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 Mar 2014 Storm
Lappel du vide
"i bet you're loud in bed."

**** right i am,
i'll make the plaster shake down on your
quaking body
and scream my pleasure so it fills every
empty space in our skin.

i'm not afraid to be a *****
because the only thing
quite as firm and unforgiving as my heart
are my legs.
 Mar 2014 Storm
EJ Aghassi
I burned my tongue
while looking out the window

I couldn't help but find irony
in the juxtaposition of hot
and terrible cold

I see a familiar gray figure

the notion of feeling like
your stomach is splitting in two
in the good way

but it's just my mind playing tricks on me

I wish so strongly
to find you out there in stormy weather


so I could take you inside
dry you off
and hold you until
the shivering subsides
 Feb 2014 Storm
LJ Chaplin
Do you see me in the headlights?
A frightened deer in the night time sorrow,
Push down on the accelerator honey,
I'll be gone by this time tomorrow,
My heart beats in the trees
And my voice is in the soil,
My fear is in the air
As my blood begins to boil,
I'm a natural born disaster,
So don't wait until the morning after,
Strike me down.
Leave my body on the road
And soak my skin with red lights,
Disappear into the dark,
A hit and run at midnight,
My baby left me high and dry,
I'm lost without a compass,
Death is far beneath my closest friend,
His soul is too close for comfort.
 Feb 2014 Storm
his fingers dance across
my shoulder blades and down
my arm until they reach my
hands, where they trace patterns
on my palm

you're safe with me, i
he says

                             and i believe him
[ or piano notes you used to play?
whatever it may be, you are filling the
holes in me with something
beautiful that i cannot explain ]
 Feb 2014 Storm
 Feb 2014 Storm
i learned that sounds
travel faster through solids
than air, so press
your mouth to my skin,
tell me stories of the places
you were scared to have
been, i'll try my best to
understand, and with all that i am,
i will listen
am i even making sense?
 Feb 2014 Storm
i wish i could love you
gently, but the beating in my
chest is echoing like a choir
through cathedral halls
and i don't know how to think
about you quietly

(maybe, if there is a god, he
meant for our song to be
heard by heaven)
 Feb 2014 Storm
no matter what your teachers
may tell you, your grades are not a
measure of how smart you are, that
has more to do with how you handle your
heart, and i have never seen anyone love
more fiercely or smart than you.  

i have let boys touch me just because
i was scared to lose them; don't let them
lay a hand on you without you asking
them to, you are worth more than that.

people will walk away, but you've known
that already.  keep your chin up so that when
they turn back one last time, they know that
you don't need them.
you don't need them.

i hope you find somebody that holds your
hands, even when you're nervous and
they start to sweat.  if they pull away,
you come find me and i swear,
i won't let go.
i just love her more than words
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