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Skye Applebome Oct 2013
Try as I might
You just
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
No matter what you may say,
About it being fine,
it's really not okay,
And we clearly both know why.
I'm so sorry
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Her happy wasn't happy. She didn't have happy.
She had sadness.
Or she had nothingness.
and the nothingness was so much worse than the sadness.
Feeling nothing at all was worse than the most excruciating pain she had ever been through. It tortured her more than all those nights of crying herself to sleep. It ate at her more than all her tormentors' words. And it left more scars than all her cuts.
Her happy wasn't happy.
It was sadness,
because the alternative was  *nothingness.
I'm going to be reposting a new and improved version of this later.
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Ones who are skilled go by unnoticed;
While the unskilled ones get all the attention.
Why is that, I ask?
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
The dream I'm so desperately chasing,
My only remaining wish,
The one thing I would die for?
Not going to happen.
It's simple statistics.

The goal so near yet so far,
My only purpose in life,
The one thing I can't live without?
Not going to happen.
It's simple statistics.

The reward unlike any other,
My only hope and dream,
The one thing that actually matters?
Not going to happen.
It's simple statistics.

The most important thing,
My only remaining hope
The one thing I truly need?
Not going to happen.
*It's simple statistics.
Not about love.
Don't really know where this came from either.
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
It won't get any better.
It will only get worse.
Cryptic :D
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Life is a Machine for Pigs
The best of us are
And served
To the worst of us
who are simply ignored
by the torturous
for Pigs

The best of us
upon The Arrival
of the Machine
Slowly begin
a Dark Descent
A spiral into
Neverending Nightmares
But nobody
is there
To hear
our Cry of Fear.
The worst of us
Are not deemed
fit for the Machine.

and so,
the best of us,
The Lost Souls,
The Last of Us,
are still subjected
To the Machine's
that is the Machine
for Pigs.
While this is a true poem, I've included a number of video game titles (all of them are horror games). They're capitalized.
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