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6.4k · Oct 2012
Yellow Tulip
Sierra R Oct 2012
one Yellow tulip
in a sea of Red and White
standing Tall and Proud
Despite his Lonely plight

he is Not Afraid
to bare his Golden Face
No Fear of being different
to Keep him in his Place

I wonder if he's Lonely
in that flower bed
Surrounded by his Peers
of colors White and Red

I would like to Pick Him
and take him Home with Me
where his face would be Enjoyed
and make us Both Happy
2.8k · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Running down the field
The wind blowing in my face
Hot sun on my neck

Sliding into place
Stopping her forward motion
Forcing a bad pass

Picking the ball up
Cradling in my stick
Lacrosse sets me free.
2.4k · Oct 2012
Sierra R Oct 2012
My grandpa is in a rocking chair
in the living room
He slowly moves back and forth
His eyelids are closed
He listens to the talk around him
but he doesn't take part
Instead he dozes off
his head drooping to his chest
His swaying ceases
His breathing slows

The house he sits in has been his own
for the past fifty years
He raised seven children under its roof
He added an addition for each new child
first another bedroom
then the family room
out in back the garage
Until the house became a home
made of love and sweat

Around Pop
the conversation drifts
to a grandson who just got a job
working behind a desk
for an insurance company
making sixty-five thousand per year

Pop never made that much money
A coal miner's son
who earned his degree
taking classes whenever he could
A salesman by day
and a teacher by night
He had a hard life
but you won't hear that from him

His grandson may think
that he must have been dumb
to work so long and hard
for so little reward
But what he doesn't understand
is that my Pop
sitting in his rocker
in front of the brick fireplace
that he built one stone at a time
achieved more in his lifetime
through hard work
and sweat
than my cousin ever will
by wearing a suit to work
sitting behind a desk
and typing on a computer
1.8k · May 2011
A Palm Tree
Sierra R May 2011
Tall, slender
Silhouetted against the sky
Rustled by a light breeze
Green fronds wave
At Mina birds swooping by.
Mina bird, Mina bird
What do you see,
Perched up on top of
That tall palm tree?

Slender, strong
Swaying in the breeze
Little songbirds find food
In the pock-marked, gray trunk
Of the tall palm trees.
Oh, what made those marks
So many, and deep
Into which tasty bugs
Like to creep?

Strong, flexible
With a heavy top
From which coconuts
With smiling faces
Like to drop.
Plop! Plop! Plop!
Watch your head!
Sir Isaac Newton
Would be dead.
1.8k · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
you are my sister
despite the lack of blood relation
mi hermana de una otra mama
ok, so it doesn't rhyme
but so what?
remember the time
we went clubbing in new cal?
i felt like cinderella
on the stroke of midnight...*

and "our" boys
funny that we called them that
they were never looking to be owned
but we had good times together
1.4k · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Red, orange, yellow, brown
Goose music
Fuzzy wool sweaters
Fresh-baked pumpkin pie—Mmmm…
Musty leaves
Bare tree limbs
Crunch snow
Slippery ice
Sugary cookies
Tangy gingerbread
          Happy Holidays!
New green buds
Chirp chirp of bird songs
Soft, fuzzy grass
Juicy strawberries
Sweet daffodils
          New Life!
Trees in full leaf
Bzzz of a fat bumble bee
Lazy, hot, swing-in-a-hammock days
Cold, sweet watermelon
Mowed lawns
1.3k · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Red gently flutters to the ground;
Yellow slowly drifts near me.
Orange, I watch it swirl around,
While green hangs delicately to the tree.

I love the crackling sound as I walk to school,
The smell of leaves wet with dew,
The feel of leaves—moist, cool.
The crisp fall air makes me feel born anew.

Autumn slowly fades away;
The leaves turn brown.
The nights get colder, day by day;
Yet, the leaves still stay to cover the ground.
1.0k · May 2010
Haiku Who?
Sierra R May 2010
A few broken sticks
Laying in powdery dust
Beneath a blackboard

Screeching, scratching, snap!
Another broken piece falls
As a dead oak branch
984 · Oct 2012
The Tree of Knowledge
Sierra R Oct 2012
The forbidden fruit
Plucked by Eve, but ruined Adam
A soft, delicate, luscious Madame
Teasing, tempting
Seduction in a look
So it was covered, hidden
"Try and forget what's forbidden."
And still she haunts
Testing, trying
Tickling the senses
Until he drops all his defenses

How about the fruit
Which wanted nothing but
To be a fruit, not a ****?
Leafing, blooming
Ripening in time
To grow warm in the shining sun
One of many, not the forbidden one
And still she hangs
Lovely, golden
Dozing, hoping to awaken
To not be the one forsaken

Once she was
Not the one blamed by all
For every single grown man's fall
Teasing, tempting
No matter what she does
Every motion carefully made
To make sure the game is played
By the rules
Lovely, golden
After all, with fruit so sweet
How could Adam refuse to eat?
845 · May 2010
Goodnight in Bancroft
Sierra R May 2010
Forbidden Love
Creeping, quiet
Secret meetings in hidden corners
Shhh! They’ll hear…
Silent, desperate embraces
Whispered words,
Pounding hearts.
Sink deeper into shadows
They fade.
Is it safe?
The moment passed
Too many interruptions, too many demands.

Emerge from darkness
Cast off the shadow blanket
Frustrated, unsatisfied
Head check, right… left…
Moving together
Closer, closest.
One last, lingering kiss
781 · May 2011
Sierra R May 2011
She can’t communicate
Her mother never taught her how
Or how to open up
How to actively be the person she is
So she talks and laughs
Giggles and cries
Although tears never quite seem to come…
At least not when someone, anyone else is there                
To see
Or help or comfort
Or even just empathize
Those stopped back in the fourth grade
Back when boys had cooties
And you weren’t invited to birthday parties
Because the other girls thought you were a witch
Or smelly
Back in the fourth grade
When little Amber Gibbs became the most popular girl in school
And took her best friend away
And told Andrew Moretz all about her crush on him
And he never would talk to her after that
That’s when she stopped crying in front of people
Or at least people who mattered
Tear are a sign of weakness
And everyone knows in middle school
If you see weakness in someone
Then exploit it
Cause if everyone’s laughing at them
They’re not laughing at you
And that’s what matters
So she learned
The hard way, but she learned
That others are mean
Not even moms can be counted on
And her diary
That book of blank paper
Just inviting, ready to listen
Became her best, and then her only friend
Her diary was the only one who listened
Sometimes she made believe
It was her older brother
Still born before her
To whom she wrote
Make believing he actually cared
About the wants and petty problems
Of a 14 year old girl
With her head in the clouds
But her heart in a lock box.
757 · May 2010
The Underground
Sierra R May 2010
Screeching and wheezing
At the end of the platform
Breathes crowds in and out.

Where are they going
In such a rush; shoving and
Pushing everyone?

Watching, listening
Wait! Stop! That’s my train! Out of
My way! Whew, made it!
659 · May 2010
Laundry List
Sierra R May 2010
I love…
        I love your rumbling tummy
        I love how our hands fit together
        I love that I feel safe with you
        I love your voice
        I love listening to you on the phone
                For hours…
                And hours…
        I love getting your voicemails
        I love laughing at you
        I love laughing with you
        I love laughing and you
        I love listening to you
        I love talking to you
        I love happy you
        I love sad you
                Angry you,
                Stressed you
        I love your hands
        I love being with you
        I love being in sketchy alleys with you
        I love being in broad daylight with you
        I love being with you at night
        I love kissing you
               Yes, you may steal my lips
        I love rolling around with you
I love you.
659 · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Evening fell
Soft as a black velvet curtain.
A mild breeze played around the trees
And ruffled our hair.
I'd just met you
Roaring in I came
You with your guitar
Came to welcome me at the dock,
To invite me to sit
To listen and laugh
To forget, for some small time,
That small's the only time I have.
You strummed
We talked
About small, insignificant things
And laughed
There was much laughter that night.
I strummed a few chords
Hesitantly accepting the audience
Laughingly bemoaning my inability to play
Later, we talked of life
of stupid teachers
strange students
the quirks of this world in which we live.
We threw watermelons
joking together as the stars grew more pronounced over head.
Moments of comfortable silence,
A fitting prelude to the night's end.
645 · May 2010
Incomplete, Naturally...
Sierra R May 2010
The roaring, crashing
Running over rock ledges

A turbulent mass
Blue-green rainbows of color
Nature's own wonder

Tiny tinkling sounds
Mini-streams overflowing
Down the mountainside
639 · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Standing, studying
Soaking in the atmosphere all around
I close my eyes.
Inhale deeply…
Don’t you smell it?
Millions of lives; the world is so full of life!
Ants, carrying home dinners ten times their size,
Fish bubbling around the streams,
New grass making its first leap towards the sun –
Everything struggling against everything else.
This is the magical dance of life.

*Don’t you dance?
603 · May 2010
The Race
Sierra R May 2010
Easy, up and catch!
Easy, up and catch!
Feel the boat glide
Long, smooth, graceful
Then slowly, easy
Drive the knees towards the deck
Swing into the bow
Feel the boat Jump!
Squeezing the shoulder blades
Quiet, relaxed
Deep, dark puddles
Then relaxed, slowly, easy
Everyone together
Exactly the same
Moving, gliding the shell forward
Towards the finish line
Ten strokes left!
One, last, powerful drive…
One, smooth, clean exit…
The bow breaks the finish line
You collapse
But you won!
590 · May 2010
A Teenage Lament
Sierra R May 2010
I feel out of place
Loneliness is hard to bear
My friends are not here

I am forgotten
My old friends are gone for good
Not even a call

If I had one friend
One true friend to stay with me
Things might be different

My old friends are gone
No chance for new friendship comes
I am all alone
581 · May 2010
I <3 Crew :)
Sierra R May 2010
indivIduals make up teams

                  lazy hands sLow boats
or they rush slides—Or both
                 very tired… Very tired…
               every day, thE same thing

                can’t we switCh it up?
                       raise youR hands!
               everyone togEther at the finish
                                   we Won!!
550 · May 2011
A Modern Haiku
Sierra R May 2011
Gray-blue eyes stare deep—
Soft as velvet, cold as rain—
Looking for reason

Dawn comes with a tinge.
Gray is pushed away for blue;
Clouds scuttle across eyes.
541 · May 2010
D.C. on a Fall Day
Sierra R May 2010
Four feet kicking leaves
Shuffling along the sidewalk, just in step
Together, so four become two
Crisp air sending goosebumps up arms
And down backs
A swirling breeze sends leaves
Leaping up
Away from our feet
Pulling my attention back
Back to you
Back to the silence hanging between us
A thoughtful silence
Full of observation and contemplation.
522 · May 2010
The Secret Sign
Sierra R May 2010
Closed doors with trash cans in front
Blocking outside access
Who knows what goes on back there
With the lock engaged
Secretively, furtively
The tiny click
A signal to keep out
There for all who know to read
499 · May 2010
Sierra R May 2010
Sweet amid the cool grass
          Whispering, grasping, embracing
                    Hoping that soft endearments are coming
     Silky, silent desire
454 · Oct 2012
18 February 2011
Sierra R Oct 2012
My grandfather died today.
I never really knew him.
He was just a gray haired, smiling man --
the one in the pictures my mom has.

I knew he fought in World War II,
dropping bombs on the Japanese,
and an alcoholic after that.
I knew he had two wives and three kids.
I knew he didn't believe in God.

I can count on one hand
the number of times
that he and I met face to face.
But I wrote him letters,
and he wrote back, sometimes
how he was so proud of me,
and how I would do great things,
but never anything about him.

My grandfather died today.
My mom doesn't know, yet.
He's gone, and she still thinks he's alive.
To her, he'll die another day
even though the official date of death
will be 18 February 2011.
But for me,
he died today.

I know I should feel sad.
439 · May 2010
Another Haiku
Sierra R May 2010
A lone blue button
In the palm of my left hand
Fell off my right sleeve

— The End —