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 Nov 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
To my beloved father who's no longer with us; I wish you were here to see me now.
I'm the little girl in a grown up body who grew up to be a woman you can be proud of.
I miss you dearly my beloved father who gets half of the credit for my being on this earth.
I've a great appreciation of your patient and learned words; I followed in your foot steps.

Feel blue at times because you left before I had the chance to tell you how much I love you.
We both know you're looking down and rooting for me as I experience parenting first hand.
I know your job wasn't easy and I understood when you said no; it was with good reason.
But that little girl in me often wishes you were still here for that occasional  heart to heart.

Miss you and always be grateful and never forget what you taught through great example.
Never "ever" saying, "Do as I say kid, but turn blind eyes away from Dad's bad actions".
I'll always be thankful for you showing me integrity in words that mirrored your actions.  
I'm grateful you allowed me to make mistakes and gently guided me with your wisdom.

From you I learned; No matter how much life pushes you to extremes, you keep fighting.
From you I learned; Love and respect of life even when faced with hate born from illogic.
From you I learned; Love self enough to set free all that damages physically & emotionally.
From you I learned; To proudly stand alone when necessary, never to cower; face my fears.
Though your life on this planet was cut short, what you taught will last infinite life times.  
You were the kind of dad everyone loved and admired; you brought joy by your presence.
There are so many things I vividly remember about you and shared with my own children
You worked extremely hard to provide for us and showed Nothing worthwhile is ever easy

Happy Father's Day 2013 to my beloved father and all dads every where!
 Nov 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Vous serez toujours dans mon coeur.
Vous serez egalement mon port dans la tempete.
Essayant de ne pas faire trop d'erreurs,
si je le fais, sourire, t'aime mon ami.
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