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Shibesh Mehrotra Jun 2012
She said it was alright
When a moment ago
I told her
I didn’t love her anymore

She said it was alright
When a lifetime ago
I told her
I couldn’t live up to her dreams

She said it was alright
When I got down to my knees
To give her an ordinary ring
Because I couldn’t afford anything else

She said it was alright
To any and everything
I had ever dared confess

She said it was alright
Because deep inside of her
Was a love for me, almost endless

It’s true, i could have tried harder
To please her, to love her
To appease her, to deserve her

But i didn’t, and i’ll tell you why
Many a night, i’d seen her cry
Alone and depressed
Confined and distressed
In the familial laws and rules that bind
That told her not to speak her mind
That crush her worse than i ever could
If only, she understood

All i wanted to do was to make her say
It’s not alright and slap my face
Take a knife and stab my heart
For pulling all her dreams apart
But she never said a thing
Bound by all those invisible strings

Perhaps it’s time to end this game
And save her before she goes insane
Save her from this world that binds her
Save her from the veil that blinds her
It won’t be easy but i’ll do my best
Take off her shackles and give her some rest

But she is one from millions in the world
I’ll save one from her prison
But what about the rest?
What about the millions that we blessed
With an eternal veil?
You won’t answer that
Neither will I
After all, who wants to give up a servant
For whom, everything is alright….

— The End —