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You've heard of the children of the corn
This my friend is much scarier than that
Here to make sure you eat all your vegetables
Adults of the Asparagus

Set in a quaint New England town
Could be in any novel by Stephen King
Making sure both the young and the old
Eat their veggies raw, sauteed, or steamed

They'll make you sit by yourself at the table
With the dog behind the door when they lock it
Before you leave the table they'll frisk you
And have you empty out all of your pockets

You will shudder with butter on the side
Salting to taste if you must
Making sure you eat every last bite
Adults of the Asparagus
Eating vegetables can be scary!
WIFE and servant are the same,
But only differ in the name :
For when that fatal knot is ty'd,
Which nothing, nothing can divide :
When she the word obey has said,
And man by law supreme has made,
Then all that's kind is laid aside,
And nothing left but state and pride :
Fierce as an eastern prince he grows,
And all his innate rigour shows :
Then but to look, to laugh, or speak,
Will the nuptial contract break.
Like mutes, she signs alone must make,
And never any freedom take :
But still be govern'd by a nod,
And fear her husband as a God :
Him still must serve, him still obey,
And nothing act, and nothing say,
But what her haughty lord thinks fit,
Who with the power, has all the wit.
Then shun, oh ! shun that wretched state,
And all the fawning flatt'rers hate :
Value yourselves, and men despise :
You must be proud, if you'll be wise.
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
Maxi H
Suddenly awake in bed,
surrounded by the night.
Ragged breath and heartbeats drum,
fighting back the fright.

Peering through the inky black,
seeing, hearing nothing.
Then a scurry, flurry sound,
surely that was something.

A brilliant flash of lightning,
and peels of thunder sound.
Grotesque shapes and images,
suddenly abound.

With a thump and tearing sound,
something's on the bed.
Two burning eyes and pointed ears,
upon the creature's head.

Relief, at last, when realized
the sound of motor's purr,
and feeling that soft caress
could only be cat's fur.

Laughing at the silliness,
of getting carried away.
You hardly even notice
the murderous lunatic standing next to your bed with a big, ****** axe raised up above his head.
Dad brings the men into my house
My sweet daddy, who once wore a blouse
They walk in, against my will
All those snobs, who make me want to ****

Up goes the smoke and in goes the drink
Till there’s not any brain left to think
And they laugh, they laugh loud
They’re happy, that’s no doubt

But they don’t know, none of them do
That there’s a little girl who needs it too
To be happy, in every way
But all she was told to do was play

Play, upstairs in her room
Alone, and her toys went zoom
But she’d think of them laughing, and smoking their lungs black
All she wanted was to give them each a smack

She hated those men with the ice coolers
Think about it, they resembled rulers
Invasion and tyranny and all
Oh how’d they’d act superior, yet trip and fall

I didn't want daddy to be like them, you know
How they’d smoke by the carton and flaunt their doughFor grown men, their lives were nothing
And dad, he’s my everything
Lackluster in appearance
Nothing much to gaze upon
If you were drawn to something special
This box would not be the one

Next to the box a note
Placed on the note a beautiful key
Inlaid with the most precious of jewels
A mind could ever dream

Riches beyond  all measure
Cloud your every thought
If the key it holds such treasure
What could be inside the box

As you unfold the note
Taken aback by what they wrote
If this key in the lock you do use
This very same key is the one you'll lose

So you sit and ponder the question
So long and hard you feel you could cry
Is the treasure in the key you hold
Or what is hidden inside

As the key slides in the box
You hold your breath then deeply sigh
An empty box before you sits
All except for the note inside

The note you remove and read
It all now can be plainly seen
The treasure you seek is not born of greed or pride
The true treasure in all is the treasure of life
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