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Skye Applebome May 2013
What is WRONG with people?!
Almost everyone I talk to
Has been in a horrible place
Or currently is
And we all mask it
Because one or two people hurt us
When so many more people need each other
So we suffer in silence
And I'm no stranger to this.

People are just so cruel.
So horrible.

And even the kind people
make mistakes that hurt
And I've done that too.

But others deliberately hurt.

They cause us to close up.
They cause us to want to die.
They cause us to cry ourselves to sleep.
They cause us to suffer.
And they teach us what will happen if we're open about it.

They need to be punished.
They WILL be punished.
Even if I have to carry it out myself
I swear to everything I hold dearly,

The next time I see someone being bullied I am literally going to attack them (and hopefully cause brain damage), I don't care where it is or how long I'm suspended or even expelled. Think about it; there are thousands to millions of stories just like Amanda Todd's, or even worse, and we don't know about it. These stories are mostly caused by bullies.

You people who sit around doing nothing are almost as bad.
Skye Applebome May 2013
Music is beautiful.

Music unites so many people, it can also define them.

Music is another universal language.

Music is perfect.

Music has so many different categories. One for everyone.

Music as a whole cannot be justifiably hated.

Music is the reason why some people are still with us.

Music is infinite.

Music is food for the soul.

Music is everything, and yet it is so little.

Music is just notes arranged in an order.

But the order is beautiful.

And, just like a circle (of fifths), we're back to the beginning; music is beautiful.
Skye Applebome May 2013
I watch the sun
Paint the horizon
With beautiful colors
What an amazing sight!

Oranges and Reds, Purples and Blues
All in perfect harmony.

I am awed, for a second, at the spectacular beauty of it, and the sun itself

But then I think of your face, and suddenly the sunset is just splashes of boring, dull colors
And I think of your smile
And the sun is suddenly a tiny, dim dot in the sky.
Skye Applebome May 2013
I have an extraordinarily bad way with words.
And my bad structure has done it again.
Skye Applebome May 2013
My life is an act
I’m not who I say I am
I’m like a smart idiot.
If only you realized
Behind the laughter, jokes and immaturity
Lay a quiet, emotional kid
Who sits outside every day
And watches the sun set,
vibrant orange and brilliant red,
big bands and sharp streaks,
taken directly from a rainbow.
I can only rarely come out of my shell in person
Because cruelty and bullying, cunning and evil
Lie in wait
Waiting to destroy my vulnerable self
and shatter it into a million pieces.
Another poem for my poetry project, but now my ADHD meds have worn off D: so I'll have to finish the project tomorrow.
Skye Applebome May 2013
tick tock,* goes the clock, ticking away the time
Until school ends, and I can be free
Until I can stop acting and be me
Until I can go outside and climb a tree

tick tock, goes the clock, and with every second
I fight back another tear
I ignore everything I hear
I feel my eyes begin to blear

tick tock, goes the clock, but I’m starting to break,
And instead of crying I grin
And I restrain the emotions within
And I just manage to hold it in…
I'm actually not like this at all, I wrote this poem a long while ago and I'm using it for my poetry project, my panache is going to be something about everything not being as it seems, idk I'll make it work :D
This is poem 1 of 40 that I've never posted but I'll post sometime when I feel like it.
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