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Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
In the dead of the night
Where the shadows weep
The fate of their masters
Lie at their feet

Where the trees bear fruit
Of a sinister life
It is not the man who eats the fruit
But the animals that eat his remains that die

Where the crows sing
Their cacophony breaking the monotony of the night
Welcoming the unwelcome invaders
Sending chills down their spines

It is in this land
That I will be born
Let the angels scream in agony
Let the stork who brought me
Be torn
Limb by limb

In this land
I will rise and I will rule
In this land shall my son be born
Let him play with the skeletons of the dead
And let him
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
There's supposed to be a heaven upstairs
There's supposed to be a guardian angel for everyone
I guess mine's gone on a vacation
I guess she's been long gone

I talked to god about this
He said, don't worry about a thing
She'll be out till the winter lasts
But should be back by spring

I told him I didn't know if I could last that long
I've been doing my share of crying
I told him I needed a sign of some kind
Coz i'm sure as hell not fine

My friends don't talk to me anymore
They've even stopped saying, 'Hi'
And I'm standing there, waving like a fool
Waving my happiness goodbye

Even home isn't different
The loneliness still persists
Here I am pouring my heart out
Not even sure if the ones I call friends
Will read this

Well, enough about me
How've you been?
Must have been keeping busy
To forget the world you once created

I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose
You thought you'd be back in the blink of an eye
You kept to your promise and came back in time
Just to find everything's changed
Everything's changed...
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
My home lies in a distant world
Unknown to me
My consciousness takes me there
In times of despair

Where my family is always laughing
And the cook’s always cooking
The birds always singing
And the books always, well, booking

My room lies in a separate part of the house
Hidden away from sight and sound
My bed, the storehouse of my dreams
My palace of solitude

It’s there where I think
It’s there where I dream
It’s there where I write
There where I eat ice cream

But then they came
And placed clocks inside my room
I asked what they were for
“To tell you the time, birdbrain.”

Why would anyone in their right minds
Want to know the time?
I know when I’m hungry
That’s the time I’m hungry
I know when I’m sleepy
That’s the time I’m sleepy

What do I need clocks for?
So I threw the clock out

But they came again
With a bigger clock this time
The kind which doesn’t fit in my window sill
So I gave up
And thought to myself,
“Well, I don’t need it. If it’s there,
Let it be.”

And so it was
The clock kept ticking
Tick tock tick tock
Tick tock tick tock
Tick tock tick tock
Tick tock tick ******* tock

Until the noise of the hand
Was written in my brain
In every song I sung
Every thought I thunk
I couldn’t make the noise go away

It was taking over my life
Telling me what we do
When to eat and when to sleep
And when to do the other stuff that I do

So I broke the clock
And thought it was over
But the world wouldn’t give up
They just couldn’t leave me alone
They came one after another
And put clocks in my room

Every shape, every size
Wristwatches, wall clocks
They even got me
A grandfather’s clock
Until every space inside my fortress of solitude
Was filled with tiny, ticking machines
And every cell in my mind
Became just like theirs

Now I’m one of them
And wear a watch wherever I go
I see the time before going out
I see the time when I’ve to get home

I know what I’ve become
I’m scared of what’s next
I’m scared of the time
I’ll have to put clocks
In the room of a little boy
Who’ll never be the same again.
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
Find me a future
Where there’s no history
No records of any man
No family trees
A place where I can be
The man I was supposed to be
A place where I can make my own mistakes
And go on to say,
I was born free

Find me a place
Where there were none before me
A place where I can stay
And build my home
The way I want it to be
A place where I can sleep
Under the open stars at night
And listen to the distant birds
Serenading their lovers, goodnight

To be the first one of a million
Who knows how that would have felt
To be completely alone
Without a companion or a friend
Still, living life as it should be lived
Still, discovering joy in things we’ve never done
A world like this for every man is a dream
A world like this only belonged to one
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
Out he walked
Into the blue
Into the land
Where the oceans knew
His name
His past
He had come home
At long last

He walked in the fields
That had held him
When he was small
Taking care of him, feeding him
Fending for him, teaching him
The rules of the place where he was to go
The place they called Earth
Where animals thought themselves supreme
And reigned over all that was blue or green
But now he had returned from there
Taken his lessons to reflect on them here
To sit in the place where he had once learnt
And pass on his knowledge back to the earth

From which, there will another arise
His equal in all aspects, but wise
Because he will have the teachings of his predecessor
Along with the knowledge he will gain on his own
And will use it to restore peace to the Earth
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
The smile on her face
And the look in her eyes
Told the world the story of her life

For the one who was meant to read it
The story told itself, gushing out like mountain water

The face that she showed the world
The upbeat, girl with the echoing laugh
Dancing to the latest records
Singing along to Mayer's songs
The face, the smile, all a charade

The face that she showed to him, though
The one she kept hidden in a secret corner of her mind
Was the one she put out in the open
Only for the people she loved
The vulnerable woman, with a need for someone to bank on
For someone to love
It looked up to him to love her back

But he didn't
He tried and he tried
But he couldn't
Couldn't bring himself to love the girl
Who had made him her universe

No one could fault him, though
Not loving someone isn't a crime
But that wasn't all he did
He caused her so much pain just by denying
The love that she craved

Isn't that pain worthy of some twisted justice?

I don't know
And I probably never will
I'm not the girl I'm talking about...
Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
Silence was supposed to be my veil
It was supposed to shield me from the worlds
From the noise of the outside
The thumping, numbing noise
Which creeps up next to you
When you least it expect it
and grows louder and louder
and Louder and LOUDER

My veil of silence gave away
but only because all of you let yours down
The collective effort of all you people
Brought my veil down too
And added me to the crowd
The crowd of screaming, chattering zombies

Words will lose their meaning now
And sentences, their coherence
The mind will struggle to keep alive
As I slip into the void
I hope you survive
The Noise
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