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Sheeda Dec 2012
Living to linger between the sheets
The wet, fresh ink of a poet

And her pen
Twisting, turning, writhing
Contorting cursive q's and z's
And ever eternal O's

Seeking immortality

Accepting immorality

On, in, and lingering between
Blank, White
Sheeda Jul 2013
I long for the siren who whispers my name in her song
Who calls me into the oceans of her eyes
And drowns me in her words.
Her voice lingers in my mind from times past
And like a scar on my heart forever lasts
Through my looking glass I, the oceans, peruse
In search of her, my first and only muse.
Sheeda Oct 2012
Kiss me like it'll be the last time
Because it might be
Hold me in your arms like I'm already slipping
Because I am
Find me in these bottomless depths
Because I'm lost
Show me a reason to live
Because I can't find one
Look into my eyes for as long as stars are old
Because the light is dying
Pick up the pieces of me I left behind
Because I don't know where they are
Plaster a smile onto my face
Because I want to feel how I look
Wipe the tears from my eyes
Because I can't see anymore
Tell me everything will be okay
Because I honestly want to believe it
What happened to me?
Who am I?
Sheeda Nov 2012
In other places around the world
Time moves like honey
Dripping from a spoon
And life is slow and sweet.
People live under the warm amber light
That is the sun.
Words rolls on their tongues
like sugar apple seeds
tucked into their cheeks
to be saved for planting.
They wander with slippered feet
Until the sun sinks into the top of the buildings
And the sky turns pink, purple, then deep navy blue.
The moon lights a slow dance
Between the waves and the shore
While a breeze plays the palm trees
And the wings of crickets sing.
With backs to softly rocking hammocks
And eyes open to the stars above
The people of a calmer world
Drift slowly off to sleep.
Companion piece to Busy as Bees. Life is so much better when you take the time to slow down and look around.
Sheeda Oct 2012
I was excited to see you today
I really was... It's just that I was a little scared.
Crowds scare me. So do tall people.
I'm sorry my past showed up,
But, then again you are a part of it
(hopefully not for much longer,
I'd much rather you in the present).
First impressions can be tough, but
What about seconds?
Nothing in my poems lie.
I speak loudly, boldly through my pen
Because sometimes my voice fails me,
Or my words do.
Or maybe I fail them.
I have never been asked to dance...
Nervousness and awkwardness >.< apprehension.
Sheeda Oct 2012
Sometimes I cry.
Usually it's before bed.
My pillow becomes wet with tears
let loose by loneliness, anger, surrender.
My body shakes as each sob tears through my soul
and vibrates through my vocal chords to come out as helpless whimpers.
My arms constantly reach for comfort and reassurance, but grasp nothing but despair.
I blink through the tears, seeing nothing,
and wonder why I'm still alive.
If anyone would miss me if I were gone.
My lungs search for air in gasps
between each bout of fresh tears
and take in thick fog
that suffocates everything but my cries.
I can feel my heart physically breaking
and losing its once-steady beat.
This goes on for the longest time.
Until my throat is parched, my tongue is dry, and my eyes are empty
My body numbs over and everything goes limp.
I am already unconscious though I am awake, so there is no transition to sleep.
I do not dream.
I wake up the next morning with crusty eyes
and a sunken feeling.
There is no relief.
Sheeda Nov 2012
Though the sun may outshine you during the day
Your light and his can't compare

You are a star who transcends time
Night's diamond of beauty so rare.

As I see you now, I see your past
It is as it was, shining true.

Remark my words as I send myself
A million light years to be next to you.
Sheeda Jan 2013
True love can not be spoken
into a lover's ear.
It cannot be heard
by a most sweetest dear.
It cannot be given
in a box with a bow.
It cannot be taken
forcefully, or no.
It can though, be felt
by the sincerest of heart
Between two lovers
ten worlds apart
Who yearn for each other
and look to the moon
Knowing their lovers
are looking at it too.
One of those silly little poems on a concept I'm not supposed to know anything about because I am too young. Well, pooh.
Sheeda Nov 2012
Thank you for this broken home
And for a broken night
For every single argument
And every single fight.
Thank you for every punch
And every stone that has been thrown
For every single insult hurled
For leaving me alone.
Thank you for every single
Tear that I have cried
And for every part of me
That has been lost or died.
Thank you for all my weaknesses
For every weight I've had to pull
For every single failure
And every time I've been a fool.
Thank you for helping me
Find my strengths inside
For showing me the silver lining
The dark clouds have belied.
Thank you for showing me
That nothing is out of reach
That everyone I meet in life
Has something to teach.
Thank you for showing me
That I could do it on my own
And that with my friends, my family
I will never be alone.
Just something I threw together... oh well
Sheeda Oct 2012
Standing up tall
Bow at the ready
Eyes glued to the target
Steady, steady
Leaving no time
To hesitate
For fear of getting
Just an eight
Straight and true
The arrow flies
Hits dead center
She's on the rise.
The last line of this kinda bugs me :/ also, I do know how to shoot :]
Sheeda Apr 2013
Drop a stone in a well
And wait for it to
Splash into the water depths
You feel
Interminable seconds pass
And the echo of contact
Does not bounce up the stony sides
A white pebble
Gleamless as it falls through dark darker
Than pitch at midnight
And nothing more
The consummation of sound
Is never made
It won't be
And yet
You wait
With an ear to the yawning mouth
You wait
Perhaps forever
For the satisfaction
The confirmation
Of a plink at the bottom of a well.
Sheeda Oct 2012
The world is unfair, I tell you it’s true
The world’s always crying, the skies never blue
But in the world of my dreams, we all have a smile
We all work hard to make life worth while
But what we want never comes, without a fair price
And usually people give up being nice

So I'm sitting there with you, trying to solve
Why the world can still revolve
With all the worry, with all the pain
Has it thought, I can’t spin again
But then I remember all the good happenings
The rainbow after rain, the bird that sings

Then I realize the world isn’t so bad
Some things happy, some things sad
I sit there and weigh out the bad and the good
It turns out they’re equal, and with that I stood
I thought, I can change the balance of this
So I got up and gave you one, sweet kiss

Now the good outweighs the bad
I wrote this a really long time ago :]
Sheeda Sep 2012
To look, or not to look: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to forsake
The entertaining of such fanciful thoughts of love or lust
Or to pursue them against all odds of a benign response,
And by seeking, obtain? To look: to see:
Maybe more; And by a sight to find
In the glitter of an lined eye the interest and wanting
That impels said actions; ‘tis a reciprocation
Devoutly sought. To look: to see:
To see: perchance to lose: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that subtle glance what times may follow after
Whether the ice is broken or the heart instead,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of a choice to peek;
For who would bear the hurt of a scornful return,
A finding that the goddess is a medusa,
A turning of the fancies to stone,
A realization of disinterest, a knitting of the brows
A frown’s beginnings on a face so fair,
When she herself might her peace make
By refraining to meet the intended’s eye? Who would want
To face a rejection that is in all chance,
But for the regret that comes with a chance not taken,
Leaving what could be as what could have been
Forevermore, which makes us turn
And face the one to one million
Than never to face it at all?
Thus fear of rejections makes regretters of us all,
And thus the resolve to be one of a million
Is weakened by weighty o’erthought,
And an attempt to contemplate her soul through her eyes
With this regard are abandoned,
And lost to remain as fanciful thought.
Written for my english class on 09.27.12
Sheeda Oct 2012
I wish that you would find me
I have sought you for so long
I caught a glimpse of you in ocean waves,
Heard your twinkle in a song.

I thought I found you many times
You never proved me right
So in the shadows I shall stay
While others linger in your light.

Oh Love, why do you treat me so
And hide away so well?
Please just come and stay with me;
I'll never kiss and tell.

Make my heart into your home
And in its chambers rest
I promise to hold you, oh so dear,
My Love, I shall attest.

And when the day has come to end
My life's fire turn to embers
Love, you will be free to go
But I shall always remember.
Sheeda Dec 2012
To swim, to fly
In your deep blue eyes
The ocean and sky
Is all I ask of you.
Sheeda Sep 2012
My burden is heavy;
My soul, it tires,
As I'm forced to march
Through these hellfires.
How much I long
To let all go
And float to a heaven
I have yet to know
Sheeda Oct 2012
I am undefined
I live off blank pages
I will be remembered
By future ages
I'm the most innocent of babes
The most wizened of sages
The calmest of oceans
The most violent of rages
I am the words
Between the lines
I am rhythm
and almost-rhymes
I am society's
I form the beat
and keep no time.
Sheeda Mar 2013
A kiss in the blue black dark
Inhibitions lost to drink
But slowly returning
Almost sober, but not quite
Forehead to forehead
Nose to nose
Chin to chin
Mouth to mouth
Resuscitation from this
Sparks fly between the two
But there are repercussions for that
Hands of another were held so tightly
Lips of another were made slightly wet
With a kiss unorthodox, taboo
Another's ******* pressed to his chest
While trying to make out another's eyes in the dark
A whispered goodnight
An event unregretted
A secret?
Lips that burned for more
But shushed
And feelings unrestrained.
Sheeda Feb 2013
Broken within, broken without
Broken within broken without
SAnity is but a dream
Row your boat to a merry place
And move move move on
Find the sunrise and abandon sunsets
Move move move east
Around and around circles
No relief
Row Row
Never stop
I hate the life I'm living now.
Sheeda Oct 2012
Why can't you take me as I am,
Or take me not at all?
Why do you hold me up so high
Just to let me fall?
Why do you ignore my voice
Until you see me cry?
Why do you treat me like you do;
Please just tell me why?
Why do you steal my words
and throw them in my face?
Why do you make me feel alone,
As if I've got no place?
Why do you never keep your words,
The promises you make?
Why do I have to give my all
If all you do is take?
Sheeda Oct 2012
Words, words, words
Yours set fire to my mind
with candle-like subtleties.
Punishment for all the sins
that haven't been committed... yet.
Call me a *******,
but it hurts in the best way.
Make me writhe in the inferno of my thoughts
Burn your touch into my memory
and set my skin blazing
The hellish flames licking enticingly
at my throat and the spaces between my toes.
Make this unforgettable.
Flickering embers swirling
through the confines of body and mind
to be remembered forevermore.
Sheeda Oct 2012
Would you care to know...
that my favorite color is green?
that good music sends a tingle up my spine?
that I love the ocean passionately?
that I always take cold showers and I love them?
that I collect mugs of all shapes and sizes and
that my recent favorite says "grouch" on it?
that I am loving and caring?
that stepping on crunchy leaves makes me smile?
that looking at my toes does too?
that my favorite places to get kissed are on my cheek, nose, and forehead?
that I sing and play the ukulele?
that I love to cuddle?
that I write poetry?
that my cookies and pancakes are the bomb diggety?
that I say bomb diggety?
the word "pudding" makes me laugh?
that I write quotes on my bathroom mirror?
that I sleep with a teddy I've had for 16 years?
that I'm stronger than you think I am?
that you don't know me in the least?

Or, would you rather care to know...
that I am vulnerable?
that I'm a great kisser?
that I have "experience"?
that I can make your night?
or would you rather not?
And just take me
No questions asked,
No exchange but that of the body
Then none forever after?
If those are your wishes, then you don't deserve me in the least.
And I am not making you pancakes.
Sheeda Sep 2012
Write these words upon my heart
and seal them with a kiss.
Send them on the wings of time
and hope they shan't be missed.

Tie your soul onto your thoughts
and throw them out to sea.
Let them float a thousand leagues
until they come to me.

I shall do the same for you
with heart and soul and mind.
And if it all turns for the best,
I am yours and you are mine.

— The End —