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sincelastjune Oct 2014
I think we are all *******
******* from the moment we are born
We are not prepared for life
We do not come into life with directions
We come into this world with a name
A naked body
And most of us
Enter this world with tears in our eyes
The irony
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Communication is everything
In a relationship
Knowing when to talk
Knowing when to stay quiet
Even when you are not saying anything
You are still saying something
Communication is vital
Do not hide things from your lover
No matter how bad it is
Tell them what happened
Communicate the truth
Do not lie to your lover
No matter how much you may want to
The truth will always be greater than a lie
Tell them your thoughts
Tell them your feelings
Tell them your dreams
Tell them your fears
Tell them your corny jokes
Tell them your childhood stories
Tell them your addictions
Tell them your heart is in their possession
Do not forget to TELL them how much you love them
Do not forget to SHOW them how much you love them
You must communicate your love for them by showing AND telling
Communication is everything
If something is bothering you
Or if your lover does something that bothers you
And you do not say anything
How do you expect them to know something is wrong?
As amazing as they might be
Communicate, communicate, communicate
And then communicate some more
sincelastjune Oct 2014
You will make many mistakes
You will get your heart broken
You will wish you were dead
You will lose your mind
You will love again
And again and again
You will come back for more
You will always come back for more
Love is like fast food
sincelastjune Oct 2014
How long they choose to stay with you
Will never be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
They will leave you, if they want to
They will hurt you, if they want to
They will cheat on you, if they want to
They will love you forever, if they want to
They will make you feel so alone, if they want to
They will show you how much they say they care, if they want to
They will fight for you, if they want to
They will make you feel wanted, if they want to
None of that will ever be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
Shackles are for slaves
Not for lovers
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I hope you have trouble sleeping at night
I know I do
But I hope you do too
I hope you see my face when you close your eyes
I see yours
But I see it less and less these days
I hope I am getting better
I hope you are getting worse
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Caring about what people think
Such a waste of time
Why should their opinions matter?
I am who I am
I do what I do
Why should I care about what they say?
I will not remember any of these people
In five years
In ten years
They will not matter then
Why should they matter now?
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I did not sleep last night
Sleep means dreaming
Dreaming means you
You mean pain
Pain of the past
I will sleep tonight
Sleep means remembering
Remembering means you
You mean pain
Pain is my addiction
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