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 Dec 2012 Siam Raf
When I Die
 Dec 2012 Siam Raf
When I die,
I don't want to be buried.
I don't want a casket.
I don't want a tombstone.

I don't really want much of a funeral.
I simply want whomever desires
To say something about me
To do so
(Whether it's good, bad, or funny).

I want to be burned
In a cardboard box,
And as I'm being cremated,
I want someone
To read a poem that I have written
For that very occasion.

When I'm all turned to ashes,
I want them to put me
In a cheap little container
And throw my ashes into the wind.
Maybe over a field, a forest, or the ocean--
Whatever, so long as it's windy there.

I don't want my loved ones to have a
Specific place to visit me

I want to be the one
Who visits my loved ones

So I can give them kisses
When the wind
Brushes their cheeks.
i wonder if i can put this poem in my will...
 Oct 2011 Siam Raf
Lindsay Marie
I tell myself its over.
That in a few months it won’t matter,
That this physical distance could somehow cure my pain.

But you hold me close.
Whisper empty words in my ear,
Use me once again to fulfill your lustful desires.

Then I’m invisible.
Breaking promises is your game,
Toss me aside to make room for the next player.

Now my heart is stone.
Numb to all feeling is my façade.
No one will ever damage me quite like you.
 Aug 2011 Siam Raf
Ahmad Cox
 Aug 2011 Siam Raf
Ahmad Cox
These people here today
They need a place to stay
They have nowhere to go
Nowhere to call their home
And so we must pray
That they will find a way
Back home
Back home
They'll find a way back home
Back home
Back home
A place where they can be
Back home
Back home
A place where they can be
I know they cant find a home
And so they'll always roam
Away from where you are
They'll roam ever far
So that's why we must pray
That they will find a way
Back home
Back home
They'll find their way back home
Back home
Back home
A place where they can be
Back home
Back home
A place where they can be
There's a sun in the sky
There's a moon up above
And yet we all find ways
To deny God's love
Moving ever far
Moving ever away
From our home in the sky
With this home filled with love
So we must be willing to
Find our way back home
Because if we don't
We will stay alone
We must find a way
For our hearts to stay
So that they will never roam
And we can find a home
Back home
Back home
We'll find a way back home
Back home
Back home
A place where we can be
Back home
Back home
A place where we can be
Last night you rocked me to sleep
while you held my heart.
You took your place,
looked upon my faded seas,
renewed my thirst for life.
Within all sounds sublime
and oh so sweet
your voice fills the eyes
of my night.
I am turned to take and take
each move of love
you lay
at my feet
never forgetting
a single line
in my hunger.

To hear you call me a creature
with soft sounds
makes me want to let them continue
gliding from my mouth
They tumble as ocean waves
of thought
from my heart and soul
becoming the stars of
heaven’s floor.
 Nov 2010 Siam Raf
No Name
 Nov 2010 Siam Raf
No Name
nothing surrounds me
but the deep shade of indigo
that I am lost in,
speckled with diamonds
and sparkling with the lustrous satin glow of the moon.
I want to melt into it.

I feel beautiful-
the ground is cool against my skin
as I lie undressed,
the wind kissing me,
its touch foreign and divine, exploring and gentle.
I want to give myself to it.  

And while I am lost,
your lips graze my bare shoulder
and I turn to You
and stare hard at You-
your hands are warm as you pull my body close to yours.

You are the universe.
I want to melt into You.
I am yours.
What could a rhyme redeem for the sunlight of your soul
Coming through in misty stirring rain
In the empty time and space, you cannot control
Running down the halls
Of your pain

Do you leave your broken phrases to float among spheres
Insistently flowing into that which makes you glad
Forming lessons you may not wish to hear
When the walls of your halls
Are painted sad

Just how high is the ceiling of your expectations
Does it exceed the flame of yonder sun
Will your eyes begin to glisten, when you cannot control
The halls of your life
As you run

There is a window in your hall, where sunlight softly streams
Into the promises, which you are able to redeem
If you will stop running down the halls
Of all you cannot control
Your soul, will feel the warmth
Of its beams
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010

— The End —