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1.9k · Sep 2015
Sang Dewi
Silmi Afiqah Sep 2015
Hati sang dewi kembali pulih
Tak lagi pedih, tak lagi perih
Berbumbung cinta bertirai kasih
Berambang cita suci bersih

Sang dewi setia menanti
Sang bulan mengambang di malam hari
Sebagai teman penyejuk hati
Menghapus sepi yang memakan diri

Bisikan malam bulan dan dewi
Memecah sunyi dari langit ke bumi
Berjanji setia sehidup semati
Selagi bulan mengambang lagi
789 · Sep 2015
Tari Minda
Silmi Afiqah Sep 2015
Di kala sunyi minda berlari
Di atas kertas pena menari
Mencoret kata yang tidak terperi
Melabuh beban yang memakan diri
730 · Apr 2015
Semangat (5 minit)
Silmi Afiqah Apr 2015
Sederas arus di musim tengkujuh
Sedentang guruh jantungku berdentung
Tak getar semangatku bertaruh
Nyawa diancam, azam dijunjung
469 · Apr 2015
Silmi Afiqah Apr 2015
like the dolphins,
I'll brave the vast waters
As fast and as swift,
So they can never drown me.
And if I ever feel like drowning,
I'll resurface, and jump
Over and over again
Until I've swam through
All of the oceans.
461 · Jan 2016
River of Love
Silmi Afiqah Jan 2016
Rich or poor,
Merchant or beggar,
Student or teacher,
Brother or sister,
Preacher or philosopher,
Dervish or scholar,
Drunken or sober,
We sin and we err;
It's not up to believers
To judge one another
Because loving all His creatures
Comes with loving the Maker
And when we follow that current
We become the river
402 · May 2015
Means to an End
Silmi Afiqah May 2015
Don't go chasing
After fleeting things
Don't sink yourself
In the same waters that you swim in
It is but a destination, it's a means
A vessel
To guide you Home
Where it is eternal
384 · Feb 2016
Silmi Afiqah Feb 2016
Pelanduk alpakan jerat
Dirundung muslihat
Helah dan khianat
Menjadi fazihat
357 · Sep 2015
My Apology
Silmi Afiqah Sep 2015
You were nothing but a flame

Igniting the passion in me that
I thought was dead

But my heart was an inferno 

Annihilating anything that comes its way

I never deserved that light you gave 

It brought back too many familiar memories
Which i never wanted to revisit, ever again

So i pray that you find another 

That burns just as bright, or brighter

With your presence that it consumes you

And lights you up again from within

So that you will forget what it was like to be burnt 

By the wrong kind of flame

And falling into a bottomless pit

At the thought of my name

— The End —