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There is an ominous feeling all over your body
Feels like a rain clouds on the other side of the city
As you touch that cold railing near old magazine kiosk, you could almost say that the city is talking to you...
time is always so abstract when you get to meet up with your people.  People often change but I don't mind.

Most of my days I would meditate through sport learning new things. Then again meditate when Im alone.

She suffered a lot past months. Living the same shortcomings any human has to. But I try to be here for her.

My mind tends to spiral to the same old state, but Im trying my best not to fall in. Been there many times, so it gets pretty tiring lately.

Anyways I should write more…
Často rozmýšlam mal by som sa pozviechať a kupit diktafon

nahravat spontánne myšlienky, niečo ako to robil Marlon
anyways…. I should write more
Horel, horel bledý dom
a spolu snim slovo Martin vňom
búchalo, škriabalo, plakalo…
zomieralo potichu
chcelo zabrániť všetkému tomu
ale list aj tak spadol zo stromu
that which you cant control, welcome with arms open and make the most tangible
everything earthly has become somehow unimportant for my mind(even when I respect it still). It is strangly hard to grasp within words what my mind and spirit is longing for but I know that anything tangible within my concsiousness wouldnt quench it.
here at the end of the world
my pendulum stops

I sit here
finally rested

reflecting on all the reds and blues in life
and I lived it

Lived it in ignorance of this moment
but pulled forward like a moth to a shiny moonlight

I sit here
rested well
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