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Oct 2014 · 340
do not enter
sincelastjune Oct 2014
do not enter my soul, it is a black hole
you don't have a map, you won't know where to go

do not enter my heart, it is cold
unless you bring a jacket, because everything has froze

do not enter my mind, it is old
weathered by weary thoughts, that fall down like dominoes

do not enter my veins, for they are roads
leading to my heart, where everything has froze
Oct 2014 · 243
sincelastjune Oct 2014
bullets don't **** people
neither do stab wounds or blood loss
people who say they love someone
then leave that person forever
are the only things that **** people
Oct 2014 · 205
the only difference
sincelastjune Oct 2014
we both said
that we loved each other
the only difference
between you and i
is that i meant it
and never would have left you
like you left me
Oct 2014 · 218
you can
sincelastjune Oct 2014
you can make me high
when i am oh so low
you can bring me back to life
when i am feeling dead
you can make me smile
when i am in the frowning mood
you can make the pain go away
when it demands to be felt
Oct 2014 · 266
like i need water
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i need you like i need water
like i need oxygen
like i need food
like i need shelter
does that tell you
how much you mean to me?
does it?
Oct 2014 · 635
sesame seeds
sincelastjune Oct 2014
pain lets
you know
that you
are alive
it is
the only
thing you
can feel
everything else
is just
smoke and
sesame seeds
Oct 2014 · 187
my reality
sincelastjune Oct 2014
there is very little
in this world that i care about
this is my reality
she is my moon
my family are my stars
my dreams are as big as the ocean
and i shine like the sun
my thoughts are like planets
gigantic and light years away
i never see them
but i know they are up there
i just know it
Oct 2014 · 231
i can't tell
sincelastjune Oct 2014
there is a fire
brewing in my ribcage
heating up my heart
cooking it for dinner
i can't tell
if this is love
or if this is hate
or a mixture of both
i can't tell
Oct 2014 · 271
sincelastjune Oct 2014
kiss her heart
cradle her soul
touch her spirit
**** her mind
love her forever
Oct 2014 · 374
a reason
sincelastjune Oct 2014
thinking she won't leave
is the biggest mistake
you could ever make
she will not stay
if you don't give her
a reason to stay
if you don't give her effort
she is as good as gone
Oct 2014 · 763
before they bury you
sincelastjune Oct 2014
there is never
a right time
there is only now or never
time doesn't exist
but death does
so before they bury you
tell them you love them
show them you love them
laugh until you collapse
speak up, speak out
love more
fight less
smile hard
frown less
be honest, open and forgiving
because you don't have time
you only have death
and it is waiting for you
around every corner
Oct 2014 · 347
hot and cold
sincelastjune Oct 2014
She's not perfect
But she's perfect for me
She makes me weak
But she gives me strength
She is hot
And cold
Like lava and icicles
Like the sun and the sea
Oct 2014 · 2.7k
i need you
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I need you
Like the moon needs the sky
Like the sky needs the stars
I need you
Like the sun needs the sky
Like the sky needs the sun
I need you
Like humans need hearts
Like hearts need blood
I need you
Like you are my drug
Like my drug is alive
And my drug is in love
Oct 2014 · 200
if i had
sincelastjune Oct 2014
If I had a dollar
For every time I thought about you
Since the day you left me
I would have enough money
To build a machine
That would make me forget
About all the pain you caused me
Oct 2014 · 237
never goes away
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I'm not mad
At you anymore
I've realized that it's my fault
For not taking care of you
But your fault for cheating
I've realized that I'll love you
Forever and ever
Because love never goes away
It just leaves scars
Oct 2014 · 203
start living
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Realize you have no time
You are running out
Every single day that passes
Is one you will never get back
Start making your dreams come true
Start living
And stop just existing
Start making yourself happy
Start making friends
Start being yourself
And stop hiding who you are
Before you know it you will be dead
Realize you have no time
Realize you only have death
That is the only certainty in life
Start living
Because you already started dying
And you have no time
Oct 2014 · 185
they said
sincelastjune Oct 2014
When I was young
My parents introduced me to a man
They said
He would help me do wonderful things in life
They said
He would always be there for me
They said
I could always talk to him if no one else was around
They said
I could ask him questions and he would always have an answer
Or I could just tell him how my day went
As I got older
I realized he would never answer my questions
Even when no one else was there for me
He was never there either
Do you know the man I am talking about?
Oct 2014 · 221
out there
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Do not
Forget your coat
It is a cold world
Out there
And people are not
As friendly as they seem
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Find someone
Who can make you laugh
Even when there are tears
Streaming down your face
Find someone who can make you laugh
Like a hyena
Even when you are mad
And feel like you are going to explode
Find someone who can make you laugh
Like a maniac
You know when you laugh loudly
And can barely breathe and you start clapping or snorting?
If they make you do that a lot
Hold on to them
Laughter is the most important thing
In a relationship
If your relationship is paralyzed
It's because you do not
Make each other laugh anymore
sincelastjune Oct 2014
People say
That jealousy is a female trait
I beg to differ
Everyone suffers from jealousy
Yes, I said “suffers”
Because jealousy is not a female trait
It is a disease
Wanting to have what someone else has
Wanting to look like someone else
Feeling threatened by someone
Experiencing uncertainty
Those are diseases
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Getting led on
Is the worst
It's like getting on a roller coaster
Slowly going up the long steep incline
Your heart ready to exit your ribcage
Your stomach ready to plummet faster than the ride
Then just before the roller coaster drops
A gigantic soccer cleat appears out of thin air
And kicks you off the ride
Oct 2014 · 186
why you stay
sincelastjune Oct 2014
It took me
A long time to realize
Looks are not everything
They mean very little
Looks should attract us
But they should not
Be the only reason why we stick around
Their personality
Is everything
Their character
Is everything
Their morals
Are everything
How they act towards you
How they act towards others
How they act when they are alone
Whether or not they say
“please” and “thank you”
Whether or not they sacrifice for you
Compromise with you
Whether or not they would move a million mountains
Just for you
Those should be
The reasons why you stay
Not whether or not their face
Should be plastered on the cover of a magazine
Oct 2014 · 182
sincelastjune Oct 2014
The sun no longer shines
Maybe it does, but it does not shine in my world
My world is filled with dark days and darker nights
The moon still goes to work at night
It has not left me yet
It still follows me around like it did when I was little
But the sun refuses to shine anymore
I want to get out of this darkness
Before it consumes me for good
Oct 2014 · 546
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Let go of anger
Anger will not let go of you
You have to tell it
To leave you alone
It is easy to hold onto anger
To keep it in your back pocket
But realize that anger
Hurts you more than them
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
gold toilets
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Bad relationships are good for you
Of course, they will end in disaster
You might lose yourself in the process
But you will be wiser than before
Bad relationships teach us about ourselves
They teach us about what we deserve
And what we do not have to put up with
Sure, we will forever be haunted by people who treated us like toilets
But someday, we will all be gold toilets
Given full attention
Shown respect
Treated with care
Intoxicated by love
We will be the most amazing gold toilets
Oct 2014 · 203
the choice is yours
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Being faithful
Is not hard
Apparently, neither is being stupid
The choice is yours
Stay faithful
Or stay single
Oct 2014 · 207
with all of my soul
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I promise
To love you
With all of my heart
Until I collapse
Until the world goes dark
I promise
To love you
With all of my soul
Until my bones break down
And death is all I know
Oct 2014 · 175
happy october
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i woke up
looked at my calendar
looked away
looked back
where did september go?
Oct 2014 · 163
without them
sincelastjune Oct 2014
You never
Get over someone
You learn to live
Without them
And accept the fact
That they are never coming back
Oct 2014 · 292
i will always remember you
sincelastjune Oct 2014
In a year, I will not remember today
In ten years, I will not remember today
In twenty five years, I will not remember today
In fifty years, I will not remember today
But, I will always remember you
Oct 2014 · 257
cuts on her wrists
sincelastjune Oct 2014
A little boy
Looked at the cuts on her wrists
She quickly crossed
Her arms behind her back
Tears entered his eyes
And he said
“My older sister used to have those, she forgot how to be happy”
Oct 2014 · 449
we should
sincelastjune Oct 2014
We should not teach women how not to get *****
We should teach men to not ****
We should teach men to respect all women
Women do not ask to get *****
It does not matter
How they are dressed
How they are acting
Or how they interact with you
We need to start teaching men not to **** women
We should not have to teach women how not to get *****
Oct 2014 · 428
throw away your fears
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I would rather do something I am afraid of doing
Than never do it and always wonder what could have happened
That is what we are here for, right?
That is what we are put on this earth for, right?
To do as much as we can while we can, right?
So throw away your fears
Light them on fire if you must
Or keep them on display in your bedroom
So you can laugh at them every single day
As you go out into the world
Oct 2014 · 454
proceed with caution
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Those who have
a hard exterior
Have been
In a war
Either with themselves
Or with someone else
They know what the gates of hell look like
Proceed with caution
Extreme caution
Oct 2014 · 190
the irony
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I think we are all *******
******* from the moment we are born
We are not prepared for life
We do not come into life with directions
We come into this world with a name
A naked body
And most of us
Enter this world with tears in our eyes
The irony
Oct 2014 · 250
they cannot read your mind
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Communication is everything
In a relationship
Knowing when to talk
Knowing when to stay quiet
Even when you are not saying anything
You are still saying something
Communication is vital
Do not hide things from your lover
No matter how bad it is
Tell them what happened
Communicate the truth
Do not lie to your lover
No matter how much you may want to
The truth will always be greater than a lie
Tell them your thoughts
Tell them your feelings
Tell them your dreams
Tell them your fears
Tell them your corny jokes
Tell them your childhood stories
Tell them your addictions
Tell them your heart is in their possession
Do not forget to TELL them how much you love them
Do not forget to SHOW them how much you love them
You must communicate your love for them by showing AND telling
Communication is everything
If something is bothering you
Or if your lover does something that bothers you
And you do not say anything
How do you expect them to know something is wrong?
As amazing as they might be
Communicate, communicate, communicate
And then communicate some more
Oct 2014 · 3.6k
love is like fast food
sincelastjune Oct 2014
You will make many mistakes
You will get your heart broken
You will wish you were dead
You will lose your mind
You will love again
And again and again
You will come back for more
You will always come back for more
Love is like fast food
sincelastjune Oct 2014
How long they choose to stay with you
Will never be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
They will leave you, if they want to
They will hurt you, if they want to
They will cheat on you, if they want to
They will love you forever, if they want to
They will make you feel so alone, if they want to
They will show you how much they say they care, if they want to
They will fight for you, if they want to
They will make you feel wanted, if they want to
None of that will ever be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
Shackles are for slaves
Not for lovers
Oct 2014 · 267
i see yours
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I hope you have trouble sleeping at night
I know I do
But I hope you do too
I hope you see my face when you close your eyes
I see yours
But I see it less and less these days
I hope I am getting better
I hope you are getting worse
Oct 2014 · 237
i am who i am
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Caring about what people think
Such a waste of time
Why should their opinions matter?
I am who I am
I do what I do
Why should I care about what they say?
I will not remember any of these people
In five years
In ten years
They will not matter then
Why should they matter now?
Oct 2014 · 204
my addiction
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I did not sleep last night
Sleep means dreaming
Dreaming means you
You mean pain
Pain of the past
I will sleep tonight
Sleep means remembering
Remembering means you
You mean pain
Pain is my addiction
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i will annoy you
until the day i die
i will be more annoying
than you are
i will be the best boyfriend
you have ever seen
i will be the best boyfriend
this world has ever seen
because i will not stop annoying you
i will not stop kissing you
i will not stop calling you
i will not stop texting you
i will not stop telling everyone about you
never ever, ever ever
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i'm obsessed with you
but that's the best kind of love
in my opinion
i feel like if someone
isn't obsessed with the person they love
then they really don't care
about them at all
Oct 2014 · 418
no time left
sincelastjune Oct 2014
all we have is tonight
we have no time left
lets explore
lets make love
while we still can
because the clock is ticking
and my heart is
doing the charleston
while trying to breakdance
and all i can think about
is how i might never see you again
and how that will affect me
and if it will even affect you
i never know why
but i never think the person i love
really loves me
and they never think
that i love them
even though i would do anything
just to see them smile
just to hear them laugh
even if all we have is tonight
even if there is no time left
Oct 2014 · 278
i can't do it
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i don't think you loved me
if you did
you wouldn't have broken me
the way that you did
i've heard that love is pain
but this pain will last forever
and i can't live like this
i can't live with this
i can't do it
i wonder if you loved me
because you said you loved me
but then you left me
and fell in love with someone else
while i was still madly in love with you
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
jigsaw puzzle
sincelastjune Oct 2014
if i could snap my fingers
and have you back in my arms
i wouldn't move a muscle
because you cracked my heart in half
and i still haven't recovered
you will never know
because it hasn't happened to you
and i hope it never happens
because putting the pieces
of your heart back together
is harder than any jigsaw puzzle
in the entire universe
Oct 2014 · 456
it never leaves
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i think about you
even though i shouldn't
but it happens
heartbreak doesn't go away
it hides sometimes
but it never leaves
it always comes back
to haunt you at night
or dig into your thoughts
during the day
heartbreak is forever
and there is no way around it
Oct 2014 · 199
for us
sincelastjune Oct 2014
distance can't break us
we must stay strong
the days will be long
and the nights will be longer
they will seem endless
until we see each other
don't lose hope
if you do
then i will have nothing
tell me you will try
for me and for you
for us
tell me that you won't give up
so i know that this will not
end as badly as i think it will
Oct 2014 · 484
30,000 feet
sincelastjune Oct 2014
at 30,000 feet in the air
i collapsed
my heart sank
my legs gave out
and i stopped breathing
you filled my thoughts
you filled my veins
you filled my eyes
you told me
that i would never see you
ever again
and that was enough
enough to **** me
at 30,000 feet in the air
i realized that love
is about never wanting to lose
the person who makes your heart beat
Oct 2014 · 551
sincelastjune Oct 2014
the stars
in the sky
are screaming at us
to shine like they do
but we refuse to
we make ourselves small
we don't let others
see our light
we are afraid of ourselves
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