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1.1k · Jan 2015
Not the same anymore
Silver Knight Jan 2015
The trees don't sway like they use to
Instead they just shake as if they are afraid
The sky isn't as blue as it once was
Now it looks dengy if not dead

The birds have become silent
I think they have all flown away
The berries they don't grow anymore
Though she has been shedding her tears nonstop

The forest has dwindled in numbers
Now she just seem naked
I wonder if she is cold
I wonder if she will make it
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
1.0k · Jan 2015
When she finally says bye
Silver Knight Jan 2015
It's nature not a used ******
You can't just dispose of it once you're done using it
Like any of you really care
She is dying as we speak
And yet we just laugh as if everything is okay
As our air evaporates
But it's joke am I right
Yeah we find many uses for it,but look at her
And by her I mean nature
Her water is polluted
Her children die
Her mind has gone insane
But we don't care
We'll just watch her say bye
Then wonder why we have all died
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
996 · Feb 2015
White Snow
Silver Knight Feb 2015
Raining down from the frosted heaven's it is snow
Turning the green grass and black soil as white as the north pole
The school kids come with their sleds of pure gold
Looking for a nice hill or mountain to let it go
Snowballs fly like bullets fired on the battlefield
Snowmen rise like zombies during the apocalypse
Smiles are born from the endless laughter
As parents watch their children's happy ever after
875 · Jan 2015
In the name of nature
Silver Knight Jan 2015
I speak in behalf of the trees
The voiceless souls who lay dormant upon this wretched plain
I speak in behalf of the animals
Whose homes we destroy everyday for our own personal gain
I see their tears
The ones they conseal underneath their blood drenched skin
I feel their pain
The pain us humans seem to ignore because we are cold hearted  beings
Don't you see what we are doing
Mother nature is screaming in agony as we laugh in her face
She gives us life
In return we give her death
She gives us a home
In return we give her regret
It's a shame really
We should be appalled in ourselves but we are too busy basking in our own glory
Our temporary glory at that
What will we do when mother nature has nothing else to offer us
All because we sapped her dry
Because we are greedy vessels of pure meat
Maybe then we will taste a piece of our own "glory"
What we deserve...
And that is death!
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
754 · Jan 2015
And yet she is still kind
Silver Knight Jan 2015
In the eyes of nature we are mere insect beneath her feet
Chihuahuas who think they are bigger than they really are
So because nature has a heart she laughs saying we are cute
Feeding us, nurturing us even giving us a place to call home
She was kind to us expecting us to be the same
But that wasn't the case
We became greedy
Taking away from her more than she could offer
Cutting her down and polluting her life span
Making her regret the day she ever met us
We picked at her causing her to cry
Then we would dance and laugh not giving a **** of what we just did
The pain and treachery we caused our mother
As she stands at distance drenched in her own blood
Rotting away in the deepest dept of her own soul
But still she is kind and still we are the same
Maybe one we'll understand
I just hope that day doesn't come too late
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
628 · Jan 2015
Silver Knight Jan 2015
So beautiful she is
Nature I mean
From her crystal blue skies way up high
To her green grass that lay upon the ground
From her majestic forest that tower above us mortals
To her sparkling lakes that shimmer all through the night
Just looking into her eyes is like looking into a wonderland
One gets lost looking upon them forgetting everything for only a moment
But who can blame them really...
It's just so breathtaking
From feeling the cool air brush against your cheeks
To hearing the roaring waters crash against the rocky shores
The experience is always the same,ya know
She is beautiful no matter how life goes
Silver Knight Jan 2015
Why can't the rain be seen as beautiful
Like it asked to be the symbol of depression
Why does the world see it as being the dark Lord of the night
As if its dropping are toxic waste ready to burn us all away
Why must the rain be viewed as pure ugliness
As if what it has done for us mean absolutely nothing
Doesn't it mean something
It has watered the crops that feed us
Gave us hope when none existed
But instead of being praised like it should be...
It is viewed as the god of destruction just like its counterpart fire
Another understood element
Rain...they sing songs about it
Wishing it to go away
Disgracing its name
Again calling it,"destruction"
But the way I see it...
Us being humans have no right to be calling anyone destructive
We have caused more destruction than rain could ever imagine
So in my eyes...natures eyes
Rain is beautiful and it is we who are the uglies
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
540 · Mar 2015
Beautiful Day
Silver Knight Mar 2015
It's a beautiful day
Not a cloud in sight
Birds singing
Trees swinging
Baby ain't crying
Everything is at ease
Finally resting in peace
Living life misery free

It's a beautiful day
Beautiful day indeed

I can count to three
And be in the place I want to be
Under the sun beneath a nice shady tree
Wind blowing upon thee
Her hair waving as she lays upon me

It's a beautiful day
Beautiful day indeed

Leaves changing a nice yellowish green
Bees buzzing in the flowers around me
The smell of sweet honey nectar in the air that surrounds me
Silence as dawn awakes in the skies above me

It's a beautiful day
Beautiful day indeed
480 · Jan 2015
Silver Knight Jan 2015
Such a misunderstood element
Only seen as destruction
As if it's darkness itself

But fire isn't the annihilater it is sought out to be
It has saved more lives than it has destroyed
Though because it has destroyed at all, no one seems to recognize the good it has done
It's sad actually

In ancient times fire was feared
It was known as the element we see today
But as time went on it became an ally
It saved us from an era of darkness

It became our source of light
We began to cook with it
We Even started to mold items that we still use today
But fire is the enemy

On those cold chilly nights what is the first think you think of
Most people would think of heat
And from that we usually began to search for this heat
In most cases where does it lead us...

I know for my family it lead us to the fireplace
Keyword "fire"
It was probably the only time back then we would sit there and laugh together
Those few nights we were actually a family

And it's funny fire is the enemy
We use fire like a trash bag
When we need it we pull it out knowing we're going to dispose of it later
We should be ashamed of ourselves

Such a misunderstood element
But one thing is for sure
Fire is not the enemy
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
461 · Jan 2015
Nature's Sound
Silver Knight Jan 2015
If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound
Does it sing a song to lessen the pain
Or maybe scream ****** marry as it crys in vain
Does it just lay there starring at the stars
Or does it have a revelation recollecting its now diminishing life
Does it apologize to the animals who lived in it for being too weak
Or does it just smile because It lived a glorious life
Does it finally speak so the human ear can hear
Or does it stay mute laughing at all who once came near
Tell you never wondered does nature really have a voice
Wondered what it sounded like or how it would feel
Does it have a soft sweet voice like a white fluffy cloud
Or does it have deep piercing sound that penetrates even diamonds
Though it is obvious a tree does make a sound when it falls
Have you ever wondered what happens after it all
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
Silver Knight Feb 2015
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Then again you can stay
The crops need showering these days

Besides you don't come visit anymore
Is it because people made songs wishing you away
Well forget about them
I wish you'd stay

I remember as a kid I would have so much fun playing with you
Splashing in your puddles driving my mom insane
Dancing and twirling as you fell upon me
With you on my side I didn't have a care in the world

Now you're slowly leaving
The deserts are getting bigger
Forcing farmers to migrate time after time again
Can't you see we need you

I need you if not anyone else
I use to enjoy sitting on my balcony as you turned soil to mud
It was new material for my mud pies tomorrow
Oh I remember those days

So rain...
If you can hear me now
I ask of nicely come out and play
Just like the old days
323 · Jan 2015
Beautiful one of everything
Silver Knight Jan 2015
I hear you
Yes,I hear you
I hear you laugh, I hear you cry
I hear it all
But because I hear you,I must ask of you not cry anymore
For your pain will be over soon
Soon I will find what I need to protect you
That I do swear...
Mother nature just bare it a little while longer
I will end your sorrow, I will bring a smile to your face once again
Just bare it a little while longer
Oh beautiful one within everything
Don't really like this poem myself but maybe it's just me so yeah here ya go hope y'all find it good

— The End —