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Mar 2011 · 770
Day dream
Shirin Sadikot Mar 2011
My mind paints innumerable pictures,
With eyes wide open I’m lost in dreams.
There’s a strong tussle inside my head
To get me out of fantasy, the reality screams.

Is it a means I use to get away from the world?
Or will the vision transform into a lovely reality?
Is the nature conspiring to take me to you?
Or do I day dream to hide my destiny’s frailty?

One moment I’m closer to heaven on earth
The other brings me crashing down to truth.
I’m torn between sensibility and desires
At once, I abhor myself and exude self- ruth.

There’s a storm brewing inside my soul
I know what I want but cannot have it.
I’m so far away from where I want to be
I know I can’t have it but I still want it.

There is a way to get it and I know where it is.
I’m trying desperately to tread that road.
A million forces are pulling me back…
But one glimpse of you is enough to goad.

If it’s not meant to be, why do I see the signs?
They seem like subtle steps carrying me to you
And when my deep belief gains further strength,
I find myself at square-one without a clue!

The dream that is my only reason to be alive
Is the very murderer that kills me everyday.
It’s weird how the most beautiful part of me
Can turn my life into a living hell this way.
Mar 2011 · 968
Do You call my name?
Shirin Sadikot Mar 2011
Every morning when I open my eyes,
It’s your thought that my mind occupies.

I make myself busy to brush you aside
But you refuse to leave my heart and mind.

I try to hate you for the hurt you’ve caused
But I end up recalling all the love you showed.

I drown myself in work to escape the acute pain
Tears still find their way, no matter how I restrain

After fighting through the day I meet the night
I close my eyes and you appear in my sight.

And I wonder if you too go through the same,
When you’re all by yourself, do you call my name?
Shirin Sadikot Mar 2011
1) God divides people, Sachin unites them

2) God does with people what he fancies, Sachin does with the bat what people love

3) God gives life, Sachin adds meaning to it

4) God answers prayers, Sachin comes as the answer to those prayers

5) God takes away what he gives, Sachin only gives, gives and gives

6) God doesn’t always give you what you want, Sachin gives you more than what you expect

7) God gives you death, Sachin teaches you how to live

8) God blesses you only if you’re good, Sachin’s benevolence is unconditional

9) God gives you troubles to teach you lessons, Sachin makes you forget your troubles

10) God puts you to test to reassert his supremacy, Sachin keeps passing every Test and still remains humble

11) God punishes people for their wrongdoings, Sachin takes it upon himself to rectify others’ mistakes

12) God's existence is an unsolved mystery, Sachin’s existence is beyond any doubt

13) God loves you only if you believe in him, Sachin’s genius and goodness compels you to love him

14) No one has seen God, No one will ever see another like Sachin!!!
Shirin Sadikot Jan 2011
The butterflies in my tummy, the weakness in my knees
The awe in my eyes and those dreams within me

How I forgot everything else the moment I stepped in
The sight of those packed stands, the noise so deafening.

The 22-yard brown land bathing in bright sunshine
In the midst of a lush green field, the view, so divine

The smell of soil, the mighty Tri-colour conversing with sky
The breeze was a raconteur and history was alive.

I set my foot on the ground and felt the rush of passion
I experienced the beauty I had seen in my imagination.

Those men – my idols, my inspiration to reach there,
Stood on the same land, breathed the same air

The wide eyed fan was taking over, emotions ran amuck
But the professional inside prevailed. It was hard work, not luck.

There was chaos behind that forced straight face
Nervous energy boiling inside which no one could trace

But when first words were exchanged with a childhood hero
The eyes widened, knees shivered, all efforts resulted in zero.

My first interview was full of fumbles but I’ll cherish it all along
That first smile from my idol – It’s worthy of a lovely song.

When the sun went down on that blessed day of dream
The feeling sunk in – I was right there with My Team!

The eyes sparkled with tears that rolled down to the zipped lips
That feeling of being alive, the bliss – nothing can ever eclipse.

Now I sit under the dark night, searching for that guiding star
How I wish it takes me back to where I belong – the world that now seems so far!
Miss those days spent on the cricket field.....
Shirin Sadikot Oct 2010
He’s no God like Sachin, neither is ‘Wall’ his sobriquet
He doesn’t whack them a mile like Sehwag or Ganguly.
He just comes in with a resolve and soaks in the pressure
Where others would succumb to panic, he thrives beautifully.

When the team is sinking, his steely nerves bring them to shore
He kisses the tension in the air away with his assuring presence.
When the gods turn away, VVS emerges – serene and tough
And clears up the mess with divine grace and elegance!

When his bat swivels below his magical wrists, its pure bliss!
The cherry caresses the grass and dances towards the fence.
Like a stroke of an artist’s brush that just painted a perfect arc.
And with his own people, the enemy’s admiration you can sense.

He doesn’t evoke fear, excitement, anxiety or frustration
He doesn’t pump his fists in the air, doesn’t snarl or stare.
You either see the calmness or a bright smile on his face.
He’s a stern fighter with no arrogance – a quality so rare!

They say he’s ‘Very, Very Special’, which he indeed is.
In the country of demigods he’s a man that makes god proud.
He’s not worshipped by sponsors, doesn’t earn big bucks,
But he owns a bigger treasure – Respect from all in the crowd.

The Aussies who’re feared the world over, swear by his name,
For, he crushes their strong might with his class and sublimity.
Their killer-instinct turns into shivers when they see him walk out
Their razor-sharp words get blunted by his poise and humility.

VVS epitomizes romance. No wonder he loves the Eden Gardens!
Where the ‘Lord’s’ of Indian Cricket reside, is his fortress.
When he bats, you just surrender your senses to his splendour,
The twirl of his hypnotic wrists can bust your biggest stress.

The world seems a better place when you watch VVS on song.
Even time stops to admire his delicate flick that goes fine.
And as you lose yourself in his determined yet soft eyes,
You find yourself sitting in heaven, enjoying a glass of wine!

Selflessness is his middle name; there is no 'I' in the word 'Team,'
The hardest job that no one wants, he will do for his team.
I’m blessed to have experienced the beauty of VVS…
The skill of his splendid batting and the purity of his beam!!!
An ode to the magician of wrists, the unheralded legend of Indian Cricket - VVS LAXMAN!!!
Shirin Sadikot Sep 2010
I revisited the old memories and relived those wonderful days
When life was so simple and pure, with U around me, always!

Our world was so carefree, our friendship the purest and truest,
Our pockets were empty but we enjoyed each moment to the fullest.

We didn't have the trendiest clothes but we wore the loveliest of smiles,
We didn't need a car to travel; together we laughed and walked miles.

We never hesitated to call each other, thinking time might not be right,
We didn't have the latest phones but still we chatted through the whole night.

We never had to hide our emotions from each other; we never even tried,
It wasn't awkward to let our tears show; we hugged each other and cried.

Yes, we fought over trivial things and didn't speak for days together,
But those silly fights never did us apart, they only brought us closer.

We cribbed about our love life and how our heart was broken yet again.
But we could smile the very next moment, as we had each other then.

Now things are not the same, we've all lost that innocence with time.
Distances have grown between hearts; relations are no more sublime.

There’s a trace of betrayal and hurt, a feeling of letting each other down,
But the relation we share is too strong for any storm to break it down.

Cloud of misunderstanding may have blurred the horizon of our friendship
But no darkness can win over the radiance of our love; it runs too deep!

So here’s a toast to our lovely friendship which has stood the test of time,
We both know, despite the differences, in the end all’s gonna be fine!
For my wonderful Friends I miss so much!
Sep 2010 · 2.2k
A deadly little cherub!
Shirin Sadikot Sep 2010
A face that envisages the intensity within
The purity of his soul is visible in those eyes.
His words are a reflection of his honest heart
And his silence says everything he wants to hide.

When he wields the willow, he becomes a warrior
Desperate to give his last ounce for his nation.
He resists all temptation with ****** mindedness
And fights the enemy hard, to protect his team’s bastion.

His passion never lets satisfaction reach his soul.
He’s as harsh on himself as he’s on the opposition
Nothing annoys him more than his own failure
The past struggles have only elevated his ambition.

He’s an epitome of innocence and simplicity
But don’t get fooled by his diminutive looks.
For there’s a reservoir of fire inside his head
Which explodes when he’s provoked by crooks.

He bats for India wearing his tri-coloured gloves
Like his 1 billion compatriots are holding his hands.
Their love strengthens his grip, empowers his bat
And runs flow in abundance as like a rock he stands!

He’s a special cricketer, selfless, gritty and gifted.
But what he is on the field is not really his best part.
The person within is more precious, like a rare gem.
Beneath that stern and strong face, there’s a lovely heart.
This one is for My Pocket-sized Powerhouse, My inveterate Run-machine, My little 'Gautzilla' - Gautam Gambhir (For all you non-Cricket fans, he opens the batting for India and surely does a great job).
Sep 2010 · 1.6k
How do I thank You?
Shirin Sadikot Sep 2010
You introduced me to my life and got me living,
Because of you, my existence found a meaning.

I remember the day when I first saw you bat
Your genius left even an ignorant kid flat.

It was in 1996, forever I’ll cherish the occasion
You ignited a spark of interest which is now my passion.

You scored a hundred and gave me my first cheer.
We lost that game and I cried my first cricket tear!

You gave me a Team I could proudly call ‘mine’
And the strength to support it, till the end of time.

I feel the rush of patriotism every time you lift your bat
And with pride in your eyes kiss the Tri-colour on your helmet.

You held Our Team together when all seemed to fall apart
Till you were our saviour, even in disaster I didn’t lose heart.

Every run you’ve scored, has brought a smile on my face
Each word you’ve said has in my heart, left a permanent trace.

Whenever life has got cruel, you’ve got it back in full bloom
It just takes a swing of your bat to bring the sun out from gloom

You’ve been the answer to my most desperate prayers
Like a messiah, you’ve fetched success from shadows of failures

Every moment you’ve spent on the field has been a lifetime for me
I’ve lived them all with a deluge of emotions -pride, despair, anger and glee.

With every joy you’ve granted me, I’ve been greedy for more.
And you’ve been an angel whose generosity has never turned sore.

At times when you failed, I refused to accept you too are human
But silently and patiently, you lugged the burden of my expectation

There might have been times when you just couldn’t take the pain
But you hid it behind your gritty face and played for us even with severe strain

I’ve been the most blessed of all beings, to have had a hero like you,
Your existence makes me believe, there’s a supreme power above too.

After years of being spellbound by your genius, I still crave for more
I pray that you go on forever, can’t help being selfish to the core.

I wish I could thank you for everything but I dare not try.
How does one thank the Almighty for bringing a body to life?

So, I call upon your deity; by your side may he forever stand,
And fulfill all your dreams, may your wish be his command!!!
This poem is dedicated  to Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. Written on November 15, 2009 - the day he completed 20 years in international cricket... My little tribute to the man who gave a meaning to my life!

— The End —