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 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
i. My one & only
To hold
Never will he leave me lonely
Or out in the cold

ii. The man; a sea away
Can I tell you why I hide my tears?
To ever break your fragile mind
Is one of my biggest fears

iii. Tortured artist
Years & half hours pass,
tearing conversations apart
Behind your guarded eyes I can tell

You'll never let me touch your heart.
 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
3:41 am
a late night cigarette
                         I'm coming down again
but lay your heavy head to rest

         I would wake you
but love, I realize
that sleep is the only place
where peace falls on your restless mind

Pull & drag
                     now it's 3:45
conscious take cover
allow my tired brain to hide

Chills & a dry cough
hallucinogenic view
baby medicate me,
                              for you're the only drug I choose.
 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
You are
           my sip of
           through all the hazy days
Light parts around your face
                                         Curious eyes ablaze
                & I couldn't honestly
                        tell you another way
                          that I'd want to spend
                                                              a lazy Monday
 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
Mind racing backwards,
Wrist bleeding against the wall
This is my story,
Scar tissue and all
Read the last two lines in Anthony Kiedis's biography. Great book
the darkness comes as it goes

the dread however, seems intent on staying.

falling to my feet only ends up a ****** mess

theres no soft place to fall,

no solice to take.


there is only the act of hardening

and tempered steel,

though, when cold to the touch

is savagely barren

it can still in the heat of fire

take on the attributes of warmth

and melt and become something rather inept

though slightly beautiful.


what then, is there to do but reform our selves

and invite anguish and pain and then harden and soften again

till we find the shape of our hearts in the mould of the future

we once dreamed of

if we can still remember it.


and dread will be our constant companion;

the third wheel in our fortunes.

which was never handed to us in any decent form of fate,

but that in that fight of going anywhere

somewhere hidden in the violent struggle

is our often ignored love

beating its heart out for the tempo to temper


both beats to trigger each other in all our love states

simply to be recognised for what they are,

 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
I always thought the world was out to get me
All the **** you put me through left me
hot and angry
I never did realize what I had and now that
I'm thinking back it wasn't all that bad.
Now all I do is mope around
till my face hits the ground
I'm choking now!
till I can't make a sound.
You ******* *****
Screamin and dealin
With issues I've never ******* seen before
So I walk up to the doctors office and I say
you better give me something to take this
******* pain away
Don't think I won't take this gun
and put it to your head
The monsters are out from my closet
and in my ******* head
50 Oxys in a bottle to take me on vacation for a day
It ain't much
but it's the reason I stay
 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
Ponds upon your frozen face
Snowflakes catch in the reeds
Waves frozen, miles high
Steam geisers as you breathe

A smoke to take the darkness away
Blacken your lungs instead of your heart
And although you stray, miles south
Love, we are never truly apart.
 Dec 2013 Shelby Murray
Worried sir?
Don't take offence  
It is a simple matter of competence

Through my triumphs & torture
I seem to have grown
A terror of letting
Ones heart be my home

and you see right through me

I need not wish to cause you pain
But I am a bird
Without her cage

Guess what baby?
The tides are high!
I've always been afraid of heights
But I'll fly



True to your horoscope
Beautiful sensitivity
For only you wish to be loved
& the tears wiped from your cheek

I ask you to let me soar;
Though I'll travel the entire ocean
I will always turn back up on shore.  

*my minds not stable enough at this time,
I wish to only speak to you
with light in my eyes
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