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Apr 2017 · 336
Shelby Young Apr 2017
leaking, pooling, dripping fast
be it tears or water in this carafe?

bottled up and wound so tight
looking for darkness when only there is light

all signs point to left but you veer right
this house is not your home tonight

ghosts, and spirits, visions of past
let go and leave them for once and for last
Apr 2017 · 434
calm before the storm
Shelby Young Apr 2017
on still water
this pool of "passion"
it's clear to see below

no ripples here
ne'er there were
and they'll surely never flow

but calm and serene
may not make a dream
the choppy waves
are what she craves

o captain, my captain
sail on
this one is not your swan song
Apr 2017 · 255
Shelby Young Apr 2017
'tis with sorrow and regret
the sun within our ship did set
a mistaken word
a withered gaze
all but blurred us to a haze

for the memories that once were pure
are tainted now to be no more
when i reminisce
and imagine your face
all feelings left are of disgrace
Apr 2017 · 227
Shelby Young Apr 2017
i am a poison
trust and true
some may birth me
some will brew

whence past your lips i flow
your inhibitions are let go

you know me bad
you know my crimes
yet even so
you'll waste your time

savor every sip you take
for i am your downfall, i am your fate
Shelby Young Oct 2012

Angels whisper, spirits scream,
When all nightmares turn to a dream.
People pray, children play,
What has our world come to today?

"Why did daddy not return?"
Children ask as mothers squirm.
"The bomb took him away," they must say,
"That is what our world has come to today."

Katrina ruined many lives,
Parents lost kids, husbands lost wives.
As New Orleans became hell on Earth,
Houses were swallowed under the surf.
Everything is not okay,
Look at what our world has come to today.

Gas prices keep climbing higher and higher,
People claim the governments a liar,
For making all the prices soar.
Therefore the people roar,
"Why should we have to pay?"
Because this is what our world has come to today.

Third world countries beg for food,
If only we all understood.
With out stomachs full and pockets empty,
We should share - for we have plenty.
Now listen to what they have to say,
"Why is this what our world has come to today?"
Oct 2012 · 708
my words
Shelby Young Oct 2012
if my words were written down

and thrown into the wind

i wonder if you’d hear them

and learn of how i sinned

if my words were written down

and tossed into the waves

i wonder if you’d find them

in the sea, their shallow grave

if my words were written down

and left there on the floor

i wonder if you’d pick them up

and try to learn some more

if my words were written down

and shouted from a hill

i wonder if you’d listen

a hope i wish you would fulfill

if i spoke my words to you

would you take notice or just leave

i wonder if you’d even care

or just abandon me
Shelby Young Oct 2012
thoughts come crashing out of sound

my fingertips just jotting down

the words and all the feelings too

with depths as vast as the ocean blue

the lyrics flee my mouth and mind

as quickly as this watch tells time

each second ticks to match my pen

etching this paper from end to end

we’re emptying the flowing cup

of tears and smiles, it’s not enough

to cleanse me of those dying days

of barking dogs and kids at play

forever shadows in my brain

they’re never to be real again

but nothing will change for me

for i will never be set free

until words fall from outer space

into this soundproof plastic case

where they can scream but won’t be heard

for nothing is quite more absurd

than silences that shriek aloud

and chatter mouths who can’t be found

only fools attempt to understand

and that is why we walk this land
Oct 2012 · 691
Shelby Young Oct 2012
whispered thoughts flow through my brain

while ice cold blood flows through my veins

my mind is dark and my heart made of stone

i’m left to obsess in this house all alone

my glass is breaking, i’m fading fast

consumed with my many ghosts of the past

it is clear this world is not mine for the taking

as i realize dreams are not meant for the waking
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
the truth
Shelby Young Oct 2012
forever means never, to believe is to lie, to trust is to lust and to try is to die. so hope for forever and keep on believing, trust in yourself and your goals keep achieving. but, forever will happen and lies may be told, lust is inevitable and you die when you’re old.
Oct 2012 · 495
Shelby Young Oct 2012
F.* orever is
U.* nclear right now but I
C.* an’t just
K.** eep waiting.
Oct 2012 · 690
"pick up lines"
Shelby Young Oct 2012
the alphabet is full

of pretty little letters

two of them are u and i

but they’ll never go together
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
wonder, land?
Shelby Young Oct 2012
sleep does not come easy

reality wears thin

insecurities are peaking

i’m unable to let you in

forever in the shadows

shunning all the light

the clock is ticking faster now

this is my frightful plight

curiosity becomes you

like the rabbit telling time

i understand you’re perfect

but you’re no friend of mine
Oct 2012 · 834
one year
Shelby Young Oct 2012
our summer fling became something that i could not believe

all by chance a fall romance blossomed from the seeds

by winter-time it seemed a crime to miss a day with you

and then by spring you were everything our love so just and true

now a year has passed and at last it is time for me to leave

in the summer sun it sure was fun au revoir, mon ami
Oct 2012 · 599
Shelby Young Oct 2012
in this room, my prison cell

where shapes and shadows alike do dwell

i recall once more the story you tell

as i drift to sleep

in this room, this dungeon place

i fear the light and shrinking space

i think of how my heart did race

and then i softly weep
Oct 2012 · 759
Shelby Young Oct 2012
you cry out for human attention

while you loathe all human affection

try to resist the human infection

yet you crave human interaction

and you pine for human satisfaction

while you dream of human perfection

but you will never be human again
Oct 2012 · 968
Shelby Young Oct 2012
it’s a long road to walk

with the devil on my back

weighing down my thoughts

veering me off track

it’s a twisted path to tread

with your face inside my mind

your voice inside my head

if only death would be so kind

it’s a tempting street to run

with the desperate and the rats

only seeking out some fun

never once glancing back

it’s a desolate trail i lead

with ghosts, my only friends

spewing warnings i should heed

will i ever reach the end?
Oct 2012 · 425
Shelby Young Oct 2012
B** eautiful
L iquid
O n the floor,
O verflowing and seeping beneath the
D oor
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
the house on the hill
Shelby Young Oct 2012
As firetrucks pass
And crowds gather round
The smoke billows through
From the sky to the ground

The town just watches
And silently gapes
At the mansion that’s burning
Right past the big gate

It’s four houses wide
And three stories tall
With a narrow tin roof
It would be easy to fall

The paint was chipping,
There was rust everywhere
But that was all covered
By the smoke in the air

“Is the monster gone?”
A boy asks his mother
She caresses his ear
And whispers in the other

“I’m not sure, baby.”
“But I hope that it’s true…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence
‘…or he’ll come and take you’.

You see, in this town
They suffered quite a plight
Of a demon that takes children,
Steals them into the night

Also in this town,
On the hill past the gate
Lives a solemn old man
Er well, lived I should say

If you guessed he resided
In that rickety castle
Well your guess would be right,
Now was that such a hassle?

He moved in last summer
And that’s when it started
Parents waking to find,
Their children departed

Without much thought,
The town formed a mob
To track down their kids,
Revenge the lives that were robbed

The signs slowly pointed
To the top of the hill,
To the castle past the gate
And the mob grew shrill

“It’s that man!”
“It’s that creep!”
“Let’s take him down!”
“We’ll band together and drive him out of our town!”

But as you know,
Mobs can be hectic
Then there was fire,
That part wasn’t directed

No one pointed fingers,
No one placed blame
For, you see, their goal
Was ultimately the same

Dispose of the monster,
The man in the house,
And now they all watched
As the fire was doused

The body was covered,
All white with a sheet
He was gone, they did it!
Good job, what a treat!

That night, the children,
All safe in their beds,
Slept soundly and safely
Happy thoughts in their heads

Their parents were jubilant,
All worry-free
Their babies were safe,
So they sighed “Yipee!”

But then midnight came,
To that boy with the mother,
When she awoke.
She cried and she shuddered

Her son, he was gone
Not a trace of him left
But an etching that said,
“I’ll be back for the rest”
Oct 2012 · 527
I don't know...
Shelby Young Oct 2012
I don't know why the cars are still driving
Down and up the road
I don't know why the sky is blue
Or the clouds do what they're told

I don't know why the wind whispers through
This deserted run down town
I don't know how everyone keeps going
Even though you're not around

— The End —