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Skye Applebome Apr 2013
I loved one before
and I thought I would never love the same way again.

But now, I see you in a new light
And it's happening all over again.
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
If you're suicidal, keep reading. This highlights my experiences when I was in such a place, and you may find help.

If you're suicidal:
I'm not going to tell you NOT to **** yourself. But I ask that before you do so, at least read this paragraph and attempt some of this advice.

Suicidal thoughts are completely normal. They're caused when pain exceeds the available resources for coping with pain. Naturally, this would cause suicidal thoughts. But it's OKAY.

You're not a bad, weak, or crazy person. Some people have different tolerance levels for pain. It doesn't make you a weak or bad person if you're less tolerant than someone else.
If you're still reading this, good for you :) Stick with me for a little while longer.
When I was suicidal, that was it. There was nothing else that I wanted more than to die.
I wanted to die, die, die.
I'm a worthless person. A stupid person. A horrible person (because no good person would deserve this torture. I'm an abomination, to be wiped clean off the face of the Earth. That's my purpose.
Those were the types of thoughts running through my head, 24/7.
All of those were wrong. And if you believe any of the above apply to yourself, keep reading.
You're not worthless, you're quite the opposite.
You're priceless.
Intelligence doesn't matter a bit compared to personality.
You're not a horrible person. Even if you did something bad, it's not like you killed someone. You are worthy of forgiveness, if you did something. Bad things happen to good people a lot.
If you didn't, then ignore that last part. (Thanks for sticking with me so long :) )
You're not an abomination. You're a unique individual, who has a purpose in life. What is it? That's for you to figure out (hint: it's not killing yourself).
Okay, this is what I recommend you do. Give yourself a deadline. 24 hours, a week, even a month. Tell yourself that you won't do anything until you hit that deadline. During this time, find someone you trust. Anyone (who you know won't go to a therapist or rush you to a hospital). If you REALLY can't find anyone, message me. I'll listen, and I promise I won't judge :)
During the time period, think of all the good things that happened to you. And don't say "Nothing." That's impossible. Summer vacations with family? Family bonding experiences? Hanging out with friends? Your first time swimming? When your sports team won/you found out your crush liked you back? All of these. Think about how happy you were. Now, don't make a plan to get yourself out of the depression (Everyone would get themselves out of a depression ASAP if they could do it that easily). I want you, instead, to imagine what your past-self would think if they saw what you were contemplating right now. Imagine what they would say, and listen to your own advice.
Finally, I recommend calling a suicide hotline.
As a last resort, and I mean LAST resort, imagine what your death would do to your family and friends (Don't lie, I guarantee you 100% there's someone out there who cares about you). Imagine how devastated they would be. Then imagine you causing it. Would you do that to them? Could you honestly live with yourself (no pun intended) knowing that you did that?
If you're still reading, congratulations :) stay strong, and find more resources to cope with your pain. There are so many things to live for, so many things to see, or do, that you (likely) haven't experienced yet.

Feel better soon! :)

(P.S. If this cheers you up, just know that it's likely that you WILL live through this. It's statistically true. Even people who feel as bad as you do, and quite possibly people who feel WORSE than you.)
Obviously this isn't a poem but I figured that advice best comes from people who have experienced the same thing as others.
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
You are amazing.
You are kind.
You are pretty/handsome.
You are not without flaws, but that's what makes you, you.
You may feel sad in life, but trust me
Nobody in the world could do a better job being you.
You are creative.
You are nice to be around.
You are not without flaws, but that's what makes you, you.
You may struggle in life, but trust me
Nobody in the world could do a better job being you.

You are a

*And that's why you're a wonderful person. Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise.
This is addressed to EVERYONE reading this. Yes, you, behind the computer screen :)
I may not know you, but you are a wonderful person. Believe me :)
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
I've been reborn.
With a new life, comes a lot of things.
A new perspective.
A new love.
A new hope.
A new dream.
Most importantly:
*A new start.
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
They say brick walls (not physical ones) are there to show how hard we want something.
When I think of who I was this morning, I was a stranger in my body.
To my friends: you didn't help me, you helped me help myself. And today, I did just that.
I don't want to be happy.
I don't want to not see things.
I don't want these things anymore. I've achieved those goals.
And really, why cry over stuff? It's not my fault. You bully me, that's your issue. I'm not going to listen to you talk trash.
I don't see things anymore. Why would I bother focusing on them anyway? They're just there to distract me from life, and life is too short for that.
They also say that intelligent people have more depression-related issues. I'd take intelligence any day, because we're smart enough to (eventually) figure out how to get out of it. And that to me is worth more than just being happy, because I can become happy again if I become depressed. And today, I did just that.
I don't want an optimistic perspective anymore. I achieved that.
Most importantly, I don't want her back anymore. She never left. She was in my heart all along.

Formerly pessimistic
Formerly depressed
Formerly schizophrenic
Formerly lost
This isn't really a poem so much as a rant and a message. For all of my friends: thank you for helping me along the way (this isn't a suicide note either for those who would interpret it that way). I really appreciate it.
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
Brick walls (not physical ones)  are there for the sole purpose to show how hard we want something.....
I want her back.
I want to be happy.
I want to not see things.
I want an optimistic perspective.
But how hard I try
I just can't do it...
Skye Applebome Apr 2013
It's a bad night when crying doesn't help.
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