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Silver Dreams Jul 2012
He's your weakness,
and I get that.
Look at what he's doing to you.
He's saying all these things that are hurting you.
It might seem sweet,
but we both know what's going on.
H just made a big mistake,
he's trying to take it back
but he knows he can't so he's trying to make the best of it.
Its hurting you.
He's a wolf in sheep's clothes
I get that you love him,
but do you know what he's doing to you?
I see you falling apart more and more
I don't know if its the break up
or if its just how he is with you now.
I wish I could help you,
but I, myself, feel miles away from myself.
I don't feel like me.
I'm feeling useless in our friendship now.
Is there any way to get everything back to normal?
Is it every going to be easy?
I don't think so,
because if its worth it you gotta work for it.
So maybe that's it.
You gotta work for your relationship.
Fight for him.
Fight for you.
Maybe I should try that, too.
Silver Dreams Jul 2012
My heart's broken.
Just torn apart,
thinking about you laying there..
in so much pain and agony,
just like me.
I wish I could be  there for you,
holding you,
wiping away all those tears
even though I have them also.
Yours is more important.
I wish I could have told you how I felt,
but I choked.
I messed up bad.
Now there's no way to tell you
just how much I want you,
just how much you mean to me...
Because now,
its just an empty goodbye,
with blank hearts, and blank minds.
I want to fight for you,
but we both know
it'd be ridiculous.
for me to wait so long for you....
I want to no matter how crazy it is....
Just know that you ARE the one for me always and forever
i wish i could just say all this to your face now...
You'll be in my heart.
Silver Dreams Jan 2012
Some days,
I just have these little tears run down my cheeks like little rivers.
I don't even have a reason for it.
I do and I just don't know it,
but until I do know...
I'll cry for the others who are in pain, happiness, etc.
So I have a reason for my tears.
Silver Dreams Jan 2012
Promise is just a word.
Why do we even use it,
you don't actually even follow through when you "promise"me things.
It's just an excitement to me,
that never falls through for me.
Don't keep me going through this disappointment
over and over.
Don't promise things...
Just do it,
don't say you're going.
Surprise me.
It'll make my day.
I'm sure you'll find a way.
Silver Dreams Jan 2012
All that teasing and romancing,
it's what I look forward to at the end of the day.
The laughter, the giggles, the chuckles.
My mouth hurting from smiling so much,
it means a lot to me that only you do this to me.
I feel so calm...
so at ease...
just talking to you,
it's like you calm a storm in me of all these problems.
It reassures me that everything is going to be okay.
Silver Dreams Jan 2012
Each kiss going up my body...
It sends shivers throughout me.
Sending joy into you
and for the both of us...
pleasure and passion for the night.
Every little kiss,
I ache for more and more.
The passion between us is magical.
Holding on to you,
as our breaths collide with each others bodies.
Its a mesh of something beautiful.
You bring a heat to my body like no ones done before.
Always ending with a smile because the passion is sweet bliss.
Silver Dreams Jan 2012
Your trust...
It means the world to me.
You show day after day how much you trust me.
You even showed me you trusted me more then anyone.
That made me smile.
I felt like I was glowing.
Like I'm that important to you,
that you'd trust me with something he's never trusted to anyone else.
I don't know if you fully understand how much that meant to me.
So I'll explain it like this...
It's like I've been handed your life and told that I can keep it because it's in safe hands.
Like you've given me your heart trusting that I won't break it,
Just so important to you that,
it made me realize...
I'm that important to you that you'd give me something with so much trust....
Thank you.
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