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Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Dear Mark,
You have an uncanny ability to make me laugh.
So many times I have been in the darkest of places,
To be brought back up by another video of yours.
You thank us, me, for subscribing and supporting you,

But really, you shouldn't be thanking us.

We should be (and are) thanking YOU
For helping us
For saving us
For making us laugh
For making us happy
For making us forget our troubles
For your continued dedication
For your hilarity
For your generosity
*For everything.
Mark Fischbach (or markiplierGAME, Markiplier for short) is a YouTuber who's just recently hit 800,000 subscribers. He's never failed to cheer me up. I HIGHLY recommend you check him out.

If you're in a dark place and need a laugh, watch one of his videos. If it doesn't cheer you up, watch another, and soon enough you'll be laughing and smiling and you'll have forgotten your troubles, if only for a while.
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Not much can be said
For a teacher who dislikes their job
Who would rather be elsewhere,
Who teach because they ended up doing it
Instead of enjoying it.
For a teacher who dislikes their job
In a way, does not, can not, and should not teach.
They don't teach, because they do not inspire students
They can't teach, because they can't inspire their students
And because they can't inspire their students, they shouldn't teach.
Inspired (pun intended) by a conversation I had with someone last night.

I know this *****. Whatever, my poems are only good if they're emotionally based usually. Don't care. Here you go!
Skye Applebome Sep 2013
Nothing to write
Nothing to say
Nothing that inspires
No thoughts gone astray

For weeks on end
I haven't entered this site
Nothing came to mind
I simply could not write.

But now my pen is fresh
With new ink, to stay
Now I have reason to write
Now I have things to say.
I'm back.
Skye Applebome Aug 2013
I want to revisit those nights
Way back when
We would stay up until 2
Just talking, laughing effortlessly

That would be the perfect birthday present.

I also want to revisit that night
When we turned from people we knew
into good friends
I don't know exactly when it was,

But that would be the perfect birthday present.

I even want to revisit those nights,
My darkest hours,
Because even in the worst times,
You could make me smile.

That would be the perfect birthday present.

But then I realize
Our friendship is one to last
One I will have
For years to come

*And THAT is the perfect birthday present.
To a spectacular friend of mine.
Corny, a bit, yes, but I don't care. My birthday is the 25th so yeah :D
Sorry for the break, personal stuff going on. I'm back now though :)
Skye Applebome Aug 2013
I gaze into your deep eyes with dismay,
Inside I see a lost soul gone astray.

“Anything I can do?” I dare to say,
You shake your head, like you mean to say “nay.”

Deep inside, I can tell that you meant “yay,”
I'm sure that things won’t always be this way.

I notice your hurting, for you I pray,
That you recover fast, with no delay.

I remember the times we used to play,
In the backyard as kids, for the whole day.

You were so happy, but that’s gone away,
Perhaps next time you grin, your cheer will stay.
Hey, so I heard about this type of poem and decided to give it a try.
Simply put, a ghazel is a collection of couplets, with every line rhyming and having the same number of syllables.
Not all of those requirements must be met for it to be considered a ghazel (confusing, right?).
The first couplet HAS to rhyme, but after that, the first line of the next couplet(s) doesn't have to rhyme. You can also repeat words. All the lines must have the same number of syllables, however.
I decided to make it ALL rhyme because I'm that type of person xD
Originally I attempted to use nine syllables per line, but then towards the beginning of the fifth couplet, everything fell apart, so if you're thinking of writing one, I recommend syllable patterns of ten, but I've heard patterns of seven and eight work well, too. The minimum amount of couplets needed is four, but there can be any number above that. I chose six couplets because if I had kept it going it would've fallen apart (again).
(Sorry if it's bad, it's my first attempt, so I might have messed something up, and some of the lines don't flow too well because I had trouble getting it to work..thanks for reading it anyways, though!)
Skye Applebome Aug 2013
Just one message from you, and suddenly 5 years of friendship are rendered virtually meaningless.
*Maybe we just weren't friends in the first place?
...So yeah.
Skye Applebome Aug 2013
Don't pick up that knife,
Don't you cut your arm.
Don't try to take your life,
Don't do yourself harm.

I cared about you all along.
I thought you were okay,
Apparently I was wrong,
But it doesn't have to be this way.

I beg you, put that away,
It's not the right thing to do.
I'd know, and for you I pray
That you will make it through.

I've known you for so long,
And I will for many years to come.
So put that knife where it belongs,
And please stop being so glum.

Please just stop this now.
Please don't follow my path.
Please don't make my mistakes.
*Please put that knife away.
To a friend I thought was okay until just now.
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