instant you were gone and now I have no home.

You were the one that could, at least for a moment, make me forget all the interference and now I'm all alone.

How selfish am I to cry out for you to stay, to beg you not to leave me despite the agony you must feel .

I watched you softly release your last breath, as the life left your beautiful green eyes I kept thinking this can't be real.

You think you will feel like all the cliches, so much to say, so young,  so much time ahead, but as for me I felt this hole.

This wretched space within began growing, consuming everything ; my heart, my passion until it finally reached my soul.

You taught me to be strong, you showed me that I can endure anything but my heart aches with despair and inside I feel empty and forlorn.

The nights mesh into the days but I keep pretending I'm ok, I will be strong,  between my sad reality and my false bravado for the moment I am torn.
I love u Momma  now and forever.
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