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sincelastjune Oct 2014
i will annoy you
until the day i die
i will be more annoying
than you are
i will be the best boyfriend
you have ever seen
i will be the best boyfriend
this world has ever seen
because i will not stop annoying you
i will not stop kissing you
i will not stop calling you
i will not stop texting you
i will not stop telling everyone about you
never ever, ever ever
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i'm obsessed with you
but that's the best kind of love
in my opinion
i feel like if someone
isn't obsessed with the person they love
then they really don't care
about them at all
sincelastjune Oct 2014
all we have is tonight
we have no time left
lets explore
lets make love
while we still can
because the clock is ticking
and my heart is
doing the charleston
while trying to breakdance
and all i can think about
is how i might never see you again
and how that will affect me
and if it will even affect you
i never know why
but i never think the person i love
really loves me
and they never think
that i love them
even though i would do anything
just to see them smile
just to hear them laugh
even if all we have is tonight
even if there is no time left
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i don't think you loved me
if you did
you wouldn't have broken me
the way that you did
i've heard that love is pain
but this pain will last forever
and i can't live like this
i can't live with this
i can't do it
i wonder if you loved me
because you said you loved me
but then you left me
and fell in love with someone else
while i was still madly in love with you
sincelastjune Oct 2014
if i could snap my fingers
and have you back in my arms
i wouldn't move a muscle
because you cracked my heart in half
and i still haven't recovered
you will never know
because it hasn't happened to you
and i hope it never happens
because putting the pieces
of your heart back together
is harder than any jigsaw puzzle
in the entire universe
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i think about you
even though i shouldn't
but it happens
heartbreak doesn't go away
it hides sometimes
but it never leaves
it always comes back
to haunt you at night
or dig into your thoughts
during the day
heartbreak is forever
and there is no way around it
sincelastjune Oct 2014
distance can't break us
we must stay strong
the days will be long
and the nights will be longer
they will seem endless
until we see each other
don't lose hope
if you do
then i will have nothing
tell me you will try
for me and for you
for us
tell me that you won't give up
so i know that this will not
end as badly as i think it will
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