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Feb 2018 · 616
Je t'aime
Shona Marshall Feb 2018
White stone streets stretching for miles
Bridges filled with gold and history
The legacy of a city
It's spirit in every brick, in every heart within its walls
The beauty of thousands of minds translated
Into art and architecture
Into iron ladders touching the sky
Into an underground labyrinth
Buildings bursting with oil and canvas and marble
There to be admired and adored, the gifts of millions that have come before
And as I stand before it's sacred heart, looking at the everlasting elegance
I am in love
Feb 2018 · 211
Shona Marshall Feb 2018
I look at the pictures of you
hanging on the wall
Your face imprinted on my brain
All the while terrified
that I forget the sound of your voice
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Orange Lilies
Shona Marshall Nov 2016
An earth filled flower *** is all I have left of you.
That and the memories,
Both good and bad.
The flower *** reminded me of you at the end
Empty, nothing left to give.
But then summer came, and with it your flower *** bloomed
Bright orange lilies, the most beautiful I had ever seen
A burst of fire
A fleeting explosion of passion and wonder.
The flower *** reminds me of you at the beginning
Full of hope and beauty, with everything to give
That’s how I choose to remember you now
And every summer the lilies grow I think of the past
And smile at the unconditional love you always had for me
Nov 2016 · 767
Stolen kisses
Shona Marshall Nov 2016
Today was the first day I cried over you
And you have no idea,
How you make me feel
When your smile reaches your eyes and you look into my soul.
Stolen kisses and groping in hidden streets
Lingering looks and wandering hands.
And then you go home
To her
Guilty and red cheeked, leaving unsaid words and unused lips.
And I go home
Wanting and dejected, hoping for more but knowing it isn't real.
Because I'll never compare but I'll never make you choose.
And I cry for what could have been and what will never be
And I cry for your arrogance and my weakness
But most of all, I cry for the love I'll never know

— The End —