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How sweet is the sound of silence?
Enchanting it is at first,
But granted some time for further inspection
One can encounter the worst

What happens when your trapped in the dark
With no hope to find your way out?
My friend, this is where you'll quickly discover
What silence is truly about

For your thoughts are very poisonous
And can tear you apart inside
With whispers of death stabbing your ears
There's no where left for you to hide

Where silence is no longer silence
But the screams of a dying soul
Where moments are spent in agony
As you drown in it's gaping black hole

Time is never-ending
And "lonely" is newly defined
Where you cry for help as people pass by
And willingly leave you behind

You struggle to maintain your sanity
As the darkness quickly seeps in
And your mind is fighting to stay alive
As it's filled with every last sin

Where the fear of being alone
Is far greater than any other fear
For the demonizing sound of silence
Is the worst you will ever hear
Can you hear the voices?
Rippling around in my head
Are you sure you can't hear them?
You do! You do! I know you do!

Can you smell those sweet words?
Ruffling up your ears and nose,
After you tasted the sounds a silence makes.
Yes! I do, I do, I do

Celebrate with me, the rebirth of death
Reach for... Wait! what was that?
At the corner there is a man you say?
Yes there is! RUN, RUN RUN!!! HAHAHA

Crazy? no, no, no no, no,  not crazy
Restless Yes, but never crazy
AH! There goes another voice beckoning me to retreat to my mind
Your voice is being drowned by it , So I bid thee ado, farewell,  good bye
Can you hear the voices? The forsaken voices( That crowd us)?
Rippling around the spaces between us.
Are you sure you can't hear them? They speak to you as well as me.
You do! You do! I know you do!

Can you smell those sweet words, they sent to our scentless ears,
Ruffling and echoing in your nose?
After you tasted the sounds silence made just for us.
Yes I do, Oh I do and so do you.

Celebrate the rebirth of our memories death.
Reach for what's left before they dissipate into nothing.
At the corner is that a man? Who comes to haul and imprison my sanity
Yes it is! RUN! RUN! RUN! Hahahaha, It's only my mind projecting what I fear.

Crazy? No, no, no, no, no Not crazy.
Restless yes, Inventive maybe, but never never ever crazy.
Ah! There's a friend beckoning, telling me to retreat to the safety of my mind to rest until I am lucid.
You should too, rest until you are lucid. We must do what the voices tell us.
I have revised Cray-Cray I to this and like this one and going to use it for the talent show in my school. I think this is better than the first one.
A simple jump,

like so many others.

Only this one would be defining for so many people.

She was at the very end,

nothing was worth living for.

She had made up her mind when she stepped off with her eyes closed.

But as she felt herself fall she realized

that this isn't what she wanted,

she needed to live,

to live and fix all her mistakes, say a few sorries.

There was so much she hadn't said to those that cared about her

and that she cared about.

How did she forget them right before she jumped?

But now there is nothing to hold on to but air.

It's to late.
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
the sun shines,
showing the sheen of the leaves
such is the beauty of spring

the pedals fall from tall trees
decorating they sky with pink and white
watching us from above
such is the beauty of spring

the warm breeze after the frigid freeze
makes me feel like I am flying
such is the beauty of spring
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